Tuesday, November 2, 2010

(Chirp Chirp)

That's what I'm hearing everytime I sit down to write a blog post. I suppose I have a bit of blogger's block. Yes, I could give another rant about my baby who's permanent address is my left boob or my tiara wearing toilet paper trashing toddler or even my new found rage for my husband when he snores while I'm still getting up all night. At times I find myself daydreaming about him waking up to find me standing next to his side of the bed with a butcher knife & half cocked smile. (Just kidding of course...kind of. No seriously, completely joking. Probably.)

But I've written enough about the tough parts of mommyhood, you don't need to hear it again. Most of you are living it.

I would LOOOOVVVVE to share a great new crafting project with you but sadly (sniffle sniffle) my sewing room is getting cobwebs.

So here I am, just checking in with a little hello (Hi.) so you know I'm still around.
(I'm actually doing quite well, we're slowly but surely adjusting to our new family...two steps forward one step back at a time.)

Good news is my BFF from Florida is flying in today with her two little girls and is staying all week long for a visit! HOORAAAY! She's also a new sewer, perhaps some virgin blood will get me going...

BTW! The random winning comment for the beauuuutiful tutu from All the Roses is....

Nancy's Couture!

Nancy, please send me an email with your address & I'll pass it along to Heather!


  1. Hi back :) glad to hear you are still chugging along ;)

  2. All this will be a blur in 6 months and you will be back at that machine in no time. I am sure your BFF will be a great dose of creativity.

  3. Hey, I'm impressed you can find the internet and remember which boob is the left one. Also, I just randomly remembered that when Nicole was a new baby I was extremely aggravated because my left armpit smelled like a man the second I got out of the shower and my right one smelled like a rose if I ran a marathon sans deo. I actually wrote a blog post titled 'My Left Armpit.' So you also get points for not writing about your armpits. And not having a mom haircut. See, I remembered that you weren't getting one this time. I actually got mine already. Pre-emptively. Things are looking really positive for me, I think.

  4. Ahhh I remember those days. My oldest wanted to eat every hour and a half and took a good 40 minutes to eat. Needless to say I have very little time even to shower, never the less make my way to the sewing machine. So I am impressed you found the computer.

  5. if nothing else, she can babysit while you craft, right...hehehe

  6. Oh, I so know what you are talking about! Hang in there. Last night I had to put myself in "timeout" just so I wouldn't kill anyone! My blog is always neglected because I can't seem to juggle it all. Have a wonderful visit with your friend. She will be a pleasant distraction :)

  7. Once when my children were 2 1/2 and 2 months, I got up in the middle of the night to feed the baby and tripped over my husbands clothes that were lying on the floor. So I got out the staple gun and stapled them to the floor. It was the best I could do for crafting that month and he doesn't leave his clothes on the floor any more.......

  8. Oh, that last comment made me crack up! Thanks for the laugh! I totally hear you! Sometimes when I crawl back into bed in the middle of the night after feeing the baby I kind of jump into bed in hopes of waking up the snoring beast beside me. How is it that they can sleep through everything?! I've been feeling my creative juices being sapped away as I sit feeding the baby for half of the day. The other half is taken up with the other four kids. I just keep the hope alive that one day I'll be able to get back into my sewing room and create something just for the fun of it!

  9. Hang in there, and have fun with your bff!

    I remember when our daughter was eating every two hours, there was one night that my husband got up to feed her all night from pumped milk while I took one night's sleep (which probably wasn't good for my "supply" but I needed it).

    The next morning I asked, "how do you feel?"
    He said, "HORRIBLE."
    "Now imagine your husband will still be gone all day," I replied.

  10. It's so funny, I've been reading your blog for a while and have loved all the projects you make (I have a toddler girl too), but I could not believe it when your baby Sophie was born almost exactly a day after my new baby boy Bear (he was 8/18/10 at 9:50pm) AND we had both been on bedrest... weird right? It is for this reason that I want to say, I completely and utterly sympathize. What's more, I like reading your mommy posts (even if you think you're moaning) because I realize I'm not alone in the chaos that is learning to care for a toddler and a newborn. So thanks for the honesty, it makes me smile and helps me not feel so ashamed of my horrifically messy house that I cleaned 'til 1am just to have it trashed the next day.

  11. I am so glad I'm not the only one that thinks VERY mean things about my husband while he's asleep snoring his brains out! That's why I don't feel bad for kicking him for breathing too loudly. Sometimes I pretend to stretch just to wake him up so he'll stop. And then I say, "Oh sorry I was just stretching". It gets better. My little girl just turned 1. Wait until they starting fighting over toys. Joy.

  12. Oy with the toilet paper. What is that? My kid can fill a toilet with toilet paper in under 5 seconds. My husband doesn't sleep a whole lot, he usually only gets about 4-5 hours a night by choice. But that can make it worse. He is up in the living room playing a video game or playing on the computer and he conveniently can't hear the baby. So I'm in and out of the bed while I'm trying to sleep and all he is doing is f'ing around on the computer. Ahhhhhh...venting feels so good. And the stapling the clothes to the floor is a priceless vision.

  13. Well, at least you can brag that you are making it online! I am lucky to be able to pick up my laptop once a week. :-( I thought going from 2 kids to 3 would be easy, but no. It has been so very hard! Hang in there, I think we both need it! :-)

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. You were featured on my blog, because I used your tutorial for baby legs!!

