Monday, October 25, 2010

Sister Tutus (Giveaway!)

Pretty darn cute, huh?
Well yes, I am a bit fond of the kids but I was referring to the tutus.

Heather from "All the Roses" sent Samster & Sophie those two beauuuutiful tutus as a baby present. And as a present to you guys she's got a "Tot Tier's Tutu" for you too!
Pretty nice lady if you ask me.

The contest will be the usual standard stuff, leave a comment, (tell me what little princess you know that the tutu will be for) & at the end of the day on Friday I'll choose a winning comment at random. But wait, there's more! (cue Price is Right music)

If you don't want to leave it to chance that you'll win one then here's your motivation to buy your own. Heather has been sweet enough to offer all Samster Mommy readers 10% off if you purchase a tutu from her between now & Friday! (Just converse with her through her etsy shop)

I think I can pretty much call myself a tutu connoisseur after the Tutu Drive & I can say in utter honesty that Heather's tutus are some of the most stunning, well-crafted tutus I've ever scene. THEY. ARE. GORGEOUS.

And yes, I'm a tad bias since she sent me some but hopefully you guys know me well enough by now to know that I'm not one to b.s. you, if I say it's a good tutu than doggonit IT'S A GOOD TUTU! (Shaking Fist!!)

Here are a few more from her shop, I just love the cascading layers & big satin ribbon bow in the back...pretty, pretty, pretty!I've got to see if I can convince Heather to teach me how to make that pink tulle dress, isn't it the dreamiest thing you ever did see? And the hydrangea tutu with petal bathing cap?! My goodness, you could do your own Anne Geddes photo shoot with these outfits!

Good luck!


  1. Oh, these are stunning! They look comfy, too. Little Sophie would look like a cupcake!


  2. OMG the girls are adorable!!!!!
    The tutu will be for my BFF little girl.

  3. my daughters would LOVE these!! love the satin trim - great giveaway!! - Mandy, Sugar Bee Craft Edition

  4. Oh my gosh! CUTEST Tutu EVER! and I can promise that is one that my daughter would probably NEVER take off!

  5. That is pretty darn cute! You have beautiful girls!

  6. My little Hannah would LOVE one of these, thanks for the chance to win one. They are adorable (the kids and the tutu's)

  7. I have 2 college kids and a surprise 2 year old:) The tutu will be for her since she is the princess of the house:)

  8. Your girls are beautiful! You are so blessed! I would LOVE one of these gorgeous tutus for my little princess...I would definately do a photoshoot with her in it! :)

  9. Those are amazing!!! I LOVE them. My daughter is 14 months old and totally a princess. She would love it. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  10. well, my little princess is 12, but she would still love to have one of these! She loves to play dress up with her brother!

  11. Oh My GOODNESS!! The hydranga one is way too cute! Im just gushing over it. I have a 23 month old and a 7 month old - both girls. We love everything girly. We love it more when its matching!

  12. My princess would love one of these. What a great giveaway!

  13. How cute are your little babies!! A friend of mine just had her 2nd daughter. So she has a newborn and a 16 month old. She is busy, but these would look perfect on her girls!

  14. that hydrangea one IS TOO GORGEOUS! So are your little girls in their matching tutus!

  15. I would love to have one for my daughter. She's about to start walking and that would make for the cutest photo prop!
    kayla.dishon (at)

  16. How cute! Your daughters are adorable! I know my little sister would love one of those!

  17. Oh my goodness those are adorable!! The tutus, the pictures, and the little girls! My niece would love one!

  18. My girl is just a tad too big for tutus, but my sister's got an adorable baby who probably doesn't realize she needs one.

  19. I don't have a child young enough for the tutu, but it is adorable. I just want to let you know that the girls are gorgeous!

    Good luck everyone ;-)

  20. Those are so dang cute and girly! I love it. I would get one for my daughter. She's just started getting into dress-up. She'll stand in front of our oven (to see her reflection) and spin and check herself out. So cute!

  21. They are soooooo beautiful! My little princess reallt NEEDS one of these tutus!
    Thanks for the chance to win one!

  22. My gorgeous daughter would be STUNNING in one of those! Plus, she's an excellent dancer and a good dancer needs costumes!... and my sewing skills are not up for the type of fancy displayed here :-P

  23. They are gorgeous. My daughter would love one of them.

  24. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! I have a little girl who would look even more like a princess in one! :) Love the purple flowered one.

    sunshinekmp at yahoo dot com

  25. I think I would be in trouble with the hubby if I tried to dress our Buddyroo in a tutu, so I would give the tutu to our darling niece!

  26. Love these - my little girl just turned two and would have a ball in one. Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. Your girls look absolutely adorable in their little tutus....I would love to win this for my daughter's best friend who just found out recently that her first child will be a baby girl due in March....Thanks for the chance to win one of these adorable tutus....

  28. Oh these tutus are so cute! They would be perfect for my little tutu connoisseur Sadie.

  29. Wow those are some cute tutus! My little baby girl, Kennedy, would look adorable in one!

  30. I might have to add a tutu for my little Cricket's Xmas wish list. I've been dying to do a photo shoot w/ her in a tutu and her cowboy boots!

  31. My little girl would love one!

  32. I have a 10 month of girl and a 2 yr old girl...i think they would fight over the tutu! lol

  33. These are so cute! My niece would look adorable in them! :)
    carryssa at gmail dot come

  34. Too cute! Those are really beautiful, creative designs. I have a toddler daughter who would love dressing up in something pretty like this.

  35. Adorable! I'm dying to get my 6 month old into a little tutu for pictures.

  36. How sweet! My niece is due to be born this April, and I know she [& her Momma] would love this! :)

  37. wow! i agree...cutest tutus EVER ... my daughter would LOVE one...i think every photographer should own one too...

  38. The ribbon detail is just so cute!

  39. I have a 10 month of girl and a 2 yr old girl...i think they would fight over the tutu! lol

  40. I love them. If I won, the tutu would be for my almost 15 month old daughter.

  41. I have a 5 year old princess who would love another tutu, esp. one as beautiful as these!

  42. ADORABLE! My daughter would love this!!

  43. How cute!! My daughter would be so cute in this!!

  44. They are gorgeous! It would make a fabulous Christmas gift for my little princess. Thanks for the giveaway!

  45. These are beautiful! My Livy would love this.
    p.s your daughters are adorable.

  46. How cute! My little ones would love them! We just had our second daughter three weeks ago :)

  47. They are gorgeous! My little Mia would love it!

  48. Beautiful tutus! I would love to win one for my little Tessa!

  49. I would love one to pass on to my one and only niece Addy...seems like the rest of us are only producing boys ( She is the only girl out of 8 grand kids!)

  50. Both of my girls would LOVE dressing up in these. So gorgeous!

  51. I love love love it! my daughter is 16 months and i just adore dressing her up in girly attire, especially tutus. Awesome giveaway, thank you.

  52. I love it! I would give it to my daughters.

  53. Wow those tutus are beautiful!! I love the photos you took! I need to take some of my sweet new girl:) The tutu would be for either my 3 month old or my almost 3 year old...bday is Saturday! Hope all is well!!

  54. OMG!!!! No need to shake your fist...we can see how great these are. I AM IN LOVE!! I would for sure want one for my 2 year old PRINCESS:) BTW...your girlies look SOO cute...looks like things are back on track at your house (fingers crossed).

  55. I adore them! If my 3 year old got that, I know for sure she would eat, sleep, and attempt to bathe with it on! Gorgeous!

  56. Those are the most beautiful tutus I've ever seen! My 3 year old daughter Bailey would LOVE one!

  57. Love the tutus! My two girls would have to take turns!!

  58. I have a beautiful newly turned 2 year old who would love one!!

  59. I Looove this TuTus... My baby niece would Love them, to match with her baby sister =)
    P.S. your Girls are soo adorable!

  60. These are so beautiful!!! My daughter turns two in a few weeks and she loves dressing up! This would be a perfect gift! I'm sure she'd wear it to her own party! :)

  61. your babies are so cute! I have a six month old and I would love to give her one of these.

  62. I love these! I have two nieces and I would have to debate which one I wanted to get it for...Ellie is 4 and Ashland is 6 months!

  63. these really do stand out from the pack! How gorgeous! I also LOVE that pink tulle dress, and the cascading layers that go all the way to the feet... How princessy can you get??? My daughter definitely needs one.

  64. these are so stinking adorable!!!!! if i won i would give it to my sweet little neice, Ellie <3

  65. My good friend's 4 year old daughter would be a true princess in one of these beautiful tutus! And I can't wait to dress up a little baby girl of my own someday!

  66. Oh, my 17 month old daughter would love such a beautiful tutu! Nice giveaway!

  67. I love the picture of Sophie laying on her back and looking up at the camera. Too cute. Oh, and the last one of Samster on the chair. Adorable. You can just tell by the pictures that the tutus are of high quality and craftsmanship. I hope to win one for my little girl. Great giveaway! And I am with you on the hydrangea tutu and bathing cap- so incredibly sweet!

  68. These tutus are so amazing. My 2 year old daughter Isabella would love to wear one of these as she dances through her day. The pictures of your girls are so sweet.

  69. Your little ones just look so sweet! My little Phoebe girl just learned how to twirl (she's only 14 months old) and would love a flowy tutu to practice in!

  70. they are really gorgeous!
    It would go to my 2yr old :)

  71. My daughter is so princess obsessed right now she simply MUST have a fluffy, froofy tutu to dance in like a pretty princess. Thanks for entering me for a chance to win this fabulous one!

  72. beautiful!!!!! que dios las bendiga!

  73. OH My Word! These are the cutest TuTu's ever! :) I would love to have one for my little girl Emma Kate :)

  74. So cute! My 2 year old birthday girl (as of Friday) would look great in these ;)

  75. Those tutus are gorgeous! My daughter is just a month or so younger than your Sam and would love one! She loves the pics of baby Sophie - she pointed at one and said "baby Emma" (she's very into looking at her baby pictures these days)

  76. Very cute tutu's!! My daughter will be 2 in December and this would be perfect for her, mommy's little princess! :-) Thanks for a giveaway Natasha!! :-)

  77. Wow, those are amazingly cute tutus. I'd love one for my 13-month-old daughter! I've been decorating her room mostly in primary colors, and one of my best girl friends keeps threatening to come over and re-do it all in ballerinas because she *knows* that's what Annie wants even though she can't express it in words. I don't know about a pink bedroom, but I know Annie would love a tutu!

  78. Sign up my daughter B fir a tutu. Shevwill love twirling in it! Thanks for the chance to win.

  79. These tutus are so precious! My little Magpie would look darling in one! Love em.

  80. I would LOVE this!! I am expecting a baby girl (Olivia) in March and I just can't wait to dress her up!!!

  81. Our Daughter turns 3 on October 31, and we are expecting our 2nd little girl on March 13. These tutus would be perfect for the big sister little sister photo shoot!

  82. eeck! love the tutus! & your girls just rock them! would love this for my girls 2nd birthday. good luck to all! =]

  83. So beautiful! I have two little princesses in my house, so I must say it'll be a toss-up to see who gets it!

  84. I have 3yo and a 19mo and they would love a new tutu!! :o)

  85. My little girl is now 21 months and she would look adorable in a new tutu!

  86. My granddaughter,Chaun is 100% all girl. She walks around the house carring 4 purses at the same time. A girl can never be to prepared.She would love a tutu, to dance around the house in And I would love to win it for her. Thank you

  87. My daughter would love one of these; I might just have to get her baby sister one that matches as well!

  88. I love tutu's. I used your 10-minute tutu tutorial to make my niece a tutu for her 1st birthday. She looks so cute in it and she would look so gorgeous in one of these as well.

  89. Our twin girls would love a tutu!!

  90. I ran into your cute blog and couldn't help but look at all the fun stuff you make! Your daughters are beau-ti-ful! And I absolutely LOVE the tutus! I would love to give one to my sweet niece for Christmas! So stinkin cute!!

  91. These tutu's are adorable! I have a 2 1/2 year old little girl who insists she's a princess, and she LOVES to dress up! This would be perfect! Thanks for the chance to win!

  92. great idea for a giveaway!!! these are just too adorable, my goddaughter samantha would love this!

  93. I LOVE the pictures!!! Absolutely adorable. That little tutu would be perfect for Katelyn's first birthday party.
    tiffany at grimal dot com

  94. Wow, what a talented woman! I am so green with envy over her sewing skills. :-)

  95. What beautiful tutus!! My daughter would love to play in one of these tutus!

  96. My friend has a 5 year old daughter and just had a baby back in May (who is now 5 months) The tutus would be so perfect for them. And my word those tutus are cute!!

  97. These are so amazing!
    My friend just had her second daughter two weeks ago, and these would be perfect for her and her sister. Kendra is the newborn, and Kaelyn is 19 months.
    These would be perfect for these precious girls!

  98. They are ADORABLE! And the tutus are cute too! :)
    I have a two-year-old and she is SUCH a princess! She loves to walk around the house, in her dresses and tell me, "I buiful Mamma!" I know she would love one of those beautiful tutus!

  99. Oh, wow, those are gorgeous! I know my 21 month old niece would LOVE one!

  100. I stumbled here through the world wide web - what beautiful kids and tutus - I'll be a visitor from now on. And would give a tutu to my dear daughter that was super cranky tonight!

  101. Those are adorable! My two-year-old (then, when big enough, my one-year-old!) would look great in one of those!

  102. This is why I love having a little girl to dress up! These tutu's are so cute and beautifully crafted! It would make my little girl think she was more of a princess than she already does :o)

  103. Love these! It would be for my little Sophie. :)

  104. so gorgeous! ack - they need to make matching mommy sized ones too! would love to win!

  105. Your babies are adorable! And the tutus aren't bad either ;)
    If won, the tutus would go to my little girl maddy and her sibling that will make a debut next April! Wish me luck with 2 under 2!!

  106. My 3 year old daughter would LOVE a new tutu. These tutus are just beautiful!

  107. I could eat them up! Your daughters are so cute!
    My daughter would love a new tutu ... There are a lot of dresses out there but these look particularly well-crafted and distinctive. :)

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. My Rylie Bug Would love this tutu, and it would be perfect for her birthday party in two weeks! I just love your blog by the way!

  110. my step-daughter would love one of these tu-tu's....

  111. Those tutus are all gorgeous! I have two girls at home, so one of these would be perfect!

  112. OOO These are SO beautiful!!!! Your baby girls look adorable!
    If i win it will be for my beautiful baby who turns 1 next month! She has the same kidney problems i know your Sam does/had, so she's had it rough, she's also the only little lady of the house (2 bigger brothers 5 and 3, both autistic) so me and her tend to do lots of wonderfull girlie things together! I have just (about 20 minutes ago) finished making your 10 minute tutu, but it's nowhere near as beautiful as this!!!!! And i'm now covered in gliter!!!

  113. my almost three year old would love this; she has 1 i made her (the simple way!) and these look gorgeous!

  114. My Calley is 22 months and my Isy is 3.5 months.. <3 SISTERS!!! Aren't we lucky mommies to have little girls!! :)

  115. Can I enter my 3 yr old and 1 yr old? Q (3 yr old) is actually afraid of them, so maybe one those pretty, pretty tutus will change her mind! Little sister K has no opinion on them, but they have to pass her taste test first! :)

  116. those tutu's are beautiful. i would love to dress up my 10 month old in one.

  117. These are too precious, and I know my girls would love to have one!
    mandrewsr at yahoo dot com

  118. Beautiful. I can imagine my daughter spending the whole day spinning in hers...

  119. I would love to win this tutu for my little princess that is due in March. After having a little boy that have no fun accessories, I am beyond excited to dive into the world of bows and tutus. Thank you, Shauna.

  120. We are hoping to adopt due to family medical history and miscarriages. I am so excited, I already have boxes of clothing, and anytime I see something cute, I have to get it! These tutus are awesome, and would be perfect on our little princess when we get her! For now, i like to think about her up in Heaven, and talk to her to get her ready to join our family, and i think this tutu would just sweeten the deal for her! :)

  121. I have a 7 year old little girl and a 7 week old little girl - they would love to be little sister princesses!

    (P.S. Love your blog!)

  122. So cute - it will probably be a Cinderella tutu!

  123. The satin ribbon just makes these! My daughter at year-and-a-half would be just precious!

  124. I am so not a girly girly, but those are the cutest tutu's ever. I would love to have one for my daughter, Lorelai. She is almost 4 weeks old. I, also have a 3-year-old son who NEVER STOPS MOVING. I'm a full time student, too. I am deliriously tired all of the time right now and couldn't event ell you what I am currently wearing. A tutu would make me very happy.

  125. I would send this to out niece from our one month old.

  126. I would give it to my baby week she will be 3 months and I can't believe it! =)

  127. Your girls are beautiful! So fun watching them grow:)

  128. My lil Frog would be in Fairy palace heaven with such a beautiful adornment! She has worn her "cyndi lauper" style tutu skirt so much that the need for a new tutu is here. The ribbon is the perfect adornment! I would have to pry it off once she falls fast asleep if she were to have one. ;)

  129. I think it's probably too late for this comment. Those tutus are just unbelievably adorable. My little girl is 6 months old and I have been thinking that I need to put her in a tutu and take her 6 month photos. I guess I'll just have to make one! Thanks for the generosity!
