Thursday, September 9, 2010

I will leave my house today.

My mom & sisters came to visit over Labor Day weekend and since driving my mom to the airport on Monday I haven't left the house. (Well, we did walk to the park yesterday...does that count?)

I'm not sure if that's really sad or just self preservation.

But not today! (shaking fist in air)

Sophie slept in 3hr increments last night and that little bit of extra sleep (she had been feeding every hour and a half) is just the oomph I needed to put on my big girl panties & attempt to get out with two kids. The goal is a trip to Target & one of Samster's favorite parks. The weather today is sunny, breezy & a high of 80. I have no excuse. And just look at this face! Who could be intimidated by such a little angel?I just wanted to let you know because I thought if I put it out there in cyberspace then I'd be more likely not to chicken out after dressing one kid...

I don't know why but going from 1 kid to 2 is so much harder than it was going from 0 to 1. But in a different way, when I had Samster there was a lot of emotional hardness to get through. Fear of taking care of someone so needy, handling the roller coaster emotions of becoming a parent...and this time I don't have any of that (well, I have been hit by the rogue estrogen wave here & there) but what I wasn't prepared for this time was how physically exhausted I'd be.

I can honestly say I'm working harder than I've ever worked in my life.

Like hard labor camp working hard.

Everyday is go, go, go until bedtime. And even bedtime isn't a break to be honest, there's still someone beckoning you every couple of hours. Last night I just went downstairs to make a frozen meal right before bed (I had nursed Sophie during dinner & somehow forgot to actually eat MY meal) & as soon as I popped that puppy in the microwave I heard her start crying. She was with her daddy but I could tell the cry was escalating & just knew he was getting the look of extreme panic on his face. At this age daddies try their best but I think most of them just don't know what to do when that little scream can't be calmed. No? I came upstairs and said, "Oh, I thought I heard someone calling my name."

Really, screaming kids has become my calling card.

Most days I really don't mind, honest I don't, but last night it was just too much. I'm overwhelmed. When I talk to my girlfriends who have multiple kids they say they felt the same way so it seems to just be par for the course, I guess this is the "adjustment period" everyone talks about. I crave my sewing time, what I wouldn't give to lock myself in my craft room for a few hours. This weekend my in-laws are coming to meet Sophie so maybe I'll get a little break, just maybe...

Anyway, I really didn't set out to make this post a big ol' pity party. Life is good, I'm very very blessed & remind myself of that often. At Sophie's last pediatrician appointment the Dr. reminded P & I that life will get easier and babies start becoming fun at around 8 weeks, just to try & survive until then. (We hadn't complained to her but it must've been written on our faces)

Here's a few snip-its of our home...

I've been letting Samster dress herself lately because I don't have the energy to fight the "My DO IT!" demands. This was her "printhess" ensemble the other day...perhaps another reason we haven't left the house...obviously she's oblivious to the standard "shirt & shoes required" store policies.
And Daddy having a "dance party" with his girls while I made dinner...
As for the blog I hope you don't mind that it's become more mommy blog slanted & less projects & recipes for now. (cooking? what's that?) I actually did do one tutorial while my family was here, now I just need to edit the photos & write the post. (With some projects the actually writing of the post is more time consuming than the craft) I'm determined to get back to my crafting at some point soon, the ideas are starting to run crazy in my head & I've got a major itch to start getting some done. Or at least something done soon. If only someone would write a tutorial on how to make more time. Wouldn't that be nice?


  1. I introduced my 23 year old daughter (mommy to one 2 year old child) to your blog and she is now addicted to your creativity.

    Oh I remember those days of her dressing herself. Most days she looked like she was trying to be Punkie Brewster, if anyone remembers who that is. Mismatched with polka dots and stripes or plaid.



  2. Awww I know how you feel. My boys are a year and 9 days apart. I thought I was going to die from exhaustion that first year after my 2nd was born! It does it easier. You'll get a groove going. The only thing that I recommend is when you do leave the house, leave early. Like when the store first opens be there. lol That is the beat time. The store is nice and peaceful well until your kids start acting up. Hopefully I'm not the only one that happens too. :) Congratulations on the new baby!

  3. I know it can be overwhelming...just hang in there, and your dr.'s right it should start getting better soon...My oldest two are getting into their teens...what I wouldn't give to have them back as babies again! Or at least have them not acting like aliens have possessed their for the blog no one that reads you is going to care that its turned into mommy land for a while. I think that's just par for the course :0) Good Luck!

  4. Take your time getting back to the blog...we won't mind! I personally enjoy hearing about your family! It does take time adjusting to 2. For us it took atleast 3 months maybe longer! Sure you don't want to hear that but the first couple months were hard on my first while she adjusted to not being the center of attention and hard for me getting up every few hours to nurse. But it does get better! Lots better! And having two is so much fun!

  5. I also just started flollowing your blog. You are very talented. I also love reading about family stuff. I have 2 girls, 4 and 20 months. Trust me, I felt the exact same way after #2 came along. And don't feel like it's a pity party. I helps writing it down or talking about least it did for me. I was smiling reading that you sayd morning till night is go go go. That's exactly how I felt. I would actually fall asleep sitting up on the couch! But it does start to get easier and everyone gets in sync. Enjoy every minute..I miss having babies around!

  6. I just have a one year old, and I know I would definitely be overwhelmed, too, if we added a new little one to the family today.

    Good luck on your outing!

  7. I called my doula about a week after I'd had my first child, just to check in and let her know how things were going. I apologized profusely for taking so long to call her (I hadn't spoken to her since the birth), and she gave me this advice: AIM FOR DOING ONE THING EACH DAY (And then added, "You called me. That's one thing.") I have three kids now, and I think that's still the best advice I've got for moms with newborns. Doing one thing at least gets you moving enough that you don't feel like a lactating slug. But it's still manageable, so you don't overextend and wipe yourself out. And anything else you do accomplish (like shower, or eat) earns superwoman bonus points.

    Anyway, I guess my point is, you're doing great. Getting out of the house is your one thing for today (even though I know the steps to get there mean doing like 74 things). Doing one thing tomorrow, and then next day, and the next day will get easier.

    And don't worry. Your projects (and your fans) will wait as long as you need them (us) to!

  8. good luck hun! And thanks for terrifying me... BABY STAY IN! BABY STAY IN!! ;) juuuust kidding.
    I have a suggestion that might make things a teeny bit easier on some days! Aim to make a double portion meal twice a week. Like, do a pasta with shell noodles and make twice as much as necessary, then toss it in a casserole dish covered in grated cheese and throw it in the freezer. Then when you have those days where you actually might manage to do Something You Want To Do, you can pull a casserole out of the freezer. Often doubling up on pasta-type dishes requires almost no extra work, just extra ingredients!!
    Enjoy your girls! And don't feel bad on the days where "all you achieved" was one load of laundry and maybe a shower. That's freakin' aces. That deserves a nap and a big bowl of ice cream right there. Put whipped cream on top if you brushed your hair.

  9. Please please please let your husband handle baby when he's there and you're tired. He can do it! He really can. It might take him a little bit longer to figure out what tricks to use, but he will be able to soothe her, and then you both will feel good. He will get a nice boost of confidence to have made baby and mom happy. PLEASE let him do it.

    And try to remember she will be sleeping nice, big chunks soon. Just try to count down the days. At 12 weeks, she will be sleeping all night or almost all night. (If she isn't, please get Babywise and just do it, for your own mental health and for her happiness.)

    You can do it, and pretty soon it will be wonderful. And I second those who said don't try to do too much right now. Let the house slide a little. Ask for help from family.

    I'm sure I came here for the crafting once upon a time, but I'm a mom of two, including one baby, so I want to be as supportive as possible. Definitely use the blog to get through this tough time.

  10. You have some awesome followers! Great advice they have given you. Bottom line, we all love how you share your tutorials, your time and your insight on your personal life. I think most of us are moms, so we can be your support group, your cheerleaders and your sounding board. Soak up what you have right now, and worry about the dishes, laundry, and clean house later, it isn't going anywhere. Thanks for taking the time to post, we all know how busy you are.

  11. It's hard. Real hard. No one tells you that before hand because everyone loves a new baby! But then there's two of them and they both scream, cry and poop. But it gets MUCH easier as they grow. My midwife told me that basically you just have to grit your teeth and 'make it through the first 6 weeks'. You will.
    Now my boys are 3 and 1 and they play and wrestle and giggle together... which means they entertain each other. Before you know it your beautiful girls will be playing dolls together and you will be able to breathe again and even brush your teeth! (wow, I know!) You've made 2 gorgeous kids, give yourself and big pat on the back! Who cares if you can't make it out of the house today or tomorrow. Outside is overrated! :)

  12. I have a 17 month old and #2 is due in December, and I keep hearing from everyone EXACTLY what your's not a huge adjustment like it was with #1, but it's just exhausting.

    I just wanted to say good luck and take all the time off you need!

  13. Just wanted to let you know I'm a faithful reader of your blog and so happy for you with your beautiful girls. I have five-year old twin girls - love being a mother :)

  14. I have to say it's nice to just hear from you even if it's not a tutorial. Everything will calm down and you will be a sewing fool again soon. :)

  15. you girls are just beautiful! I love the printhess outfit and think she would be a hit at the park dressed like that! I can remember very vividly those first weeks after having my 2nd (our 4th in the family). It is a matter of surviving off the 2 hours of sleep and getting by with sweet coos and smiles from new baby. Soon, you'll have your new routine down pat and craftin it up! Best wishes to you!

  16. Hey from Utah!
    I just wanted to let you know that I'm right in your shoes! I had my second 1 month ago tomorrow. I was brave enough to venture to the library yesterday and as soon as we were getting out of the car wondered 'what in the heck was I thinking?!?!' I know that you can do it though! It is worth getting out even if it's a little daunting! You can do it! (and maybe I'll think about going out today....)

  17. Everybody has such awesome advice. Thanks!

    I'm going through the same thing with my blog, since this second pregnancy was really kicking my butt for a while.You just have to say, "hey, this is my blog and this is what I'm going through right now." And let others decide if they stick around.
    From what I've seen, we can all relate to what your going through, estrogen and all. lol
    Hang in there!

  18. It's SO true that when the second one comes it throws you for a real spin. I remember being exhausted like never before, always having heartburn/intergestion and always being hungry the first 2 months! But it does calm down- once there is some kind of routine it's MUCH easier so hang on!

  19. Hang in there - little by little, it does get easier.

    But there will always be hard days ...

    This morning Oscar found a hot pink highlighter and scribbled on my beige couch. To blow off steam, we walked to the library, where Ruby decided to blow out her diaper in the baby carrier. When I got us sufficiently cleaned up for the walk home, I slipped her back in the carrier and she promptly spit up all over my shirt. And then looked up at me and grinned.

    My advice? Cut yourself a LOT of slack the next few months and buy yourself a therapeutic pint of Ben & Jerry's on the bad days.

  20. I don't know how you do it! I only have one who is now 2 and 1/2 and though she was and is still a very social, high need type child, I hardly feel that I have much excuse not to be doing more sewing and crafting that I do (which currently is near none)... We all love reading your blog and checking out all the nifty (oh yeah, I said "nifty") stuff you do but remember that though the haze makes things feel like there is no end in sight, it won't be very long and you will be past this stage in both girls' lives. So make sure you take time when you have it to "be" and relax and don't be so hard on yourself about trying to take care of us too!

  21. Hey, I appreciate the post. All the "real" stories I can read about second time moms is much appreciated. Not like I think it will be a piece of cake, but you are going through it first so I am soaking in the experience you are having and hoping to take notes to make my time easier. :)

  22. Going from 1 to 2 is tough. I can definetly vouch for that. you have to learn to multi task like never before and this time there is no rest, no peace & quiet. But hang on in there, it does get easier. x.

  23. Hang in there! We'll be here when you have time to blog. In the meantime, enjoy your babies and take care of yourself.

  24. I just want to say thank you for taking the time to write that post. I too have a two year old and just had a baby in July and your post made me feel so much better about my emotional state right now. You words are exactly how I feel as well and knowing this is all normal helps keep me trucking along through life. Luckily at this point I am only a week away from that 8 weeks point. I do remember my first child beginning to be so much fun at 8 weeks.

  25. So I have been reading your blog for a while now, but I had to post a comment. I too have 2 little girls, one that is 5 and one that is 9 months. I too felt soo exhausted and overwhelmed. I would find myself feeling a little frustrated...and maybe just a LITTLE resentful that I had ZERO me time anymore. If the baby was sleeping, my little girl needed me, if my little girl was happily occupied with something, then the baby was demanding my utmost. BUT as everyone else has attested to, somewhere along the line is does get more enjoyable. Life settles back into a schedule and you find yourself able to do more. Until then, truly enjoy that tiny little bundle. Laugh at that hilarious little miss, and know that the blog and projects will wait. I appreciate your blog. Your creativity and candidness are truly a treat.

  26. I feel your pain, I really do. You would think that as I go from 2 kids to 3 that I should be over that hump of overwhelmed, scared and just plain not clued in right? Well, no. A few friends of mine who have more than 3 kids tell me that the 3rd was the hardest. Yay me!
    Seriously, it does get easier. And you have a little princess helper, take advantage of that when you can. Even if it is just for Sam to bring you a diaper, or something small-it will really help.
    My kids are spaced out a little more. My oldest is 12, then my son who is 4, so I have major mini-mom help, but the new excitement of a baby wears off fast.
    My best advice is to take each day one at a time, because they can be very different.
    One thing I have been told over and over is to just enjoy this early time because babies are only new for such a short time. The housework can wait. :-)

  27. I am so pleased that I found your blog. You have charming daughters and your creations are simply amazing.
    We also have a daughter, she is one and a half and we are thinking about having the second. I have to admit that your post was very instructive. Now I am conscious of what we are attempting

    I wish you good luck and a power

    Greetings from Poland

  28. I'm happy for more Mummyness on the blog, we just had our first a week ago.

  29. Okay, first- Your blog is awesome! Thank you for posting so many tutorials, and free advice! Your creativity (while taking care of 2 babies) is inspiring! 2nd- I have two little ones myself (2.5 and 15 months) and let me say that IT WILL GET EASIER! I think the first few months of my son's life were a blur, but once we got our routine down, he started sleeping a bit more and I built up my endurance to those two crazies, we did great! 3rd- I posted the legwarmer tutorial on my blog and credited you and linked back to your blog. Go to if you want to check it out!

  30. I have your blog listed on my favorites list and enjoy reading it. I really enjoyed this entry. I have a six month old girl and a little boy who turned three on the Fourth of July. Going from one to two has been harder than I could have ever imagined! I loved how you said the emotional/realizing you have to take care of a human part was more with the first one. I hadn't ever pinpointed what has been so different this time around, but that is just it. I didn't necesarily feel overwhelmed with my first, but just that my life had TOTALLY changed. I feel overwhelmed with this one! ;) Every bit of it is worth it though. I can say now that we have hit the six month point, I feel us getting into a groove. I do still miss working on sewing projects though...Hang in there and blog when you can. Everyone understands!

  31. A tutorial on how to make more time?
    How about a tutorial on how to go back in time, for just an hour to be with my children (now young adults) when they were little ones?
    Those too busy times, do get easier. Just remember someday you will be in a too quiet house,when the babies are grown, with plenty of time to craft and sew, thinking how sweet it was to be with your little ones.
