Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bathroom Makeover!

Thank goodness I was able to finish 99% of the work that went into remodeling our master bath while Baby Sophie was still in utero. I never would've been able to handle it now. I know the befores aren't too terribly bad but they were super bland. Standard builder-grade white tile & cheapo fixtures. Zero personality. When we had some water damage back in May I was actually grateful because it meant we finally had a good reason to tear it all up & start over!

Sooo, here's my big reveeeeal, I'm SO excited!!!

BEFORE:AFTER:*Tip* You can find great ceramic tiles that still give the same effect as glass ones. The little blue mosaic tiles I used in the shower & the back wall behind the vanity were $4.99 sq ft. I had originally wanted glass mosaic until I priced them out at $17.99 sq ft! YOWCH! Now that it's done though I absolutely love it & am so glad I didn't splurge on glass. Also shop around for tile, I went to several tile stores & brought home different samples to place around the room until I found the perfect combo. Many stores will let you return the samples & refund your money too.

BEFORE:AFTER:*Tip* Do your homework. I really wanted to have two showerheads in our shower, one normal one & one that we could bathe the kids with. The thing is I wanted to be able to run them both at the same time so no one would get cold. Some stores told me I couldn't do that unless I bought a pricey wall showering unit with all the different nozzles. Sorry, but that just wasn't in the budget. I kept digging and found out you can use a type of "t-valve" in the plumbing so the water can run to different outlets. The extra showerhead was the only cost! And let me tell you, the two showerheads are my FAVORITE part of this bathroom. Not only can Samster & I shower together without one of us shivering in the corner but when I don't want to get my hair wet I simply shower with only the lower placed showerhead on. It's right at shoulder level so the hair stays dry! LOVE. IT.

BEFORE:AFTER:*Tip* Do be afraid to rip some stuff up! You can see in the before shot that we had a drop in tub with a pretty wide tile tub deck around it. If our bathroom was huge then yeah, a tub deck could be useful but our bathroom is actually pretty small. Two people have to wiggle past eachother between the tub & the vanity. That's why I went out on a limb & decided to ditch the tub deck completely & replace it with a stand alone one. A note on the tub- although it looks like a cast-iron vintage clawfoot tub it's actually a light-weight acrylic replica. Much cheaper & no reinforced floor necessary for the weight! I ordered mine from vintagetub.com & had a really good experience.

*Tip* Decorate with unexpected objects. I really wanted to keep the bathroom clean & simple but still wanted a pop of color here & there. One way I found was to buy a whole bunch of pretty colored soaps & store them in a glass jar. (P is having a hard time understanding what "just for pretty" means & why he can't use soap that's in a bathroom...but that's another story) I found these at the Whole Foods, they have so many scents which was good for me because that meant a big color selection. Also a note about the glass jars, I had originally wanted the ones below from Pottery Barn but they're super overpriced. I was thrilled when I found mine at Target for about $6 each, and you'll never guess where...in the kitchen storage aisle! I know, go figure. Honestly, they look like the same darn glass jars to me.The walls are painted in Martha's "Chinchilla" color from Home Depot. Which brings me to my last tip, after many hissy fits from spending hours painting a room & hating the color I now always, ALWAYS, buy a handful of sample cans & put them all on the walls. (try all the walls so you can see the paint in different lights) I put 6 different shades of gray on the walls to get the right one & let me tell you, those darns paint chips looked nothing like the what they did on the wall. The one I chose wasn't even one of my favorites & the one I loved ended up looking like concrete. Which, I suppose is my point exactly.On a different note...

We did in fact get out last Thursday! (see last post) We didn't make it to Target but that's only because we ended up joining 7 other kids for a massive park & lunch outing. It was so much fun & even though that many kids was utter chaos it was wonderful to get to be around other moms. Also their kids were even crazier than mine which made me feel better. (;
Samster perfecting her pout. She's become quite the thespian.


  1. Wowza! What a transformation!!!! I'm totally bookmarking this because I need inspiration for my bathroom. I may have to consider one of those tubs!

    Also, where did you get the shower? Ours looks like your before picture, but I'd love to have more glass and less metal.

    ~Allison @ House of Hepworths

  2. looks beautiful. i starred this post! =)
    My bathroom is just like your before builder grade.
    I agree, would love to change out our shower surround. Where did you find your?
    great job!

  3. LOVE the tub! Cute bathroom! Inspires me... but the hubs wont be so...


  4. Natasha it is so pretty! I love it because it looks like a bathroom you would see in one of those old 1940's/1960 style homes which I love. I've always found that with these new McMansion/Builder Grade/They go up in a day houses there is no character to them. But I love the new bathroom! I was just thinking the other day...Hmmm....wonder how her bathroom turned out.

  5. Fantastic! I love the sink and counter and the two shower heads- genius!

  6. I love it! I love it! Bookmarking this too. Also, if you change your mind about your tub, go ahead and just send it to me, I'll take care of it for you. ;)

  7. It's gorgeous! And I've been checking on you every day to see if you made it out of the house and if you survived, lol...it's funny how I worried about how you were doing even though I've never met you...the wonderful worldwide web=)

  8. I love it! I can't decide what's my favorite: the mirrors, the extra shower head, or the tub. Thanks for posting the tips, too, on how to save with the bathroom remodeling job. The kiddo is so cute. Congrats on making it out of the house.

  9. LOL about the pout!

    Great bathroom redo! Everything looks wonderful and so relaxing!

  10. Guess my comment didn't take. I'll say it again, your bathroom looks beautiful. I love the way you went with a budget and achieved a high end look. Thanks for the tips. I am glad you got to get out, I am sure you feel so much better. Samster is looking more like a little girl now..they grow up fast that is for sure.

  11. Beautiful!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your tub!

  12. I LOVE your bathroom! I wish we were in one place long enough to be able to do that.

  13. Wow, the bathroom looks totally different. Great job. I really like the new look compared to the old. Lovin, the clawfoot tub. It is great that you were able to find an acrylic one and at a much better price. Enjoy!

  14. Ahhh I've ALWAYS wanted a claw-foot tub! That's my favorite part of your makeover. Though the baby tile is fantastic too. Love it!

  15. The bathroom looks fantastic! I'm so jealous! We need to get on working on our bathroom makeovers in the next few months but I'm so intimidated!

  16. The bathroom is gorgeous! It's almost like it's a completely different bathroom! Wow, I love it. I'll definitely be following you!

    ~ www.billiemonster.com ~

  17. Wow, very nice! I am glad that you were able to finish before Sophie came. :-)
    Someday I will post pics of my bathroom before and after. (We remodeled our entire house back in 2006 when we bought it, but before we moved in. BTW--I have learned that it is easier to remodel when you do not occupy the space.) But right now I am still feeling pretty lazy. It is most likely caused by the looming date I return to work--Oct 1. Yay me.

  18. Love it! It's like one out of a magazine you only dream about and never get, but you've got it!! It looks amazing!

    Love your blog!

  19. Amazing transformation! Love that mosaic tile. I'm jealous!
