Thursday, September 16, 2010

SMA Blog Party, please vote!

I got an email last night from Samster Mommy reader Kendra, she said she needed my blog help and needed it quickly.

Here's what she wrote...

Hi Natasha, I found your blog a while back and just love it! You have the best ideas and cutest stuff you feature. Its rather addicting! I continue to follow you blog and love everything you do. I'm writing for a bit of an urgent request. I lost my little girl Makenzie Rye last December. She passed away from a rare neuromuscular disease called SMARD- another form of the more common- SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) Its known as the Lou Gehrig's disease in infants. SMA is the #1 genetic killer of infants. Since Makenzie passed away I have been rallying around to help in anyway possible. We are close to finding a cure. Close enough that researchers think there will be a cure within the next 5-10 years. This is huge! The reason I'm writing and titled this email as URGENT, was because tomorrow Thursday Sept. 16 we are having what's called the SMA Blog Party! We are asking everyone to post about the same thing on the same day and help spread the word about SMA and also help us in The Jimmie Johnson Samsung Helmet of Hope For More. We are hoping with enough votes we can win the $20,000 for SMA research.
This is a short email with a lot of information. To find out more about my family you can visit our blog- I also have information on the blog party.

And what really got me was the picture of her beautiful little family when I went to her blog, don't they look like they could be any one of us?? So everyone, can we help this girl out today?

To vote for her foundation to get the $20,000 for research go to, select the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, enter the two security words, check the Official Rules box, and then click “Vote Now!” That's it!

Sophie has the sniffles & Samster had bad dreams all night (she woke up crying, "No! My paint! I do it! Mine!!" ) but then after reading about a family who has lost so much I realized that I should be grateful for my sleepless night with my two beautiful girls. Today let's all hug our little ones a little closer & let the small stuff roll off our backs.


  1. voted, blogged it & fb-ed it. thanks for sharing.

  2. Voted, thanks for sharing! I just love your blog :) Hope you have a great day and big nap!

  3. Thank you for sharing this story. I voted & also FB-ed it.

  4. voted! thanks for sharing this. Hope Samster gets to paint her own painting all by herself soon! and you get a nap!

  5. Thanks for sharing this. I just went and voted as well.

  6. I voted blogged and FB.

  7. I voted! Thank you so much for sharing this. Research like this is so very important!

    Here's to a more restful night for you tonight, tho!

  8. Thanks for sharing this. It is always nice to be reminded not to take things for granted...
    I voted and also blogged about this on! Trying to spread the word...

  9. I voted and posted it on FB! Gwendolyn is in the lead at 24%.

  10. I want to vote and blog about it, but when I go to the link, I don't see SMA as one of the choices. Am I doing something wrong?

  11. I voted!! Thanks so much for sharing for this worthy cause!

  12. Thank you so much for posting this. Kendra is an amazing mother and your support makes such a difference. And thank you to everyone for voting for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation. It means more than we can say!!!

  13. done and they are winning at 24%!

  14. oh, I see what I was missing... the name!
    Gwendolyn Strong!

  15. Just voted, thanks for sharing! So far, this one is winning!

  16. Just voted for Gwendolyn Strong ! Thank for posting :)

  17. I voted, too :)

  18. i voted, and as of 3:30pm EST, they're ahead with 25%!

  19. I voted! Thank you for sharing this, I tend to get frustrated with my 2 girls and take for granted they are healthy. I will keep Kendra, her family and this cause in my prayers.

  20. This just breaks my heart to see a life that ended way too soon. I pray that a cure is found so very soon.

  21. Voted
    I have recently found your love! I have read every tutorial and my head is spinning with homemade Christmas gifts! I am dying to know what is/was on your etsy page, in particular the silver/gray ribbon bracelet with a a bow and crystal pendant. I've stared and stared at the box of flashing pictures and try to look as long as possible each time it comes back around! Is this on your blog somewhere? It's beautiful! If it is on Etsy I can't seem to find it. Thanks to you, my little babe is totally rocking in her new leg warmers!I love everything you do! Thanks for sharing!

  22. I just saw this post and immediately went over and voted. My heart goes out to this beautiful family. They are ahead in the voting, but not by much. I truly hope that they get enough votes.

  23. Great post. It breaks my heart that these things happen, and you're right, this could be any one of us. Thank you for the reminder to cherish every precious day.

    P.S. I voted.
