Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wah, wah, wah!

I'm sure that's what I must sound like. I big pregnant bucket of complaints. I just can't help myself, these last couple of weeks of pregnancy seriously suck. I'm huge, everything hurts & for the life of me I just can't tell if this baby is coming tonight or 2 weeks from tonight. That's definitely the hardest part...not being able to control the situation. At all. Grr.

But enough of that...

I did do some sewing while my mother-in-law was here watching Samster that I never showed you, want to see?
I suppose I could have ironed it before taking a picture but the key word there is "could"

It's just a little knit dress with fuzzy orange iron-on letters for her name. I like it. And she seems to also which is always nice.Personally I think her choice of accessorizing with Hello Kitty rainboats, a purple satin handbag & fuchsia tiara were well, brilliant to be honest.
Last a quickie pair of 10-minute pajama pants with a nice heart on the butt because who doesn't love a good butt applique?

So that's that. A bit a sewing and a whole bunch of sulking.


  1. ughh i remember those days! Don't worry they will go by fast!!!

  2. Cute pants!!

    And I think I might be feeling just like you. I'm 36 weeks and I swear every little thing hurts or I can't ever get comfortable. Blah. I try not to complain though because I've had a very easy pregnancy and so many others I know haven't. But it stinks to feel this way! Hang in there!

  3. oh those j's are darling! you can complain all you want!

  4. Hang in there! Just keep saying, "Fat Baby, Fat Baby, Fat Baby..." over and over. :) And that dress is A-dorable!!! She looks great.

  5. Go ahead and complain away. The last trimester, especially the last few weeks, are annoying! I'm 31 weeks pregnant and feel just as whiny. I have 9 weeks left still! Ugh!

    Love the dress :-)

  6. The dress is adorable! I have that bird knit too :)

    I'm a new reader and I LOVE your blog! I agree the last few weeks of pregnancy are the worst, I don't think my husband could stand being in the same room as me.

  7. I love the dress! How cute is that? :-)
    Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, I cannot wait to see photos and hear about the coming little one! I am now 39 weeks, just waiting, through the pelvic and sciatic nerve pain, so I can relate to having everything hurt. The upside--I am so close to being done, I get an ultrasound every week now, (so I get to see the baby and it is such a treat!), and I know she will be so worth it once she is born.
    Hang in there.


  8. You have my complete sympathy, the last weeks of pregnancy are horrible! (apparently its not much fun for the husbands either, but at the end of the day, its all their fault and they aren't allowed an opinion!!! LOL!) You are nearly done and you get the best reward at the end.

  9. Hang in there, Natasha! I remember those last few weeks of pregnancy being miserable. You have a forum to complain here as much as you want.
    Love the dress and the PJ pants!

  10. Ugh, I hear you. The last weeks are very tough, and I remember hating that "today or two weeks from now?" feeling.
    ON the bright side, your sewing is so darn cute! :) hang in there.

  11. So excited to meet your little one and for you to be not pregnant anymore! The each day in the last month of pregnancy is like a month in itself. Yucky.

  12. Pregnancy is no fun whatsoever. But your almost there!

  13. What's going on mama? I heard on the Kane Show you had a false alarm yesterday. How are you feeling?
