Sunday, August 1, 2010

36 weeks...and counting

Today I went to Panera and felt that uncomfortable feeling that everyone was staring at me. To the point where I went through my mental checklist of making sure no inappropriate body parts were hanging out. Boobs covered? Check. Butt under wraps? Check. Chach covered? Well I certainly hope so.

That's when I realized they were staring because I'm that lady that waddles in with her enormous, in your face, pregnant belly. Although I HATE feeling like someone's staring at me I have enjoyed seeing men's reactions over the last week or so. They get so darn uncomfortable! Like if they get too close I might spontaneously go into labor. This last week at my Dr's appt I was in the elevator with a cop, he would not take his eyes off my stomach to the point where I said to him, "Don't worry, you won't have to deliver it in the elevator". He gave a nervous laugh & got off on the next floor.(Btw, in the interest of full disclosure I never wear my hair down. I was hedging my bets that I won't be leaving the house for the next several months & got my hair done. The fact that someone else blow-dried it is the sole reason it looks decent.)

At my last Dr.'s appointment I was 1 cm dilated & 85% effaced. I know that means my cervix is thin but can you walk around for weeks being effaced without being dilated?? Which is more a sign that things are gonna happen? Chums is 36 and a half weeks so I'm feeling pretty good that things will be cooked & am getting anxious for when it might happen. Every little cramp I think, "Gasp. Could this be it?!" Only to go to bed still pregnant. And wake up, still pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I really hope the baby makes it to 38 weeks, that would really put my mind at ease that we (hopefully) won't have the same issues that Samster had when she was born at barely 37 weeks. Too skinny, not a good eater, terrible sleeper, reflux, colic...I could go on & on. This time I want a nice fat baby.

Hmmm, I wonder when it will be....hmmm.....


  1. You look AMAZING!!! All baby belly!

  2. A dear friend of mine is due 8/23, and she's also about 1 cm but 80% effaced. We've all got bets she'll make it MAYBE another 3 weeks (my bet is more like 2!) but that's purely speculation...i'm not sure. :) I can't image your cervix NOT dilating with that much apparent pressure...i mean 80/85%??? It just doesn't seem like it could hold out much longer...

  3. You look great! Love what you are wearing! My first was just over 5# and had many of the same issues you mentioned above. My next was 8.7# and has been a dream sleeper and eater! I hope you get a fat one this time too ;)

  4. I absolutely LOVED your comment to the cop... hee hee hee... you have a gorgeous baby bump - let them all stare! I'm now 18wks with baby #2 and I was just looking at photos of my 1st baby bump when I was about 36wks... we ask our daughter "what's in mommy's belly?" and she responds "BeBe" and we ask "what's the baby going to do?" and she replies "Gro and Gro and Gro" (as she spreads her little arms as wide as they can go!)... wishing you all the best with baby #2...

  5. You look fantastic! Almost done!!

  6. you look great! just wondering where did you get your dress? i literally have no bottoms and my dresses and getting a wee bit short (like everytime i get daughter out of carseat the world can see my polka dot underoos)

  7. Your belly is lovelly! ;)
    I'm glad that your baby is behave! One day at time!

  8. I never seen a cuter prego mom like you! So stylin in that dress. And the hair, so chic. That is probably why the people were staring at you, most pregnant women don't look that cute at 37 weeks, I know I didn't!

  9. you guys are so sweet, seriously (:

    ashley, it's from Jcrew and last I checked it was on clearance. although I have to worn you, with the big belly it does require me to wear leggings underneath now. unless I'm wearing my fancy underroos (;

  10. I never (or rarely) wear my hair down either. I can never make it look the way they do at the salon.

    I love seeing pregnant people! It reminds me of when I was pregnant, but before that, I never noticed them, which means at least I didn't stare.

  11. The fact that you are that cute that pregnant really irritates me ;) lol

    You have the basketball pregnancy thing going on - tiny everywhere except where baby is hiding!

    Can't wait to see pictures of the little one!!

  12. I know you probably don't feel like it, but you really do look adorable! I also know that when you're 36 weeks, you can't hear that enough so...
    you look great! fabulous! terrific! gorgeous!

    Hang in there. And pamper yourself as much as humanly possible to make the time go by faster.

  13. You look so gorgeous baby belly and all! Loved your story-especially with the police officer:) Glad that things are going well for you and the babe!

  14. When I see pregnant women all I can do is smile. It's like looking at a brand new baby to me and that just makes me cheeeese. Here's hope for baby to keep cooking 2-3 more weeks! Luv the dress and the hair :)

  15. i totally feel ya. with my last pregnancy i remember walking into the waiting room of our favorite restaurant to put our names in and everyone stopped talking, and i swear i saw a girl mouth the words "oh my god" as my belly passed her. i laughed and told my husband, she probably just found out she was pregnant and thought, holy crap am i gonna get THAT big! lol. i know you feel huge, but you seriously look amazing!!! LOVE that dress. did you make it? i'm 31 weeks with #3 and i've been feeling 8 1/2 months pregnant for the past 2 months! hang in there!

  16. Oh it's so exciting! I hope you make it to 38 weeks too. I'm at 34 weeks with my first and getting quite excited too. I'm booking in to get my hair done to go out for dinner for Hubs birthday 2 weeks before D Day, I'm assuming it will be the last time my hair looks decent for a while too.

  17. Hang tight, your almost there and you look radiant.
    Peoples reactions to pregnant woman are so funny. I remember being in a clothes store with my mum. She was trying stuff on and the assistant asked when I was due. "Today" I replied. The poor girl nearly fainted and was then panicking about where she'd get towels and boiling water from. LOL!

  18. How cute are you! You look so adorable... teeny tiny everywhere and a big beautiful baby belly! You may need to consider the fact that people are staring because you are a beautiful pregnant woman... Best wishes for a (realively) easy delivery....

  19. You do look fantastic! People are just staring because they are jealous that you look that good pregnant! I wish I looked half that good when I was pregnant. My favorite was when people would ask me how many I was having. I was ginormous. My oldest was over 9lbs but had to go to the NICU for breathing issues. He looked so crazy in there with all the other tiny babies.

  20. LOVE THE DRESS you are tell where you got it!

  21. You look fantastic! Enjoy it. There's nothing better than meeting you're new lovey.


  22. that first paragraph..bahaha. so funny.
    you look great. i'm sure baby will come at the perfect time...perfect for baby, not for you! haha

  23. You still look gorgeous=) You are definitely all belly and one of those skinny women that I would be jealous when I see them, I'm like, lucky chick...she's all baby and nothing else is fat on her....I definitely fattened EVERYWHERE when I was pregnant=)

  24. You look great! are almost done...that went fast.

  25. You look beautiful, love the dress! As for your question about whether dilation or effacement is more a question of when things are going to happen I think dilation is more important for you. In first pregnancies the cervix has to be completely effaced before it will dilate completely but with subsequent pregnancies it pretty much happens at the same time. With my first pregnancy I walked around being 3cm dilated and 75% effaced for the last 2 weeks before the MD did a stretch and sweep to get things moving when I was 39 weeks. Good work keeping Chum in there so long and good luck with the delivery. Don't stress about when it will happen just enjoy your last little bit of time with only one child knowing that Chum will come when s/he is ready.

  26. Lookin' fab girl!

  27. I do not want to discourage you, or maybe this will give you hope--I have been dilated at 2 cm and 90% effaced for 2 weeks now. I am really hoping that it happens soon, because my due date is August 10. (With my other 2 kids I had them exactly 2 days after the due dates--so I am not holding my breath!)
    But every woman is different and every pregnancy is different. I really hope you get to 38-39 weeks for a really healthy baby. :-)

  28. I know the feeling! With my first two munchkins I was effaced by 24 weeks and didn't have true labor until 39 weeks. you can waddle around effaced for a long time! I'm now on #3 and at 29 weeks haven't effaced/dilated yet, so I'm quite excited! However because of dilating early with the prior two, I do wonder every week, is it starting? I'm also sick of hurting everywhere (especially when my friends look at me like I'm crazy because they never had the pains like that) but be happy you are in the home stretch of the last few weeks!! I'll continue to waddle for the next 10 weeks :)

  29. I haven't checked on you for months and months and months! Just now, going to bed, I thought of you. Look how darling you are!! It'll be over soon. I was almost 3 weeks overdue (for real) with my first. She was just over 9 lbs. and 22" long. It was like giving birth to a 1 month old. She was sturdy and slept like a champ (for awhile anyway). When they put me on the operating table for my emergency c-section, I can recall a nurse exclaiming, "You can SEE all of baby's limbs". I was stretched that tightly. Ah, yes...good-bye totally fit and toned stomach. Good-bye "innie" belly button. Good-bye stomach muscles that actually come within 2" of each other.
    Can't wait to hear the good news on your end.
