Thursday, July 29, 2010

I spy a tutu...

This was my dining room table, now it's known as Tutu Drive Central Command. I can't even tell you how it makes me feel to look at this, it makes my eyes well up almost every time I come down the stairs! I mean, I knew I'd get some response but this, this is incredible! So you want to know what we're up to?? Huh??? Guess!

Nope, higher.


Ok, ready for this??

Drumroll please...


Can you believe that?!? And the drive isn't even over yet! 182, WOW. That's all I can say, WOW.

Not that I underestimated you, I just didn't think that many people would have the time to whip up so many gorgeous, handmade dress up items. They're all done so beautifully too. Seriously, what talented ladies you are!

I had originally wanted to post pics of all the items as they came in but there were just wayyy too many. (which probably would have been boring at some point anyway, you must be getting tired of posts with "tutu" in the title) So instead I'm going to feature a few of the ones that came in (show & tell is always fun) and also give a list of thankyous. If I've missed your name please let me know, unless of course your tutu is in transit. I'll go by the post office a few more times over the next couple of weeks & will send out the final shipment to the Princess Alexa Foundation on Aug 15th, that will give anyone who might have sent it out on the 31st a bit of time to get here.

So take a peek at these beautiful donations...I wish I could show them all but here's a little taste.How gorgeous is the Snow White tutu Stephanie from made?! And those flower & fish tutus from Kathryn in Indiana, amazing! Stacia from "Little B & Me" made that adorable teapot tutu using Jess' tutorial for the Dress Up Skirt. So did Katie in Kentucky, except she made 5, yes, FIVE beautiful skirts! Wow Katie. Wow.Elizabeth sent the most amazing box of polka dot dress up skirts & superhero capes with masks. How incredible are her sewing skills?? Seriously, I'm jealous. I somehow misplaced the name of who made the awesome packaging for her tutus, whoever you are you get a big gold star for creativity! (Sorry) Christy in Texas put together her own method for making these three beautiful white net skirts, so pretty! Brenda from Jersey Girls Treasure Box made this gorgeous green garden tutu along with um, EIGHT others! And some very lucky little girl is going to get that beautiful princess tutu & headpiece from Debra.This box blew me away when I opened it. Those are 11 bags of tutus with matching wands & superhero caps with masks. And my favorite part?? The capes are reversible from Superman to Batman! Seriously Dana & Karen, you are something special. I'm thinking an etsy shop at the very least. Bravo ladies!
This box of goodness is all from Michelle in Michigan, give yourself a pat on the back lady. (and your hands a rest from knotting all that tulle!)I thought Stephanie's patriotic star tutus were a neat twist.
And all 8 of these gorgeous colored knotted tutus? From Kristen in Georgia. Incredible right?!
Carrie from Greenbean's Crafterole sent the most amazing box of tutus with sweet butterfly wands. Look at the details she put into her 8 tutus too! Man, those little flowers are charming.
And Heather from Cali's donation box had just about every fun dress up item available to man in it, including some homemade tutus!

So there's just a few, I so wish I could show more but this post is already getting super long. I do want to take a minute to say thankyou to each of you guys for your donations though if I haven't mentioned you already. Also if you included a blog address or business card I linked to it below. I hope everyone will go look at everyone else's blogs. Then we can all be a bunch of tutu obsessed blogging buddies. (:

Maggie in FL (her embellished tutus were AWESOME, oh, and she's my baby sister, hehe!)
Lyndsay in Utah
Ansley in Idaho
Julie at Crafts for Lily
Krystal in Washington
Natalie from 1 Hungry Hippie
Mandy from Sugar Bee Craft Edition
Sunny in Maryland
Kirsten from The Quirky Frog
Melissa in Mississippi
Marsha from
Gabby from
Jessica from A Little Gray
Michelle & Family from 4daydreambelievers
Tammy in Michigan
Alayna from Alaynas Creations
Sarah from North Carolina
Two Little Hooligans
Rachel at Lily Ruth's Mom
Ettiene at Judy Cat Crafts
"A" from Centreville
Becky from Chocolate Can't Get You Pregnant
"L" from Kentucky
Rachel from Texas

And a super big thank you to Jess from Happy Together, Lynette from Get Your Craft On & Adrianna from Crafterhours for their AMAZING guest posts & beautiful donations. I can't thank you ladies enough!


  1. Yay! That's awesome! I'm so glad you met your goal and more. I just want to say again what a GREAT idea this drive was. Congratulations!

  2. wow this is amazing! I'm so happy to know that I still have time to send you the ones I made..wooohooo!!!!!!

  3. Wow! I love them all! This is so great. I am so happy that you are getting such a great response!

  4. Mine are going in the mail tomorrow morning! I didn't forget...just last minute. ;)

  5. I was just going to check my tracking to see if you got the package. But by the photo I see you got it. So glad you got more than you expected.

  6. Wow! Everyone outdid themselves! Gorgeous creations!

  7. WOW!! SOOOO clad you met and surpassed your goal!! Thanks so much for your kind words!! I wish I could do stuff like this all day! You are so awesome! Prayers for an easy last 5 weeks!!!

  8. oops - excuse my spelling - meant glad - not clad. :D

  9. Im so glad you liked my packaging. I was totally fretting because of my lack of ziploc baggies. I cannot believe all of the beautiful tutu's you got! And since you didn't mention yourself, I will. This took a lot of work from you! SO THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK! Good luck with the delivery.

  10. AWESOME! :) These all look amazing! I am so glad I had the chance to participate! Thanks for the kind words, and a BIG THANKS for organizing this great event!

  11. Yay! How amazing!!!! They are all so beautiful!

  12. There are all awesome! makes me feel bad I didn't had the time to make one, but 182 sounds good! You'll probably have 200 by august 15th!

  13. Amazing!
    Congratulations everybody for all the hard work!!!

  14. Hey=) Melissa in Mississippi here...I'm so happy that you received so many tutus. I actually have a little blog myself. It's
    Thanks so much Natasha for allowing us to participate in the drive. I enjoyed making them,

  15. YEAH!! I got goosebumps seeing all the pictures! What an amazing bunch of followers you have ;) So happy to have gotten the chance to contribute.. Thanks to you for organizing the entire thing!!

  16. SOOOOOO AWESOME! And I NEED a cape that's reversible from Superman to Batman! Like, seriously! Actually, I need two of them. Pleeeease? Pleeeease won't they open an Etsy shop? Susan

  17. omg!...that freaking rocks you got more than you were hoping for! wonderful is that?...this is such a wonderful charity...and i'm so glad to have been a part of it!....

  18. This is such a great idea! I'll totally be a part of it next time!

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