Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Samster!

Ok, so I feel like I'm starting every post lately with an apology followed by explanation as to why I haven't been around but here we go again. I know you guys are sweet about me not keeping up my blogging during these last few weeks of pregnancy but I still feel so guilty! Like if I miss too many days all my readers will disappear. Dumb, no?

Well, we did have a whopper of a last few days. If you're local then you know exactly what I'm talking about. We had a ridiculous storm come through on Sunday afternoon. We (P, Samster, my dear MIL & I) were all hanging out in the kitchen when it started to get really dark out. It had been over 100 degrees all weekend so a thunderstorm wasn't too shocking. And then the rain started, & then, I kid you not, the most incredible winds I've ever experienced IN MY LIFE. All the chairs & the table on the patio where blown across the deck, the baby pool went flying, trees looked like they might snap in half. We all just stood there in shock for a minute & then P said, "um, I think we should head to the basement" So we did. Within 5 minutes it was over but even through all my hurricane experience from living in Florida I can't say I've ever experienced a storm like that before. Of course power went out but what we didn't learn until later is that the entire city lost power! After the storm it didn't cool off too much either. I've been sweating my cha-cha off the last few days & grumpy doesn't even begin to cover my mood. Until this morning that is, the power came on at 6a after 2 days of middle of summer heat. Not to mention no tv, microwave, lights, computer...not a happy household to say the least. But now, now I'm cool, comfy & am the happiest girl on Earth. I never realized how much I love my house until I had to live in a non-functioning version of it for 2 days. Even seeing the fridge light come on is putting a smile on my face. So now that we're out of our pioneer life of the last few days I can finally download pics from Samster's bday party & share them with you. We just had a little get together with a few friends, nothing too crazy since I'm trying to take it easy until Chums is done cooking. (35.4 weeks, woohoo!) Really the only somewhat crafty thing I did was I added onto her photo garland with an "I'm 2!" picture. (the original tutorial is here)Samster's personal tutu collection came in quite handy since most of her friends are little girls...Daddy stayed up late the night before putting together her bday present playhouse...I can't believe my little girl is 2. Wow. How can a birthday make you so happy & so sad all at the same time? Although I guess I still have a few more hours with my 1 yr old, her birthday isn't technically until tomorrow...Oh, and the tutus have been coming in like MAD, I'm SO excited!!! I'll post about that tomorrow. Promise!

Thanks for being patient guys. It means a lot. (:


  1. Happy birthday Samster! Glad you're safe and in a cool house again. :)

  2. I had no idea our girls birthdays were so close! Samster's birthday is my little girls due date ;) but she was born on the 30th!! Here's to surviving the first two years :D

    Oh, and seriously Natasha, your cooking a baby. Anyone NOT "patient" with you can....well I'm gonna be nice and let the dot-dot-dots do all the talking :) Your a champ for doing as much as you have been, and we wish you alllll the best!

    Happy Birthday Sam!

  3. wow, my daughter will be 2 tomorrow (28th) also! I have been reading your blog for a while now and I've just now realized that! Don't worry about the apologies, but I'm happy to hear that everyone is safe. We are in eastern WV and some of that nasty storm came through here Sunday earlier, but we only last our satellite and internet for a little while.
    happy birthday, Samster!

  4. Ah... she is sooo cute! Don't be sad, you will have a fresh baby soon, or as my friend calls them "a fresh squishy".

  5. I think your blog will maintain readers because people like it, and I bet a lot of the readers can relate and understand that you're not always able to post.

    I can't imagine being pregnant, hot, and without electricity! I would have taken it terribly.

    Yes, birthdays are bittersweet.

    Our little one is turning 1 a week from today, and I made a photo garland using your tutorial for her party decorations!

  6. We lost power for 29 hours, and that was more than enough for the novelty of "pioneer life" to wear off. A collective cheer went up from every house in the neighborhood when power came on last night...it was funny to hear. While we were without it, I thought about the poor, uncomfortable pregnant women in the area and how some *must* be going into labor. Glad you're back to modern living and all its creature comforts and still Mom of One!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMSTER! (I mailed my tutu yesterday- yay!)

  8. Happy Birthday Samster! That last pic you pposted is just too cute!Glad to hear you are still hanging in there!

  9. Happy Birthday Samster! The last pic you posted is total cuteness overload!! I cannot wait until you next bundle of joy comes. I keep checking everyday to see whatcha going to have...btw, you seem like a great mommy and person!


  10. First, Happy Birthday to Samster! And ugh, YES that storm was HORRIBLE! I was scared when our power went off for a minute, but thankfully it came back on for us. I can't believe so many people were without for so long. I'm glad that you got yours back on.

  11. Oh! She is so sweet! Happy Birthday, Samster! =)

  12. She's so cute! Happy Birthday Samster!

  13. Happy birthday to Samster..she sure is adorable :D

  14. Hello
    I discover your blog, it is great, generous, of attractive creations, I would mean reading, and happy birthday to the beauty queen

  15. Happy birthday to your daughter (here is already 28th)!! Glad everyone is ok after that storm and glad that your baby is still cooking! ;)
    Here is being hot too (40ยบ c) and there is a lot of fires, wich doesn't help to cool the air! :(

  16. Aww HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMANTHA!! She is too adorable. I know what you mean about time flying. My girl will be 2 in September and it seems like that time flew by. I'm glad to hear you finally got power back. Ours came back the same day at midnight so I definitely can't complain. Esp with being preggo and having a toddler running around. I don't know how you did it.

  17. Awwwwwwwwwwwww, she looks like she had so much fun! Happy birthday Samster!

  18. Happy Birthday Sam! Where did you get her birthday dress?? It is adorable!

  19. Happy birthday to Sam! I think that most of your followers will just have to read through the past blog postings if they get impatient with waiting for any new updates. :-) Glad to hear that you are still hanging in there. I am on my way to 39 weeks....BIG sigh. I know how you feel, just hang on a little longer. :-)

  20. Happy Birthday Sam! You won't lose readers :) You're too fun. Take it easy and let that baby cook!

    I want her dress, btw. Badly.

  21. Oh how scary! I've never been in a storm like that. Yikes! Big happy birthday to Samster! The girls look like they had a blast!
