Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rainbow Onesies

Awhile ago I bought a few packs of the Gerber Organic onesies (they're super soft) & some fabric dye with the intention of making a bunch of fun, super bright onesies. I feel like all onesies for the teeny tiny ones only come in pastels, I wanted turquoise, grass green & sunshine yellow. Since I'm still pregnant I decided maybe this was one project I should actually get to, that & I really needed a distraction from my current baby status.

(by the way, we spent most of yesterday in the hospital & for 4 hours of it my contractions were strong & 3 minutes apart BUT with no dilation & then at 4:30p they just stopped. Just like that. They had been going in total for 17 hrs and then it's just like my body pooped out. I'm SO disappointed, they're calling it "prodromal labor" which I guess is like early labor, supposedly "active labor" will start within a few hours to a couple of days. At this point I think I'm going to not go into labor until I deliver a kindergartner. But enough of's too frustrating.)

Let's talk dye.

I used "Dylon" brand fabric dyes, I bought mine from JoAnn's but I've also seen them at Wal-Mart. Overall I was really happy with it, the colors came out super vivid which was what I was hoping for...I dyed each onesie & a pair of white socks in it's own disposable tupperware container.
A bit messy & a bit time-consuming when you're doing 6 different colors & each one has to be stirred for 15 minutes but I set Samster up with some paints & we had a good time outside.
Oh! But you TOTALLY have to wash these puppies with some Color Catcher dye sheets. I washed each one in the washing machine individually first & then ran them through all together. Both times with dye sheets. Although I'm still a little wary about washing them with anything else anytime soon...I'll let you know how that works out. I am going to have fun embellishing these, I'll post pics when I do. You know, with all that time I'll have being pregnant for 20 months...


  1. Aww, those turned out so cute! Just love the bright colors. Hang in there!

  2. Love it! Have been scared to dye...but I suppose I should just GO for it!! And yes, hang in there....I was 12 days past due w/ gets pretty miserable. You won't be preggo forever!

  3. These are great! We recently went to a friends for "craft day" with kids ranging in age from 3-18 and tie dyed and we were covered in dye but some of the shirts came out SO cute! I was always leery of dying but seeing this and the throw away containers is a GREAT idea! Now I'm thinking we may have to do another "craft day" soon!!!

  4. Those are so cute! I'm so sorry about the prodromal labor! I've been dealing with that for over 2 weeks now (due in 9 days!)! It is such a struggle to deal with the "is this it?", with the pain, and the weird things going on when it just turns into nothing. I think I am losing my mind!

  5. Wow! I love the colours! I love brights on a baby. Hang in there... It feels like forever doesn't it? I remember getting so big with my last pregnancy. I went out to pick up a few things at the grocery store at 40 weeks pregnant, and the grocery cart boy saw me waddling up to the store. He literally stopped walking to stare at me coming towards him, his mouth wide open. Boy, that was good for the ego!

  6. OMG those are sooooo cute!!!!!

  7. just think of it this way... a few weeks ago you were stressed about the baby being premmie!!! and they're a lot easier to look after when they're still inside! but I wish you a quick and safe delivery when the time comes - and let's hope that's soon!!!

  8. They look great! Hope the color holds up well.

  9. Amazing... LOVE the colors! When I was late with my second baby, someone told me to enjoy the extra time with my first. They were right... those last days before she became a big sister were very special to both of us!

  10. was wondering where you were! :o) love the colors!

  11. love the brights! too cute!

  12. hang in there deary..try to keep yourself busy with things that you would not be able to do when the wee one finally arrives..
    im keeping you in my prayers!!

    and the onsies are lovely!

  13. OMG I love these. And you totally should teach classes. When your done being pregnant and all! :)

  14. they turned beautiful!

    I did latent labor too, I was really disapointed the first time it happened. Apparently, It's very commun with second + child. But when I got into my active labor, It lasted 2h and I pushed 5 min!

  15. they turned out so cheerful!!!
    your baby likes to play tricks! ;) Hang in there!!!

  16. Those colors are fantastic! Great idea on using throw away containers. Large yogurt or cottage cheese containers could be repurposed for this, or cut of the tops of 2 liter bottles, and use the bottoms.

    What was the final Tutu count?

  17. What a great idea! Can't wait to try it!

  18. Those are super cute,Ive been inspired to make some for my little boy on the way, I got kelly green & black dye [I love black onesies but its hard to find any] Hopefully it will turn out just as cute!

  19. I LOVE these! Thanks for the great idea. I also remember thinking that I may be the one freak of nature who was going to have a pregnancy the length of an elephant's. Best wishes for an easy delivery!

  20. Hang in there!

    Looking at these bright colors, especially that purple onsie, makes me wonder if Chum Chum is a girl?

  21. Read this online today and thought the idea might help the colors stop running:

    Salt is used commonly in the textile industry, but works at home too. If a dye isn't colorfast, soak the garment for an hour in 1/2 gallon of water to which you've added 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/2 cup salt, then rinse. If rinse water has any color in it, repeat. Use only on single-colored fabric or madras. If the item is multicolored, dry-clean it to avoid running all of the colors together.

  22. wow! time consumming is right! I'd be paniked I'd forget to stir! And the whoel washing maching scares me what if it stains washing one onsie at a time seems like it would take all day? But I love this idea it's precious and I want to do this for my niece!

  23. I love it! I have a lot of pregnant friends, and the sock onsie combo would make such a cute gift for a newborn!
