Monday, August 16, 2010

Busy Hands

Instead of counting down the days I have left being pregnant (well, probably more in addition to, I'm totally still counting) I've decided to try & stay really busy. Everyday a little project...something crafty or maybe clean out some junk drawer. Really anything goes. As long as it doesn't have to do with counting contractions.

One baby bootie down, one to go...And today I bought a bunch of "princess" fabric for Samster, she's become obsessed with dressing up. I thought I'd make a twirly chiffon skirt & attach it to a ribbed tank. Empire waist height...nice & gathered. Then maybe some rosettes & ribbon on the tank. In theory it should be a quickie 30 min dress project. Of course you never do know if that's actually how a project will turn out but I think that's part of the fun. (:So the baby update is not a whole lot, I'm 38.3 weeks, 39 on Friday. I can't believe I ever worried about a preemie baby! This one will definitely be a nice well-cooked chunk. The Dr. seems to think I'll go this week or early next week at the latest so keep your fingers crossed! One thing I'm finally accepting is that this baby is not going to come until it wants to. What a control freak.My mom also left yesterday, it was very nice having her here for a few days. When we thought I was in labor on Tuesday we went ahead & flew her up only for her to get here right as I was being sent home. Oh well, for all Samster knows Nana made a trip up just to entertain her...


  1. Such a gorgeous photo. I'm sure you're super excited--I wish you all the best! Can't wait to see photos of the new bundle :)


  2. Natasha, your mama is so beautiful - not that I'm surprised!

  3. Aww. I know it is so hard and your growing impatient. It is never fun at the end. Best of luck. Hope you have a great delivery.

  4. Congratulations on making it to 38 weeks!

  5. Now we know where you get your beauty!!!! Your mom is beautiful! You look amazing!!!!
    Come on little guy....all the bloggers want to meet you. :)

  6. I know you are getting uncomfortable, but congrats to making it full term! What a blessing. I am currently pregnant with #2 after giving birth to my son at 32 weeks. I am praying for a full term pregnancy this time, no matter how uncomfortable I may be :-).

  7. That's your MOM?? She looks like your SISTER! She is beautiful, I see now where you get it :) Kudos to the FAB Nana! :) and to YOU for cookin' little Chum Chum just right :)

  8. You look great and I would never have guessed that was your mom! She looks so young!!

  9. You look fantastic and I love your attitude... can't wait to meet the new addition.

  10. The last few weeks seem to drag by with your second, but before you know it you'll have your little babe in your arms :) I remember those days but they passed so quickly - my 2nd girl is almost 2 now! Hang in there :)
    So nice your mum came up, hope she can come back again when bubs is here.

  11. i love the dress/shirt you are wearing! Where is it from or is it a Samster/Chum chum mommy original?

  12. Oh you look fab rockin' that full term belly! ;) And your mom is beautiful!

  13. You look great! Good luck and hopefully that baby comes soon!

  14. Avery was late 6 days and I remember just crafting my time away hoping it would get her here faster. Hoping you meet your little bundle soon!

  15. You and your mother are both so beautiful!! I was 3cm dilated for 3 weeks and baby came 3 days late... stubborn stubborn babies.

  16. Yea, I thought my second was going to come early since my 2 were only 13 months apart and my first came about 2.5 weeks early....yea, no. I was ready for him in the middle of July, and he came August 1st. ONE DAY early!!! Little stinker....and he was angry at the world for the first 3 months. I'm pretty sure he wanted to stay in there for much longer!

  17. Congratulations on making it this far! You might be interested in a very helpful post on natural recipes for postpartum healing on Lindsay's blogspot at

  18. I had to do a double take when you said that was your mom in the photos.'re a lucky woman to have such amazing genes! I swore she was your best friend.

  19. Wow, I am keeping you in my prayers for a speedy and safe delivery. It sounds nice that Sam had your mom to be with her for some fun visiting before the new baby comes. I wanted to tell you that I also had my baby August 11, and she came on her own! I was to be induced Aug 12, but she decided to come out the day before.
    I hope your new little one comes fast! :-)

  20. wow Sam looks soo cute and her hair is sooo long!!!! have you trimmed it again since that last time you blogged about it. ...trying to learn the secret, my daughter's grows sooo slow!

  21. I'm guessing right now your back is just about "done" with being pregnant. :) Good luck. We'll be thinking about you and hoping for a happy healthy delivery.

  22. Congratulations on baby Sophie. Your wait is finally over and you get to enjoy your new baby. Hope you get plenty of rest. Post pics when you can.

  23. From reading the previous post I assume you had the baby! Congratulations and looking forward to seeing pictures. :)

  24. Wow! Never would've thought that was your MOM. She looks like your sister ;-)
