Friday, August 20, 2010

Meet Sophie!

She's here!!!

Name: Sophie Quinn
Time of Birth: 8/19/2010 9:52pm
Weight: 7.2 lbs
Height: 20"
Hair: FabulousMore details to come but I just wanted to throw up a quick couple of pics so everyone could see our newest little princess! Samster just came to meet her a few minutes ago, she said, "Awwww, baby! Soooo cute." I'm thinking maybe she'll decide her sister can stay.

Daddy is a walking zombie but doing well, I must be running on fumes but am deliriously happy. My wonderful mother-in-law is taking care of Samster at the house & I can't wait for the rest of our friends & family to come & meet this little sweetie. (She really hasn't even made a peep, SO not the Samster Mommy temperment)

I'll be back soon with the birth story, it was quite the roller coaster but SOOOOOO worth it in the end! Oh, & I did get my VBAC. (:


  1. Congratulations!!!!!! She's already so pretty and what a gorgeous name too :)

  2. Ohh she's beautiful and congrats on the Vbac! I had 2 and they were so much easier than the section. I love that 2nd pic-she's really telling you how she feels! lol

  3. Congrats on the VBAC! And she is absolutely beautiful!

  4. Congrats! She's soooo adorable. I'm glad everyone is doing well. I can't wait to hear about your vbac. I'm hoping to have one in a couple of weeks.

  5. Natasha, she is just beautiful. Congrats. I love the name too. Email me when you come to T-Town. I still want to have lunch! :)

  6. Awe!! Congrats! She is adorable - and love the name!

  7. She is adorable! I love the crinkly little face! I'm so itching for a baby #2 that our girl name is already picked out and the middle name is Quinn too! Glad you got your VBAC!

  8. So so so sweet! Congratulations! Enjoy!

  9. Congrats! She is such a Beautiful little girl.

  10. Congratulations! What a happy time for your family.

  11. Yay congrats, I've been reading your blog for a while now and am fairly local to you, so I had to run to email my hubby that Kane's wife had her baby :) I was really convinced it was a boy by the onesie colors, though I admit the purple threw me off! I am so glad you got the VBAC you wanted, I am hoping for the same! Can't wait to see what girly creations you whip up for little Sophie :)

  12. Her name says she's gonna be as smart as she's pretty!Congratz!

  13. Oh, she is so beautiful. Congratulations to you and your family. I love her name by the way.

  14. Congratulations! She is so beautiful! :)

  15. How precious! So beautiful. Congratulations to you all.

  16. Congratulations. Your daughter is beautiful and her name is perfect. Enjoy each other!

  17. Congratulations!! ♥lovelovelove her name!

  18. What a beautiful girl and a such a pretty name! Congratulations!!!

  19. Congratulations, she is adorable. Many blessings upon her

  20. SO happy for you and your family!! She is just precious!

  21. Congrats!!! She is so cute!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name!!!

  22. awww, love that scrunched up face, congrats!!

  23. congratulations! what a precious angel!

  24. Congratulations, she's adorable!

  25. Congrats to your whole family! Sophie is adorable!

  26. OOoohhhh Natasha she's gorgeous!! She looks a LOT like Sam :) Congrats to you & P!!!

    P.s. Have to note--Hubby and I have more often lately been having the "if/when baby #2" debate lately....we already have a girl and would like a boy, but aren't sure if we want to try for one *that* badly....I know it's terrible to say but I'd be really upset if we had another girl...not that I don't love my daughter.....anywho. Almost everyone I know with kids--and one around K's age--has 2 of the same gender!! Makes me reeeaaallly nervous about having another one... :/

  27. She's beautiful! Congratulations! Uh oh...I'm getting baby fever again. LOL

  28. congratulations!!!! she is so cute! Can't wait to hear the labor story. Way to go!

  29. She is beautiful- congrats! :)

  30. Congrats!!! I'm so happy for You:) and jealous:)
    XOXO from Ireland:) Take care.

  31. Congrats! Very cute! Beautiful name!

  32. Beautiful Beautiful. I am so glad you to deliver VBAC. I think that is important, I look forward to hearing more, after you have rested.

  33. OMG Natasha I am soo happy for you and Kane! I honestly got a little teary eyed when I saw the blog post and the pictures, she is beautiful and I am happy that you got your VBAC! Good luck on the new little Sophie she is prefect!

  34. Congratulations! She is beautiful!!!!!!!

  35. Congrats!! Sophie Quinn -- ADORABLE baby and ADORABLE name!! And kudos to you on getting that VBAC you wanted!!! BABY FEVER!! :)

  36. Congratulations on the beautiful new arrival!

  37. What a sweetheart... congrats!

  38. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! She's adorable!!

  39. Congrats on baby Sophia. Glad your doing well. Love the second picture.

  40. Congratulations! That is such wonderful news. I love her name. I'm so glad you have a vbac like you wanted. I hope everything else during labor went smoothly. I look forward to many more pics of your little one. Rest up!

  41. congratulations!! and double congrats on the vbac!

  42. Aww, isn't she cute! Congratulations, and I'm so glad you got the VBAC you wanted! Good luck for your new life with two littlies :-)

  43. She's beautiful! Congratulations!

  44. Congratulations on the new baby and the Vbac!

  45. Congratulations!
    All the Hapiness in the world to little Sophie, her parents and big sister!

  46. GOOOOOOOD FOR YOU!!! I know you wanted that VBAC!!

  47. YAY! Congratulations, and hooray for the VBAC!

  48. Congratulations!! She is absolutely beautiful. Double congrats on your VBAC!!! I'm planning one for February and can't wait to hear your birth story.

  49. Congratulations!! She is beautiful! Yay for your VBAC!!! You go Mommy!

  50. Congrats! She looks so precious.

  51. Did you know you were having another girl? For some reason I had it in my head that it was a boy. She is gorgeous though and I love her name. All of my kids names start with 'S' too! Congrats to the happy family!!

  52. Hello! I've been following your posts for quite a while and I want to congratulate you on your new little princess. I was truly smiling when I saw today's title. Congratulations to all 3 of you :)

  53. Congratulations!!! She is beautiful!

  54. YAHOO!!! You needed her to be born right? You were going insane being pregnant for 20 months LOL K, I am so out of the loop when it comes to new pregnancy terms, since my youngest is 18, I had to google what a VBAC was! Man that makes me feel old. Congratulations on your new daughter and your VBAC! Can't wait to hear the details.

  55. Congrats! She is beautiful and I LOVE her name!

  56. Congratulations on the arrival of your gorgeous Sophie! I am so happy to hear that you did get the VBAC you wanted.

  57. Hey RockStar! So happy to hear about your new arrival, I am also very happy to hear that she and I share a birthday...... so not only do we share cyber twin girls... now we're officially going to have be friends... The 19th is a great bday... she'll be headstrong, and stubborn, but loving and sweet! Glad Samster is happy! Glad she had a better birthday than me! I ended up with staples in my forehead... woohoo 30s.... Congratulations again... and the vbac news is great... gives me hope for my upcoming hope to be pregnant soon delivery!

  58. Congratulations!!!! I have been thinking about you the past few days. Sophie is beautiful!!! I can't wait to see all the cute little things you make for her! Aaawww so sweet Samster has a sister. :)

    I am soooo happy for you!!!!

  59. congrat's she is beautiful and so is her name. Many blessings for health and happiness to both of you. sandra

  60. Congratulations! I am so excited for a new little girl in the world.

  61. Your new sweetheart is a doll!! Congratulations.

  62. YAY!!!! Congratulations! She is a beauty!

  63. Congratulations!!! She is so beautiful!

  64. Yippeee! Congrats! She's beautiful!

  65. Hooray for VBACS and for new babies!! Congratulations!!

  66. Congratulations! She's beautiful!

  67. I had a feeling you had your little one!! :o) yay congrats! I was guessing girl!

  68. YAY!! Con-grates on the new little bundle of joy and the Vbac. Wishing everyone is doing well.

  69. OMGOSH!! Tears!! Too precious!!! Thank God she is healthy!! Congrats to your whole family!

  70. YAY!! Ive been checking up on your blog every day like a weirdo to see when you delivered! :p
    Good job mommy...she absolutely beautiful!!! I cant wait to have another one! :)

  71. awwwww...she's is soooo cute!! congratulations on the new addition to the family!

  72. congratulations! She is GORGEOUS!

  73. What a beautiful girl and a beautiful name! Congratulations to you, P and Sam!

  74. Congrats to you, Kane, and Samster! I can sorta relate to you. I wanted a VBAC second time around...had a c/s since first baby was breached. In the end, I ended up with another c/s and it was hard (long story)the recovery was a lot better though. My hats off to you though! My two girls are 13 months apart...crazy, I know. just be prepared. Sam is going to have a tough time. Kaylee is now 3 months and Kiara is now acting jealous so I know Samster will be worst since she's more attached to you. Kiara is more attached to daddy. Just be ready cuz I thought everything was going great and now Kiara is having a really hard time. I'm sure it will get easier. Love you guys! Good luck....

    Hopefully next time we have a boy...;)

  75. Aww she adorable! Well done you! :)

  76. She is beautiful! Congratulations!

  77. Congrats Mama! She's beautiful! So happy for you guys. Glad everything went well, and that Samster is pleased with her sister. My husband and I have 2 nieces that are about the same age apart as your girls (Abby is 2 1/2 years old and ELlie is 10 months) and they get along great. Best of luck! =]

  78. Congratulations she is gorgeous! I just had a successful VBAC birth on Tuesday. :-) Congrats on yours!!

  79. Congratulations! what a beautiful outcome, and so happy for you getting your VBAC.

  80. congratulations! She is beautiful!

  81. Congrats! Sophie and I share a birthday! She was born on my 30th!

  82. Congrats on your new little one and congrats on you vbac!

  83. Congratulations! I love her name! Glad to hear everything went well and can't wait to hear the whole story!

  84. Felicidades!!!! Preciosa! Muchas bendiciones :)

  85. I just had to come check since I hadn't seen a post from you and my guess was right! Congrats on sweet Sophie and your VBAC!

  86. Congratulations!!! She is gorgeous!!! I am so thrilled you got your VBAC too, so awesome!

  87. Congratulations. She's gorgeous.
    Enjoy your new expanded family. xxx.

  88. Congratulations! Sophie is just beautiful.

    Rest up!

  89. Congratulations, she is beautiful. Sweet.

  90. Congratulations!!!!!!! She is so very beautiful. Just like mom and big sis.

  91. Congratulations! My oldest daughter's (4) name is also Sophie. She's adorable and congrats again :)

  92. Congrat!!! She is soo beautiful. Glad to here you were able to have your VBAC. Happy thoughts and prayers to you and P. Samster will make a great big sister.

  93. Whew! At last. Congratulations! I was beginning to think you just might make it to 20 months. => So glad you didn't.

  94. congratulations! she is a doll! (:

  95. Congrats! What a beautiful name! oh and baby too :-) We recently brought home our beautiful baby girl and my 2 1/2 year old son said, on the way to bring her home from the NICU, "I can't like baby sister, I CAN'T like baby sister..." haha, poor boy. It's good to hear Samster was excited about sweet Sophie!

  96. Hey..I'm a new follower of yours. Just wanted to say hey, congrats on the new precious! And that I have spent an hour...HOUR on this one blog. Seriously your stuff you make is great. Inspired me to make some stuff too.

  97. So glad your wait is over!! She is gorgeous!
    Congrats to you and your fam.

  98. Hi...i'm new here i been following your pregnancy, and i just wanted to say Congrats she's sooo pretty. I just love all the stuff that you do or going to do for your girls.

  99. I am so excited for you Natasha! I love that you got your VBAC! Congrats on your new little girl!!!! I cannot wait to hear about the birth story, and I hope that you and your family are doing well!

  100. awe gorgous! I love the name! One of my best friends first names is Quinn! and I have always loved the name sophia! U are so very lucky congrats to you and your family

  101. So so so sweet! Congratulations! Enjoy!
