Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh sweet sleep, how I love thee.

FINALLY, I got some rest!

The past few days had been downright brutal, hence not having time to blog. Sam seemed like she was literally trying to stay up ALL NIGHT LONG. On Sunday night I was so tired from being up with her the two nights before that I just put her in bed with us hoping that maybe she'd sleep a little better. Wrong. At 1am Peter woke me up because Sam had scooted over to his side of the bed and was pulling on his beard and laughing. Such a little terror she is! Although I must admit we did stop and laugh for a bit, although most of that was probably delirium.

Sunday was such a disaster that it actually got to the point where we would just laugh every time something else went wrong. Sam had 3 blowouts, yes three. And therefore 3 baths. I stepped on a sewing needle in my craft room and got blood everywhere (gross I know but censoring just won't do the story justice) Sam grabbed my glass of red wine during dinner and spilled it everywhere, then after Peter got done cleaning it he knocked over a glass of water which just happened to fall right into my open diaper bag that was sitting on the chair. UGH, then her up all night, it was downright ridiculous. So basically I don't even remember Monday, I was so tired that the house was on autopilot. We were such a bunch of grumps. But last night a glimmer of hope...

Sam slept, in her crib mind you, from 7pm-5:19am, WOOHOO! I did hear her wake up a couple of times but she just fussed for a few minutes and fell back asleep. Once I got up, pulled her out of the corner of her crib, stuck the paci back in her mouth, gave her her giraffe lovie and she went right back down. Maybe she was just so exhausted that she slept through her urge to get up and play? Or perhaps it was that we turned the heat down last night and she sleeps better being all snuggled up in the cold? Oh, I also did have Peter pick up a breathable bumper last night so she'd stop throwing her paci out of the crib...I dunno but I just pray for a repeat tonight, I feel 100 times better today, it's amazing what a little sleep can do!

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