Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer PJ Makeover

One moldy bathroom & a stomach flu the whole family was taken down with later & today the house is finally back in order enough to get back to blogging. Whew!

This morning's project was just a quickie but it's one of those things that afterwards I went, "Huh, why didn't I do this sooner?"I feel like I spend so much money on pj's for Samster, constantly changing sizes & then throw in the seasonal change & well, you get the picture. I hated to replace all her long-sleeve 2T cotton footie pj's since I just bought them so instead I "summerized" them. If you have some scissors & a sewing machine you can do the same.Start off by making 3 cuts (or just two if you only want to make it short-sleeve but keep the footies, I did this to one pair since I know how I get trigger happy with the a/c in my 3rd trimester)
*One at the short sleeve length
*Two cut off the ribbing at the wrist
*Three at the feet right below the zipper
Take your ribbing & re-attach it by stitching the 3 edges together, two from the ribbing & one from the pj. (you can see a bit more detail about attaching ribbing here) I chose to attach mine at the base of the short sleeve when I was leaving on the footies & at the ankle when I took the footies off. Also I should point at that since the pj's are knit they won't unravel regardless, you could just cut them off & be done, it just adds a nice finished look to re-attach the ribbing. Below is a pic of the wrist ribbing after being reattached at the ankle.That's it! 10-minutes worth of work & I've got short-sleeve summer cotton pajamas. Nice.

Tonight I'm going to finish up a dress that I'm SO excited to share, it's a project for a girlfriend's daughter to wear to her local football games. So stinkin' cute. Almost as cute as Samster playing fetch with "U-shee" (translation: Lucy)


  1. Awesome! I had the same problem. I don't know why I didn't think of that. So smart and simple!

  2. Hi, Natasha!! Samster is so cute! How old is she? I have a 1 year and 9 months old daughter, Aila. She is that cute too!!! I have the same problem and I guess all moms have: buying clothes all the time cause the grow up very fast !! I appreciate you idea. Thanks for sharing it! Kisses from Brasil. Bela.

  3. The little fingernails are gorgeous!!

  4. seriously brilliant! And I swear Samster gets cuter every post!

  5. Oh. My. Goodness. I don't think it's possible for a little girl to be any cuter.


  6. Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog this weekend, and there are already approximately 1000 projects that I am filing away for future use. Your blog is simply amazing, I have shared it with several friends already. Just wanted to drop a line to tell you I am enjoying reading!

  7. Too cute! I love how Lucy already has a ball in her mouth. She's looking at Samster and thinking "i dont think so kid - i've already got one"

  8. I love that her toenails are painted! you're like the best mom ever!

  9. Thanks for sharing this idea! My little man is 4 and it feels like I am always having to buy a larger size of pjs for him. This should really help. :-)
    BTW--I LOVE Sam's hair in these photos. She is just so darn cute. :-)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Flippen cute!!!! I totally agree its crazy what they want you to pay for jammies. I have been making light cotton jammie bottoms for my son. Love her tiny purple toes.
    I <3 your blog!

  12. I have to get on this project myself. When I was little my mom used to just cut the feet off. Our jammies never looked this cute!
