Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bathroom Remodel-Part One

I've got the "nesting/tear everything up/remodel the entire house itch" before this baby comes, & I've got it BAD. Now that the playroom's done I'm on to our master bathroom. It's not done yet but I just had to give you a little visual update!

Here's the before:It's not bad per say but it definitely needed some help...the tiles were literally falling off the walls, the grout is cracked & that vanity is about 10" too short for my 6'4" husband.

Here's a pic of the tile I've chosen. This is the display in the tile shop, I loved it so much I decided to copy it exactly.And after the demo today I walked in to find this...And behind the curtain? Ready?Do you know what that big black spot is on the ground??? MOLD! AAAGGHH!!!! I was just telling P that now I feel like every breath I take has invasive mold spores in it. I can't stand it. We're having some mold clean up guy come out tomorrow to investigate how far below it goes. I lived in a mold infested apartment before when I was in college, both Parker & I ended up with respiratory issues & didn't figure out why until I bought a home test mold kit from Home Depot. I am NOT going down that road again, I want guys in big white haz-mat suits to come in & eradicate the stuff. I'm thinking that scene in ET where there all the guys are running in the bubble hallway & breathing through plastic tubes...yep, that's what I want.

Is it just me or does it scare the crap out of anyone else to think of what might behind the walls?!? Ew!


  1. Our house is over 65 yrs old. I love it, but we have found some shady things in the walls and elsewhere during construction projects...

  2. YUCK.

    My first dorm in college, I moved in mid-year (started in the winter). It was a triple with only 1 other girl and the floors were COVERED in mold and dirty clothes.

    I switched out of there after the 2 week freeze.

  3. Hi Natasha! I love your blog! I have a question - Are you doing the bathroom remodel on your own? I'm looking for a contractor to remodel my bathroom, but haven't found one that I like/reasonable yet! Do the at home mold tests actually work?!

  4. Yes, it can be scary. Our house was built in 1948 or 1949, and it is really scary to see how some things were "slapped" together. Luckily we remodeled a lot before we moved into it 4 yrs ago. :-) I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you when that specialist comes out. Hopefully it is just the surface and nothing serious. I am looking forward to seeing the after pictures!!!
    Hmmm, that makes me wonder if I should post about our remodel, before and after and give out those tips that helped us do most of the house for around $7,000. (Yes, that is correct--including a whole kitchen remodel.)

  5. We Just remodeled our Master Bath too where we found mold in the same place, it was because they didn't line the shower properly and now 13 years later what do you get MOLD! EWWW! I told my dad that I knew something was up with that shower cause of the way the ceiling in the downstairs looked, Got to love the developers that go the cheap way out! Hopefully it will look wonderful in the end and be well worth it!

  6. during our recent "rip the house to bits" extension, we discovered loads of black mold creeping up the bedroom wall behind the wardrobe and panicked that it was going to have spread, or worse was coming from the roof. Turns out it was just condensation, due to it being the 1st ever winter our house had been heated. Its all been washed down and replastered, so fingers crossed it stays away. x.

  7. You have definitely taken "nesting" to a new level. :)

  8. sorry to hear about the mold, but it doesn't really surprise me. if you were having tiles fall off the walls, who knows what was underneath to help prevent water seepage. i know that there was NOTHING behind the tiles in the shower my husband and i had to rip out. the fiberglass shower pan had been leaking and so we had to rip out everything. on the plus side, we did it RIGHT! goodness knows the contractors didn't the first time (when the house was built 12 years ago!) there's a few posts about it on my blog. after demo in august of 09, we finally finished in feb this year. yes, it was 5 months without a shower in our master bathroom, but we had a second shower and we did it all ourselves. that cost savings alone was totally worth the wait. not to mention that we got exactly what we wanted! no compromises!

  9. ICK! Sorry to hear about that! I hope they get that taken care of. I can't wait to see the bathroom when it's finished. I'm sure it'll be awesome!
