Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Still here...kind of.

Day 4 of being stuck in the house with a sick toddler & I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here...physically at least. I'm afraid dear Samster friends that my mind has left me. It's gone to a far away place where there's no Dora.

P got to fly with the Blue Angels today as part of a radio station gig. I'm afraid I might strangle him in a jealous rage when he walks in the door.

Oh & the roof started leaking today in the livingroom after I took a shower in our master bath.



  1. Man, what a time you've been having! Hang in there...

  2. So sorry! :( I hope P can give you a break when he gets home.

  3. Sending encouraging thoughts and a HUG your way!

  4. I am so sorry! It will get better. As much as it sucks there are always those bad days that just seem to get worse. But in a few weeks when this is all over you can look back and laugh. Feel better.

  5. Hope your daughter gets better soon!!

  6. Sad day. Hope the little one gets better very soon.

  7. Oh no! Plumbing issues are never any fun! I hope it turns out to be something very easily fixed. Hang in there for Sam. It should be over anytime now, right? Keep your head up and try to have those sleep and nap time moments to yourself, with some relaxation. You certainly need it. :-)

  8. My son came down with Roseola so I am right there with you. Hope Samster feels better soon.

  9. I'm sending big hug and good wishes your way!

  10. Hope Samster feels better very soon and that her mummy does too.
    Big comforting hugs.x.

  11. Hang in there! Just remember, this too shall pass.

  12. Aww Im sorry you are having alot happening right now :( If I lived near you Id come over to help!
    Seriously though, I remember when my daughter was new and she was up most of the night. It was hard for me but it was over in a few months.Now she is teething and is up most of the night again. I know when we have another one it will happen again and I will have 2 babies to take care of,but it wont last forever! Take care of yourself too because you cant take care of them if you are down and out. Take a nap if you can and relax :)

  13. ah poor gal! hope all gets better soon.
