Saturday, May 15, 2010

Goldfish Model

Who knew a $2 goldfish would get me out of my rut?

First off, most importantly, Samster is finally feeling better. What a nasty bug that was. But for some reason I still felt so discombobulated, it was really bumming me out. I guess it was just one of those weeks where every little thing that can go wrong, will. Either that or once you feel off track all of the little normal life hiccups hit you a bit harder. Regardless, yesterday I decided I was sick of it & we were going to get back on our routine because one thing I learned about myself this week is I LOVE MY ROUTINE.

A little bit of crafting turned out to be exactly what I needed to get my spirits back up. I decided to start working on a painting for my new playroom's last bare wall. "Ish" the fish was the perfect subject.I'm going to finish it up this morning but just wanted to throw it up on the 'ol blog first so you wouldn't think I had disappeared in some abyss. Oh, & sorry for the crappy image, it's from my camera phone. Our other project for the day is to search the DC metro area for a camera battery charger. Surely they're must be one.

Thanks so much for hanging in there, I really missed my blogging & am so glad you stuck around! (:


  1. I think crafting can be some of the best therapy! Whenever I'm having an "off" day, I know that I need to get to creating something. It just helps!! :)

  2. That's beautiful so far. I've seen a similar one somewhere for a boy/girl room. I love the idea & I'm glad you're feeling a little better!

  3. How cute! I can't wait to see the finished product!

  4. So funny you say this, because just this week in an "About Me" segment somewhere in the blogosphere a woman described crafting as therapeutic. And I thought about that several times this week, thinking... what a great way to describe how crafting can make you feel. Glad I'm not the only one and pleased as punch to hear your Samster is better.

  5. I know what you mean. Although I am not good at crafting or being too creative with the arts, I am so good at cooking and baking. So whenever I am feeling off or down I bake something so delicious and it brings me back up and out of the hole I feel like I am in. Glad to hear that you are doing better, and that Sam is feeling well.

  6. glad to hear that you are all feeling better.
