Thursday, October 22, 2009

Samster Household Down.

My family is falling apart. Sam's got a stopped up nose and spent last night in our bed because she kept waking up every 2 minutes miserable. P has had a sore throat and is exhausted from said Samster sleeping in our bed waking up every 2 minutes. And me? Well I just feel like a truck has run over me. The worst migraine started yesterday afternoon and because we have such wonderful insurance I have a very limited amount of migraine medication I can get every month. And wouldn't you know it, I get a killer one when I'm completely out. About an hour ago I sent P to the pharmacy to pick it up anyway & pay for it out of pocket because I'm dying. It's gonna be an ouchie to the budget to say the least.

I'm also SO bummed because I have like 5 blog posts that I'm DYING to put up. Ugh. Double Ugh! I hate when I have great stuff to share with you but no time (or energy in this case) to do it!

Oh well, you'll still come around if I take a day or two off from the blog right? What if I bribe you with a really cute kitty and doggy hat post as soon as I feel better? Will that do it? Huh?


Good. I knew you'd understand.


  1. Hope you will all feel better soon! I also hate insurance! Hate it!
    Anyhoo, here is a cool website to join to get more followers and to meet/read some fantastic blogs.
    Drink lots of coffee/caffeine it helps ease the headache a little.

  2. Hope you all feel better soon! New to the blog, but listen to your husband! Love the blog, you've done a great job with it!! Oh and your daughter is precious!!

  3. I also have migraines. And with two young boys there is no "just relax" as my doctor advises. Don't you just love when you have to gauge your migraine to decide if its worth one of the few pills you have? I'm constantly thinking is this bad enough? What if a worse one comes tomorrow? Should I save these for when I can't retreat from the world?

  4. I feel the same way about taking time off! We''l still be here ;) Hope you all feel better soon!

  5. I hope you feel better soon! XOXO

  6. Aw, Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. It's stories like this that make me further consider moving across the pond, THANKS Michael Moore! Anyhow, I love your blog and I'm excited for the new posts but, mostly, I just want you to feel better.

  7. Feel better. It is awful when everyone in the house is sick.

  8. I Hope you get to feeling better. You have a very sweet husband to help you out even he is not feeling good! Hang in there! I have Epilepsy and I get them too and they suck! Just get in the bed and hope you don't get sick to your stomach.

  9. Feel better soon! It is so horrible when everyone is sick because Mom has to do it all. I just got done with a week of hardly any sleep because my two girls were both sick. Someone was coughing pretty much all night long. I hope this doesn't keep you down for too long.

  10. Hope everyone feels better real soon! I'll pop back on over when my Google reader says I have a post to take your time :-)

  11. Sorry to hear you guys have the bug. Hope everyone is up and running soon. You are party of my Yahoo homepage and I look forward to your posts. I will definately be waiting for you return once you are feeling better.
