Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mommy's Assistant

I am constantly being asked how I'm able to get so much crafting done with a toddler at home...

My answer to this has two parts:

1) My husband regularly comes home wearing mismatched clothes because when he got dressed that morning nothing was clean. Laundry is my nemesis.

2)I usually craft during Sam's nap, hence why I call my projects "naptime crafting", but lately she's dropping her naps (a moment of silence please) so I'm forced to make a bit of a sacrifice to work on a project...

I let her get into my craft supplies...
(only the baby-safe ones of course, you be amazed how much time a spool of ribbon will get you)
And that's just a few.

Of course one could argue that the time I spend cleaning up after her negates any time I got to keep crafting, but it's the only way I've figured out so far & it seems to work for us.

p.s. I'm so excited that I have my first giveaway, woohoo! It's just a little something I made that ended up being too small for Sam but instead of letting it sit in the gift pile I thought I'd give it to a reader...hopefully Sam will take one of her elusive naps this afternoon and I'll be able to post it later!


  1. Glad I'm not the only one "sacrificing" housework for precious crafting time and using supplies for kid fun time too. We need that time to stay sane!! When she's a little older, the plastic kid sewing machines are also ideal (it does have a guard or you can remove the needle). They are more for play than actually working properly anyway.

  2. I hate laundry!! Also, don't forget, just because she doesn't sleep through it, doesn't me you can't put her down for "quiet time". Leave her in her bed or room for an hour a day, even if she just plays. The alone time will do her and you well.

  3. Funny that you wrote this because I just did a post similar to it. :) Also put up a pic of the door sign if you want to see it. Thanks again for the idea.

  4. I was going to agree with Angela, quiet time is a must for everyone! My 2.5 year old tell me every day "no sleep! lay down quiet" and 9 times out of 10 she falls asleep!

    and Laundry...if he wanted matching lothes he could wash his own. In less you have tha specail washing machine, like I have. It has a sensor so that only a mom can operate it. Apparently it doesn't work for dads :-)

  5. cool! can't wait to see your giveaway! and i do the same thing with sadie, though she still naps most of the time. she likes playing with my bin of scraps the most, and i don't care if she makes a mess cause i just scoop them up and dump them back in! hehe!

  6. That's how I get my craft on too! But now that I have a toddler and an eight month old, I'm finding it harder and harder to get them down at the same time. I guess I'll just have to skip some housework!

    p.s. I'm excited to see your giveaway =o

  7. We do quiet time at our house, too! And yes usually he falls asleep even if he said he wasn't tired! THat or a good video will keep his busy!
    I am excited about the ideas you come up with and so I gave you an award on my blog. please go and check it out!!
    Thanks for the inspiration!!
