Friday, October 16, 2009

going cold turkey

I've gotten a lot of new readers recently & most of you have found me through the craft world, but that's not actually how this blog got started. I started it as a sounding board shortly after Sam was born & I found myself overwhelmed by the world of new motherhood. What started off as "the mommy blues" eventually got worse & worse until I finally saw a psychiatrist around 6 months ago. He diagnosed me with postpartum depression & I made the best decision for myself and my family at the time which was to treat it with therapy & an anti-depressant. (Zoloft) (A decision I have zero regrets about btw)

I knew from the moment I started taking medication that it wasn't something I wanted to take long-term, just to help me until my hormones could stabilize & I could get life back on track. Assuming it was ever on track to begin with. (:

My doctor & I have been talking lately about going off the meds now that things are great (& life is as under control as possible with a Samster in the house) he agreed it would be fine to try & said to let him know when I was ready and we'd wean me off gradually. Yesterday though I completely forgot to take my pill, I realized that this morning & somehow reasoned, well, if I've already skipped a dose one day why go back & then gradually go off again? I unknowingly got one day done, right? So I didn't take one today either. I basically stopped cold turkey. Not the plan at all & I'm sure not the best idea but in the midst of running around with a screaming toddler, feeding meals & the rest of the chaos of a normal day it seemed like a good decision.

Now I'm starting to feel the ramifications though, about 2 hrs ago I started feeling kind of crappy and now I feel like I'm getting the flu. Feverish, achy, tired, the whole 9. From everything I've read online these are the typical withdrawl symptoms from stopping Zoloft. Now I know, I know, I should've talked to my doctor first but why do things the right way when you can do them the hard way?

No turning back now, at this point it really wouldn't make sense to take the meds again & I was going to have to go through this at some point so why not now? It's 40 degrees and raining, perfect sick weather and at least it's Friday so I'll have help with Sam.

I'd love to hear from anyone else who's gone off of anti-depressants, did you have withdrawls? Did it last long? And my biggest fear, did the postpartum depression come back?

Thanks for listening. It always makes me feel better to vent to you guys.


  1. With only missing it two days, it's still in your blood stream. I wouldn't suggest going cold turkey...take one or at what the doctor said to take to start weaning yourself off. The symptoms can get worse, and fast. I went off one med, and ended up in the hospital with seizures after having to call 911. Other meds might not be as drastic, but with your body used to them and then having such a big change, you're much more likely to get depressed again because of the huge change. (I've done this many times with many medications.) It may sound stupid, I know I thought it was, but it really is the best thing to wean yourself off. At the least, call and check with the dr.

  2. Wow, that's terrible! (and scary!)

    The Dr did tell me however that Zoloft leaves your system completely within 24 hrs. That's why it works so quickly and you're also completely screwed if you miss a dose.

    I should probably drop him an email and let him know though...thanks so much for you comment

  3. I don't have any ideas or helps. But thank you for sharing. I have 3 girls (ages 3 and under!) and know it can get insane really fast. You've found a creative therapy that definitely shares your gifts with others. Don't be afraid to go back on if you feel the need.

  4. Hmm, I was told by my docs that Zoloft takes 6 weeks to fully start working in your system. It might be out of your system somewhat in 24 hours, but your body has adjusted to it. Some of the side effects include anxiety and recurrence of depression even worse than the kind you went on it for in the first place.

    If this is TMI, I am sorry, but did you have any issues with sexual side effects? I started taking it about 2-3 months ago and ever since I have trouble reaching the big O. It is so frustrating and no matter how much I tell him it's not his fault, my husband still gets upset.

    Wiki: Abrupt interruption of sertraline (Zoloft) treatment may result in withdrawal or discontinuation syndrome. This syndrome occurred in 60% of the remitted depressed patients taking sertraline in a blind discontinuation study, as compared to 14% of patients on fluoxetine and 66% of patients on paroxetine.[147] During the 5–8-day period when sertraline was temporarily replaced by placebo, the most frequent symptoms (reported by more than a quarter of patients) were irritability, agitation, dizziness, headache, nervousness, crying, emotional lability, bad dreams and anger. Around a third experienced mood worsening to the level generally associated with a major depressive episode.[147] In a double-blind study of remitted panic disorder patients, abrupt discontinuation of sertraline treatment resulted in insomnia and dizziness (both 16–17% vs. 4% for continuing treatment), although headache, depression and malaise did not increase significantly.[82] In another double-blind study of recovered panic disorder patients, the withdrawal syndrome was completely avoided when sertraline was gradually discontinued over three weeks, while patients stopping paroxetine treatment still suffered from it.

  5. and fyi..I take it for unexplained anxiety. Ugh!

  6. My Dr. said it works in 24 hrs. and do not stop taking it or any SSRI abruptly, it throws your system off. I take zoloft too for postpartum depression. I don't want to keep taking it either but it's better than feeling like I did after Tallulah was born. :) If you decrease the dosage slowly you will not go through withdrawals.

  7. My best advice to you would be...definately check with your doctor before "stopping cold turkey"! I am on it as well and from everything that I have read, it states that you must be weaned off the meds. I would hate to see any progress that you have made go down the drain. Good luck.

  8. Ok, now you guys have officially scared the crap out of me.

    Called the Dr..

  9. Thanks for sharing about this. I got it after I had my 2nd son, now 3yrs old. NOw I'm pregnant again and my dr says I'm more likely to get it again and I am not looking forward to it, and hoping I don't have to get medication again. When I went off after being on for about 5-6 months, (although I think my dose was lower than average) I didn't feel any side effects, and I felt better because I wasn't having the side effect of upset stomach that i got while on it. I hope everything works out for you.

  10. You are awesome for sharing that. It will help others. I never took any medication, but wonder if I should have. I was embarrassed and had many sad lonely nights because my ex husband worked all the time and was never around to help. I was so overwhelmed. I cried and even screamed often. I am just thankful I actually made it through. My ex was not supportive of my feelings...he is sorry now...that led to our divorce..he never expected that. How could I stay married to someone who in my most desperate hours turned his back on me. Thank you for sharing. Six years later life is better. No one should ever be ashamed to get help. I am sory I didn't I probably wasn't the best mother I could have been.

  11. Hi Natasha! I'm a new reader but wanted to chime in with our experience. My husband was on medication for about 2 years, and when he stopped--cold turkey--his withdrawal symptoms were bad for a couple of weeks. From what he had read, the symptoms were going to be almost as bad if he had slowly weaned off instead.

    That being said, husband was on Paxil, not Zoloft. Good luck to you!

  12. I went on Zoloft for about a month after I had my daughter, for postpartum depression. I didn't have any (noticeable) withdrawals when I went off them, and did go cold turkey, without talking to my doctor. I have been on it before though, and knew my limits. Good luck! I hope it goes well for you!

  13. Thank You so much for posting this. I think it is so important for Mamas to be able to share these experiences with eachother. After I had my second daughter I experienced PPD. I was in denial about it but my husband basically forced me to go talk to my doctor. It was the best thing I ever did. I attended a support group and got on Zoloft myself and I am so thankful I did. I was embarrased to admit that I needed that kind of help...somehow thinking it meant I was a bad Mom. Thank You for sharing...:)

  14. Natasha-
    I have to start by saying you have inspired me so much! I never really had a hobby that fit, and then seeing your crafty work has really gotten me in the groove. I am also THRILLED to see you called your doctor. I'm a psych grad student, and the last thing you should do is stop cold turkey. I'm not gonna go into detail since a lot of people touched on this and you talked to your doc, but just be careful ok sweetie? You have the most adorable daughter and I just want you to be well. The weaning process is not that hard, and you'll be great through it. But it is critically important. Just b/c some people didn't have trouble with it, doesn't mean you won't. Wishing you the best

  15. I've been on it before. I think if it takes 6 weeks to start working, withdrawl would take the same amount of time. I think I was dizzy for a week or so, but then it faded. I'm sure it's different for everyone though. Good luck...

  16. I'm glad that you shared this. There is such a stigma attached to any type of depression!! The term "mental illness" comes to mind. I don't choose to have this problem; it's something that I was born with. That said-I wouldn't go cold turkey! You will be so sick and it takes a loooong time to go away! I just had this happen to me. I lost my bottle of Prozac and then just kept forgetting to get another prescription filled..... then I got so sick I was in bed for over 5 days.... I've been on several different medications for depression and anxiety since the birth of my last child six years ago. I have had depression since I was a teenager but it was never controlled until I got postpartum depression. I think mine has a genetic component bc my Mom, Gma, and Great-Gma all are depressed/miserable to be around without medication!!! Anyway.... it ended up being about 15 days without medication and I felt so bad. Like a really super bad flu. Then that went away and I was so weak I couldn't do anything! I have 5 children and my boyfriend had to help take care of them, clean the house, cook, etc. I couldn't do anything. Even get out of bed, shower, walk down the stairs. It was awful. Finally... remembered the Prozac that I hadn't taken and my bf went and got it. Took it and within a day.... felt normal-ish again! It's been several days now and I feel so much better!!

    If you want to be off it then you should talk to your doctor and have him help you wean down. If you wean off slowly then you will be able to get off without becoming very sick. Anyway... I understand your wanting to be off the medication.... I often wish I didnt have to take mine everyday. But I know that it's necessary for my quality of life. In fact- my oldest son has to take meds for depression and anxiety also. He hates it.... but.... with our family history- it's absolutely necessary....

    Good luck!!

  17. When I came off zoloft I crashed badly.. I was put on for ppd and I mean a few days after being off I was a wreck.. About half a week later I really was gone. Had to go back to the hospital. I'd write down all your symptoms and keep a close eye on everything.

  18. Wow, it seems like it really is different for every person! I spoke to my Dr and he said he recomends taking 1/2 pill every day for 7 days to avoid flu-like symptoms that some people experience. I feel fine today but think I'll take a 1/2 for the next week just in case...

    Thank you all for your comments, I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to me to hear from the mysterious "unique visitors" that I know come to the blog. It's so nice to make personal connections instead of just numbers.

    THANK YOU!!!

  19. Glad you are feelin gok and spoke to your doc. Hope you are feeling better soon and the rest of your weaning goes smoothly

    BTW that turkey pic is so cute! x

  20. I have no suggestions about weaning from anitdepressants, but wanted to say thank you for just bringing up the topic of postpartum. It's just one of those things that moms go through and NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING! It's so nice to know we're not alone. Thanks for your creative ideas as well!

  21. I've had to be on anti-depressants a few times and have tried going off cold turkey and weaning. I can tell you that from my experience, weaning slowly is the way to go! It went much better. Good luck and keep the awesome ideas coming!!

  22. I think the 1/2 dose is a wise choice. Have a great weekend. Although, with this rain it may be hard.

  23. Hi! I feel your pain, I took zoloft for PPD too, and it was a lifesaver, I can't even imagine those first few weeks without it...

    But it is a bad idea to simply quit, I did it too and I still struggle off and on sometimes. I think the 1/2 dose is a good idea for a week or so, just to give your body some adjustment!

    Good luck! And don't worry whatever you decide the withdrawls don't last forever.

  24. Goodness. You brave, fantastic person, you!! I'm sorry I don't have any advice to give on this particular subject, but I do want you to know that I'm praying and hoping for the best for you!
    P.S. regarding the waffle stretching question you left on my blog, I didn't have any trouble with mine stretching....but I think I was sewing on the warp of the fabric (lengthwise), which is the part that usually doesn't stretch. I'm not sure if waffle knit is that way or not though, it might stretch from every angle. Sorry I don't have better advice! :o)

  25. I took Zoloft for post-partum depression and on the occasions when I missed a dose, I really felt it...but several days later. My depression symptoms would be amplified, even if I had taken a resumed dose (meaning I missed one pill in total). I always had several "bad Days" after a missed pill, so when I finally went off, I weaned down 25mg at a time..... I had no symptoms that way..... I have many days when I wished I had not gone off.... parenting toddlers is incredibly difficult, especially if you're a perfectionist like me.... Best wishes!

  26. I am in my second round of postpartum with my third child. I was on Zoloft with my 2nd and third. I went cold turkey both times. I figured it wasn't so bad the first time around and I could handle it this time too. I couldn't have been more wrong. I ended up with terrible electric zaps in my head and severe emotional swings. I shouldn't have gone off of it, but we had lost our insurance with the loss of jobs. I felt I had no choice. I looked up all the info I could find and turned to benedryl. It helps with the dizziness and lessens the zaps. Just be careful if it makes you very sleepy.

  27. Good luck! Sorry, I never went on any medication after my babies. I had little bouts of depression, but nothing too major. It always seemed like when I was getting to the point where I wouldn't be able to handle things, a good talk with my Mom and some fervent prayers helped me through it all. Hope you feel better soon, and have a chat with the doc, he might be able to recommend a better way to quit. :)

  28. Hey Natasha!
    So, I had this same problem. At my 6 week post partum appt I casually mentioned that I felt really anxious. With some prodding, they were able to get me to "admit" that I was feeling pretty overwhelmed.
    I started anti - d's (Zoloft first, then Prozac).
    They helped immensely. When I thought it was time to go off, I talked to my DR and he too had me cut down to 1/2 for a week.
    Now, after my 2nd I had to go back on them again, but have been on them for quite some time. I miss pills here and there, but I never really notice a difference. I'm on Wellbutrin XL now and it's the best one I've ever taken.
    I too was kicking around the idea of stopping but, I think I'll wait until after the holidays. :)
    Good Luck!

  29. Thank you for being so honest and sharing in your journey. This is such a critical topic that is real that so many women feel ashamed of! Your story lets others know that it is ok, you are normal, and that things can get better!
