Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rainy Day

I'd like to try something new this week.
I find that every week I have all these ideas swimming around my head about projects I'd like to finish as well as mundane things to do. It feels like neither one ever get done & it's bumming me out. So today, and every Sunday, I thought I'd try posting what I want to accomplish this week. Blogwise, personally, perhaps a recipe & maybe just a boring task. In the past when I've put my goals into writing I seem to be much more successful at actually doing them. Probably because putting it out there to others gives you that extra oomph to do it.
Nobody wants to be a lazy loser.

I also realize this may not be the most compelling thing I could blog about, in fact I can't imagine most people would really care to hear my "list", but that's ok, this can just be something I post for me. (: And if you like it too, bonus.

I'm also going to throw in one picture that represents what the weekend was like. I love looking back through my blog & seeing what we were up to. Kind of like an online photo journal."Rainy Day"

This week I hope to...
*Finish elephant applique onesie & post about it
*Do one load of laundry every day (doesn't count if it's not put away! I'm notorious for leaving the clean clothes folded in the basket all week)
*Call about our fireplace stank. Who do you call when your fireplace stinks?
*Get a pedicure

Do you make lists/goals for the week too? Do you keep them??
Please do not copy & paste any of my content without prior permission, pictures of Samster & Sophie are strictly prohibited. Links to my post however are always welcome!


  1. I love the photo of Samster, I am also notorious for leaving the clean folded laundry in baskets... why is it so hard to put away.... and I love the idea of your lists.
    I make them all the time.

  2. I think it would be fun to do a link up party to your weekly chore list. Think about it! :)

    Great post & helpful idea for all of us!

  3. Great list - you'll get it done. I don't have a weekly list, but I do post about ONE thing I want to do over the weekend. This weekend I wanted to go for a walk with my girls in the sun, watching all the snow melt away, we accomplished that today:) Happy week, Tone

  4. i can never manage to get the folded laundry put away in a timely manner either. it sits on the table in our upstairs hallway for a week easily, sometimes.

  5. Great idea! And at least you are one step ahead of me with the laundry... I get it washed and dried, but it can sit on the corner of my couch clean and unfolded for days. What makes that step so hard?!

  6. I think it's a great idea. My crafty/home keeping to do list is getting lengthy because nothing gets done! :(

  7. I love this rainy Sunday. After going out for b'fast this morning, we all came home and took a 3 (yes... THREE) hour nap!! INCLUDING my 2.5 year old!! LOVED IT!! :)

    BTW: Been meaning to ask how that Tutu Drive went? Did you meet your goal??


  8. I do lists/goals monthly and post them on my blog but I don't have kid. I'm sure that will change once we have our first. :)

  9. I absolutely *LOVE* that picture!!!!!

  10. I make goals for the week, then a to do list at work each day and at home each day. I'm a crazy list maker! But...I get a lot done!

  11. What a great idea Becky!!!

    Also yes Nelly, we met our goal and then some, I believe the final tally was 214! Maybe I'll do it again, it was pretty cool.

  12. Thanks for your motivation - I just made a list. :) I think a weekly linky party would be fun too! Keep us all accountable.

    We have 6 people in our family. I fold laundry as it comes out of the dryer and each person has their own basket. When I see people going to the basement to get dressed in the mornings, I figure it's probably time to put stuff away. :)


  13. i think the list is a great idea. i just made a l o n g list this weekend of crafted things that need accomplished, and around the house things that need accomplished. some are big and some are litte, but it sure helps to have something to check when i feel overwhelmed by everything there is to do.

    good luck with your laundry, thats always the worst for me.

  14. Call a chimney sweep about your fire place stank-- and do it fast! We had a stank that started out mild and then got so unbearable we had to leave the house for a couple days-- come to find out, a squirrel crawled in, got stuck and DIED.

  15. I feel the same way about all of my "ideas of grandeur" for the week. But I think writing things down definitely helps - I just love that accomplished feeling of crossing things off of a list!

  16. Oh yeah, I have a 'list'. And we are on the same page with the laundry being folded in the basket but never getting to put it away. I have let it go for about 2 weeks before, but I was pregnant when that mostly happened. (that is a valid excuse right?)
    I have had to make a weekly schedule--Thursday/Friday is the laundry day in our house. Everyone knows that if their dirty clothes are not in front of the washer by Thursday, I am not gonna wash them. It has worked ok for the past 2 months. We also try to get the house completely clean by Sat, so on Sunday we can really have a good 'no cleaning' Sabbath day. Sundays in my home are for our family to relax a little and spend it together, without having to worry about all of the cleaning or de-cluttering.
    Good luck with your to-do-list Natasha! I look forward to the elephant applique onesie!

  17. I make to do lists too. All the time!!! I found a nice one at, I think. I think u get the pedicure if you get your list done, like a trade - thats a bargain I'd make with myself.

  18. What camera do you use? The pictures always turn out so great!

  19. your girls are so cute! I folded 4 loads last night!!! That's how long I waited to finally fold my laundry!
