Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pretty in Pink

There are lots of things I love that are pink...

Pink Champage...

Molly Ringwald...

Pink leopard wallet from LV (don't burst my bubble here. And no that's not my hand, google image)
And now, I love this...
Yep, that's Amoxicillan.
Am I a terrible mother that there's a part of me that's happy when the Dr looks in her ears & says, "Yep, ear infection." Perhaps "relieved" is a better word. At least then there's a reason for the sleepless nights & miserable baby, more importantly there's also a solution. The pink stuff.

This week I dragged both girls to the pediatrician because BOTH had not been sleeping & had been downright bitchy grumpy. Turns out Soph has her 1st ear infection & Samster has a sinus infection. (did you know kids can get these? I sure didn't.) I also sent P to the Dr on Wednesday because he was being baby #3, turns out he has a sinus infection too. And what was he prescribed? Amoxicillan. Although not bubblegum flavored, which I know he was dissapointed about although he won't admit it. And just to really drive home the "when it rains it pours" scenario I also sprained my ankle last week (perhaps a mod podged aircast is in the future? Kidding. Mostly.) & Sam came home from school with a brutal 12-hr stomach bug on Thursday. Poor kid yacked all over her beloved 'Sleeping Doody' doll. Sleeping Beauty earned herself a trip to the Samster Mommy salon & dry cleaners that day.But with all that I think my little family is finally on the mend. Both girls slept decently last night & we're doing what we're supposed to do on Saturday mornings...eating pink pancakes & staying in our pajamas until at least 10a.

A little bit of crafting did occur this week. During naptime yesterday I took 10 minutes to give this lamp a new coat of paint & a simple white shade from Target...Before:It wasn't bad before but it wasn't quite right either. I think the shade size/shape/texture was wrong. Regardless I changed the panels in my livingroom to green so a green lamp would've been too, well, green. The red is Krylon's Cherry Red spray paint.

I'm determined to finish a few projects this week & blog about them...wish me luck!
Please do not copy & paste any of my content without prior permission, pictures of Samster & Sophie are strictly prohibited. Links to my post however are always welcome!


  1. Hooray! I called it. Now let's just hope she's not allergic to amoxicillan, like my little one was . . . .

  2. Wow! Sounds like we had the SAME week! My baby decided he couldn't sleep anywhere but on my chest and he still wasn't sleeping great...finally took him to the Dr. and he had an ear infection! BOO! Oh and did I mention I'm supposed to be finishing my Master's thesis this week too? Awesome!! I <3 Amoxicillan too!

  3. new lamp look = sexaaay! I'm glad everything is starting to look after a shotty week, I feel you on that one. when it rains it pours. In the last week my three month old tried to bite my... parts... off, popped out two bottom teeth, got a cold. Three year old got a worse cold, keeps wiping her nose with the back of her hand, every hour needs a wipedown to get the snot plastered all over her face off. I was pretty good, except yesterday I got crabby after a long week of crabby kids, and then decided to make oreo cheesecake to cheer myself up, and then somehow managed to burst a blood vessel in my pointer finger. I DONT KNOW.
    On the bright side my enter key is working again, Nicole (the three year old) sabotaged that one for a while.
    But today... is better! Much better! Plus... Oreo cheesecake! nomnomnom.

  4. I like that lamp! My 4 month old and I recently finished amoxicillan too- there seems to be a lot going around!

  5. I hope everyone starts to feel better!!!! Your lamp turned out very cute!

  6. Oh the ear infections are going around this yr, even though they are not 'contagious'. It is weird.
    All 3 of my kids had ear infections in January, then when the Amoxicillan was finished, the younger 2 still had them. The pediatrician put them on something stronger and it finally worked. My son ended up getting pneumonia and he had to take another anti-biotic. I am SO ready for spring and nicer weather.
    I hope your girls are better fast so you can regain some sanity.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hope everyone starts to feel better. Funny that you mentioned a mod podged air cast... I just fell and did something to my knee, landing me on a pair of crutches that I just mod podged! It was worth the effort, I say go for the podge.

  9. I'm with you! I love it when they come back with a diagnosis that can be cured with the pink stuff. And does my daughter Sophia. She LOVES the pink stuff.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Pink Amoxicillin! We only get yellow (lemon floavoured) over here! Not fair.
    Hope the little ones feel batter soon.x

  12. So glad everyone is on the mend! And your spray painted lamp? Sheer genius! I am totally doing this for the two lamps in my living room that I kind of hate. This solves everything! Thank you!
