Monday, January 17, 2011

Valentine's Crafting

After re-reading my last heavy post a few times I decided to take some time over the weekend to do some crafting with Samantha, of course this meant leaving the laundry & enlisting P's help with Sophie but I really just needed to do something fun with my girl.

Really quickly though, before the crafts, let me give you an update...

1st off, thank you all who left comments or sent me emails, I've read every single one & you'll never know how much they mean to me. I wish I had the time to write each of you back. ):
To those who said thanks because you're feeling the same way right now, big hugs to you & really I should be thanking you, to know my post somehow helped others is the best feeling. (:

2nd, thanks to those of you who gave sleeping advice for Soph. I promptly dusted off my copy of "The Baby Whisperer" which I had forgotten I'd used to sleep train Sam. It was a heaven sent then so I've been putting it into full effect since Friday. It's been rough at times but last night she slept 5 hours!!! WOOHOO!! (I really love the methods in this book, if you're looking for something besides letting your baby 'cry it out' I think this is a great alternative, "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby")

3rd My dear little Samster starts school tomorrow. (slow dramatic tear rolling) We signed her up awhile ago but I kept putting off her start date, I guess part of me wanted to keep her at home forever. She's only going 2 mornings a week for a couple of hours but I think it'll be great for everyone. Wish us luck, if she has a complete meltdown I might just break apart, toss her in the van & hibernate in our little home forever.

So enough of that, here's what we made!These shirts were SOOO easy, they're from Artful Parent & all you do is roll fabric paint on a doily & then press the doily onto the shirt/onesie, seriously, this takes all of 10 minutes including clean-up. (more details in her link, what a great new blog find for me btw, love her!)

Next was definitely Sam's favorite, we made birdseed hearts for our yard. The idea is from Magic Onions, I think they're so precious. If it's stops sleeting than maybe we can hang them in the yard tomorrow.Also if you saw my tweet than you've already experienced the atrocity that is the squirrel bundt!
It's so creepy in person, very jiggly.

I don't know what I'll do with it, the idea was to hang it through the loop for the squirrels but it's way too heavy & far too wobbly. I feel like I should just set up a little table & serve it to the squirrels, "look my furry friends, I baked you a cake!"

Last we made one of those little ready made, foam kits from Michaels. I love these things & their usually on sale too. I think I'll take a few of the extras & use them to make Valentine frames with the girls pictures. (my garland is also from Michael's, you could totally make your own from glittered heart cut-outs but for $3 I was all about just buying the finished product)Need more? Here's a few other Valentine's crafts that I wish I had more time for...

Heart Button Pillow
Heart Shaped Pot Holders
Pom Pom Window Garland
Chalkboard Valentines

Please do not copy & paste any of my content without prior permission, pictures of Samster & Sophie are strictly prohibited. Links to my post however are always welcome!


  1. This is why I love your blog, a really thoughtful post, then a crafty, girly, awesomeness post!

  2. Those are adorable shirts! My daughter might like to try it!

  3. Love the shirts!

    Also - some unsolicited advice about preschool - it will be the best thing you've ever done for Sam. We put my son in a 2 year old class on Tues/Thurs mornings and he loves it. And I love getting a peaceful 3 hours two days a week. And it's nice to spend time with my daughter (baby) without a jealous toddler. It's been good all-around.

    My son cried hysterically and threw tantrums for the first like 2 weeks maybe. The director even was calling me saying maybe it wasn't the right time for him to be in preschool. Then, one day, it clicked and we went to him running into the classroom, ASKING to go to school on non-school days, etc. So even if she does meltdown - hang in there! It gets so much better and it is SO worth it!

  4. Samster will be at the top of her class in arts and crafts!!!

  5. I'm going to try that doily method on a tote bag. Perhaps with different sized doilies.... Hmmm.. A new project!

  6. I'm totally in love with your blog now! Everything (including your little darlings) is so damn cute!
    Thanks for the link love too :-)
    Blessings and magic,

  7. You must feel so good looking around and knowing you made something crafty, even if it was a few little things! I know that can really brighten a crafter's spirit especially when it feels like there is NO time or energy for big projects. Keep taking it easy and enjoy the little crafty breaks when you can!

  8. We LOVE the Baby Whisper too. Good luck tomorrow!

  9. Yay for Sophie sleeping 5 hours!! Sleep always makes a mommy feel so much better. :) We had the Baby Whisperer book when my girls were babies/little and I had completely forgotten about it. She has a toddler book also I believe. Love the crafts! I think I will need to make the shirts with my girls.

  10. So glad Sophie did some sleeping for you! To be honest, Olivia would not sleep at all if I did not let her sleep on her tummy. I discovered by accident that she preferred it when she fell asleep during tummy time in the first week. I fought it, sure I'd be damning myself forever if I didn't put her 'back to sleep'... finally my husband told me to snap out of it and just let the girl sleep on her tum already. Turns out half my friends have tummy sleepers, too.

    Those crafts are too sweet. I really love the doily shirts! So sweet! And the squirrel bundt made me gigglesnort.

  11. Such fun crafts! Your home looks so festive :)

  12. I'm really loving those doily shirts- they are just so cute! I'll have to make one for MY Sophie! :)

  13. Love the tshirts. Very cute.
    Congrats on getting a bit of extra sleep and good luck with your 1st day of school. Usually its the parents that find it harder than the kids. x.

  14. hey girl - glad ure gett'n your mojo back!! :) Def. gonna try some bird seed hearts with my girls. How did you do your squirrel bunt? Would love to know!

  15. Natasha-

    Even though I am not a mother I do have 3 beautiful nieces Kara-4, Talia-2 and Alexa-6 months. The two older ones get up at 6am everyday; I don't know how my sister does it but she is WONDER WOMAN!! I can only imagine how you and the other wonderful moms out there do this day in and day out!! I have forward your link to my sister so she could read your post.

    Also- I heard on the Kane Show this morning about someone from the Oprah show has contacted you.......hmmmmmmm is it for a daddy makeover?!??!?!?!? =)

  16. Those are such cute shirt/onesie. Your daughters are so adorable.
