Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Project Wrapup

So I'm thinking that my memories will all be a bit fuzzy from this period of our lives and perhaps when I pull out these Christmas decorations in years to come I'll somehow think up some warm fuzzy memory of how I made them with the girls over Christmas 2010. Not how we churned them out the 1st week of January between laundry & temper tantrums. Oh well, either way I'm glad we got around to it...

Thumbprint Reindeer Family
Here on my rosemary bush, which is kindly standing in for the Christmas tree now by the curb, are Sophie's version of ornaments I made during Samster's 1st Christmas. I couldn't leave the poor girl out!
The reindeer is a footprint on cardstock which I then covered in clear contact paper. I couldn't find the foam handprint kit this year but luckily a bag of white Model Magic did the exact same thing, this stuff is awesome. Just be prepared that if you make one polar bear for your 2 yr old you might be required to crank out an entire herd of bears. Flock of bears? School? Gaggle? No, that's not right...
And I haven't forgotten about those Christmas templates I promised you...P just switched our router over to some fancy smancy one that's "going to be so awesome for your blogging because you'll be able to work with the printer wirelessely & automatically back up your computer & it'll be SUPER AWESOME" but somehow it's been 2 weeks & said awesomeness has not been set up yet.

And for those of you who like sneak peeks into your blogger's personal lives (raising my hand) here are a few shots from Christmas in the Samster household, I'm so sad I have to wait a whole year to do it again. ):

I wasn't about to let a year go by without a picture with Santa so even though it was Christmas Eve we decided to brave the mall. The line took us an hour & a half.
It was Christmas misery for everyone except me. Ok, I was miserable too, but since I insisted we go I had to fake it, see, don't I look happy??
Samster however was not quite as good at hiding her feelings about the situation. Can you see the big, slowly falling, dramatic tear on her cheek?It was about to get ugly but a quick trip to the food court solved that. (oh be honest, you know you've bribed your kid with french fries at some point)I honestly considered throwing her on this guy's Rascal, taking a quick picture & calling it a day.Eventually though we did see Santa. Soph wouldn't smile for the 1st time in her life & Sam clammed up faster than my husband at a shoe sale. It wasn't until I scooped her off his lap & we were walking away that she started yelling over my shoulder, "a dollhouse! a dollhouse!" It was so cute to see that she did kind of get the whole Santa thing.

So then it was Christmas Eve & Santa must have heard Sam's pleas because under the tree...She was so cute...we told her that she had to stay in bed because Santa wouldn't come if she was up & she must have really believed us because the next morning it was 7:30am & everyone was downstairs, awake, for awhile, & no Sam. She was still in bed because she was afraid if she came out Santa wouldn't come, poor kid.

She got over it pretty quick though...And when her presents were all open she moved onto Sophie's. I love look on Soph's face, "Are you kidding me?! You just wait till I'm mobile...that Barbie of yours is in TROUBLE!"And there was Paula Dean's heavenly Gorilla Bread. Each one of those gorgeous lumps is a biscuit that's been stuffed with cinnamon sugar cream cheese & then the whole thing is covered in brown sugar butter & walnuts. Pure, cellulite, heaven.It really was a great Christmas, everyone got the love...
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, yeah it's over but this is going to be a great year. I can feel it in my bones.

Please do not copy & paste any of my content without prior permission, pictures of Samster & Sophie are strictly prohibited. Links to my post however are always welcome!


  1. What a great post!!!!! Little Samster is just so adorable!!!! I love that she yelled a doll house at santa! SUPER CUTE!

  2. Looks like a great Christmas. Love the photos. Seems like you really captured the moments.

  3. Let me tell you my little Santa secret...the Galleria. Been going there every year for the last 8 years and the most you wait is 10-15 minutes. And we had Gorilla Bread too for Christmas morning! I think I gained 10 pounds just from that!

    Glad you guys had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. Loving the expression on your face as you wait in line for Santa. Kinda reminds me of how I felt :) Looks like your family had a wonderful holiday with many great memories. Wishing you a happy New Year with your girls :)

  5. Just loving your photos and cute kids!! Happy New Year.

  6. What a great post. I'm lovin' that little foot print reindeer, seriously, adorable! Happy New Year! :)

  7. Love the reindeer prints! definitely doing it tomorrow so I have the kids prints when they are little! who cares that it is january!

  8. I started the reindeer print also, we still have to get daddy to cooperate!

    I LOL at the scooter shot, I'm sure he would have been a wonderful 'stand in' for Santa.

  9. Love the dollhouse. Where is it from?

  10. oh my, the reindeer family and footprint reindeer are ADORABLE! will have to remember that when I have more babies! and your scooter comment literally made me laugh out loud. at work.

  11. I love the look of your new blog. I have tried a few of your suggestions already. Super cute christmas pictures.

  12. Looks like you all had a lovely Christmas!
    PS: This must be a mommy thing, because the second thing I noticed in the picture of the xmas tree and doll house were the foam bumpers on the brick of your fireplace! I have them EVERYWHERE on our wrought iron coffee table and end tables! Of the joys of baby/kiddie proofing!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  13. Your thumbprint reindeer turned out sooo adorable. Love the other ornaments you made too. Thanks so much for linking back to me!

  14. what kind of dollhouse is that? I am looking for one for my daughter.

  15. It's the Melissa & Doug Victorian house, I really love Melissa & Dough, it's a bit pricier but the quality is always wonderful. Tip- buy it on Amazon, it was $100 cheaper than in our local toy store!

  16. Thanks for allowing us a peek inside your lovely holiday. You've got some pretty cute little kids :)

  17. Oh I am so envious of you and your family! Yes, I am talking about the snow outside your window! :-) My kids would kill for a white Christmas. (Here it is rarely ever white for Christmas) And Sam yelling out "a dollhouse!" is so funny. That reminds me of the movie A Christmas Story.

  18. Looks like you had a wonderful christmas. I absolutely love the thumbprint reindeer family. So cute. x.

  19. You had me at Gorilla Bread....seriously though, I've made it before and Paula is right, "It'll make you wanna slap yo mamma."

  20. I LOVE that reindeer family idea! I may have to do that next year. I also love your christmas tree picture, so perfectly christmasy :-)

  21. It was so great to meet you in person the other day. Your daughters are just precious. Did you have a successful crafting day?
    I've tagged you in a post. I hope you can find some time to play along!

  22. What a sweet and fun Christmas you had. I miss having little ones around. Youngest is 15. One of our Christmas morning traditions for over 25 years has been Monkey bread and mimosas. I think next year we will have to graduate to Gorilla bread.

  23. just wanted to leave you a little note to let you know you inspired me with your reindeer thumbprints.. thanks so much! :)

