Monday, July 19, 2010

Update: Project Chum Chum

Hi guys, sorry to disappear on you. (again) No vacation this time, unless you consider labor & delivery a vacation in which case we should probably talk about getting you out more often.

Little Chum Chum has been quite busy, my occasional Braxton Hicks contractions have turned into something more but after spending last night in the hospital & this morning at my Dr's office we've all decided to just let me be at home & not doing anything more to stop labor. (medications to stop labor didn't work last night) I've only dilated 1cm with the strength the contractions have been holding steady at so my Dr's seem to think I'll still be able to keep the little one in another week or so, keep your fingers crossed! (I'll be 35 weeks on Friday)

Anyone spend several days, weeks (eek!) having contractions before real labor got going? What about having a 34 or 35 week preemie? Did they do ok?? I love when you guys leave comments about your experiences, it always makes me feel better. (:

Be patient with me for these next few days till we know what's going on. Family is coming tonight to come & stay with us so on one hand I should have plenty of time to rest while blogging or stitching up tutus but then again you never know what could happen...


  1. i had contractions for about 2.5mos before my 2nd child was born. we all (my dr included!) just knew she was going to be a preemie but no, little girl was born 11 days before her due date! good luck in cooking a little longer! as a registered nurse though i can tell you that even if today's the day everything should be just fine.

  2. Good luck with everything. I have no advice, as I'm 34 weeks with my first. I keep having this weird feeling that the baby will be here sooner rather than later though. Some other girls I know from around the internet have some earlier preemies (27 weeks, 32 weeks) and everyone is doing well.

  3. Hi Natasha, I had contractions for a week with my son he was born 35 and 1 day. They tried to stop labor, but it wasn't working. He was perfect he didn't need much help from anything, just had to learn to eat. My daughter was born at 32 weeks, and just like her brother perfect, neither needed help breathing, I did recieve steroids before I had my daughter because she was significantly early. Im sure lil chum chum is going to do great whatever day he'll do great!

  4. I had contractions both times about 6 wks out. Some days a lot, some days none at all. Some of them made me breathe funny. Looking back, it was fun and exciting and I miss it. First time, everything still happened right on time (I went into labor on my due date - weird, I know, but you have to know my son- it describes his personality to perfection). My second time I was in L&D twice - once I was dehydrated (lie on your left side and drink LOTS of water - it helps) and once I had a UTI and didn't know it and it had caused contractions. Just rest. You (and baby) will do great!

  5. I didn't go into early labor but rather had to have an emergency c-section at about 32 weeks. I was at a very small hospital not really set up for preemies but they didn't send us anywhere else. My kiddo weighed about 3lbs 10 oz. They kept her at the hospital about a week and sent her on home. No big issues. She has been healthy as a horse since birth. She almost never gets sick. She's still very small for her age - 24 lbs at 29 mths but that's probably because she never stops moving!! She has a bit of developmental delay but I suppose that is to be expected.

    Something to keep in mind. . .I had already bought an infant car seat before she was born. I asked the nurses at the hospital if I should bring it in to see if Syd would even fit in it. They told me not to bother, that she would be too small for any seat and to not worry about it. Later I find out that is so not the case. There were seats out there that would have fit her much better than the Snugride I bought.The bottom harness slots on that seat are too tall for even most term newborns. Anyways, the Chicco Keyfit fits preemies really well as well as the Safety 1st Onboard 35.

    Relax and get some rest!

  6. Hi! hang in there... I was hospitalized in the high-risk at 32 weeks with contractions and 2 cm dilated... they gave me something to stop it and i was there for a week and home with bed rest till 36 weeks. They also gave me an injection to help the lungs develop faster in-case i had my daughter early.
    Hang in there... nothing too strenuous...

  7. Sorry you had to stay in the hospital, uck! Fingers crossed and prayers that you can keep the little one in a little longer. I am 13 weeks with my second. Seems weird to be preggars with no belly. Pretty soon I will be huge again, LOL! Ms. Diva came right as scheduled, so I have no story or thoughts on a preemie.

  8. I sure hope they gave you some steroids for the babies lungs. I delivered my 3rd child at 35 weeks (after going into labor at 31) and I am sure this is what helped him to need NO oxygen. He was born at 5 pounds but is now 3 and in the 100 percentile for everything!! Best of luck...

  9. Oops, I meant to say 33 weeks not 32. And yes, I got that steroid shot for her lungs as well. I think that stuff works wonders. She had to have a bit of oxygen right after being born but not for long.

  10. Yes ma'am I am 28 weeks pregnant and have been having contractions every hour for the past two weeks (since this weekend they have been every 30 minutes). I am pretty paranoid - and my doctor is no hope, continuously quoting the "boy who cried wolf". So, I am trying to monitor some things myself. I am hoping and praying I can make it to 36-37 weeks...but we will see. I wish you the best of luck and you and your "chum chum" (chuckle) will be in my prayers!

  11. I started having contractions at 5 months with my first and 15 weeks with my second. I went into labor on my due dat with the first and had my second 9 days early. At 37 weeks with my first I was dialated to a 3 and 70% effaced; at 35 weeks with my second I was at a 2 and 60% effaced...but they both held off. Some people's bodies just prepare early. I have to say, it's nice, I started labor with it half way over with my second. :) Good luck!

  12. I had lots of contractions for about 3 days in the last month of my second pregnancy then they suddenly stopped and I ended up being induced at 39 weeks.

    My fingers are crossed your little one stays in for a little longer!

  13. I hope little chum-chum hangs in there for just a little bit longer!In the meantime I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers and hope for the best!


  14. I just wanted to wish you the best, and I'll be sending positive thoughts for little chum chum to stay in your tummy until s/he's 100% ready to go!

  15. I'm 33 weeks and 1 day right now and I've been having contractions on and off for close to a week now, along with days of diarrhea or vomiting thrown into the mix. Go pregnancy.

    I didn't have any of these happen with my first pregnancy a year and a half ago, but who knows. I'll be going to the Dr. this week to see how I look. :) Hang in there.

  16. Had my third little one at 35 weeks. He was a little guy (5 pounds) but completely healthy and able to come home with me right away. :)

  17. My one year old was delievered unexpectedly at 34 weeks, just 4 lb 5 oz. She is a toughie and grew, at one years old she is at normal size with other children her age. As a first time Mom I was already nervous and then I was more nervous with a Preemie, but she has always been patient with me and showed how strong she really is. It is scary, but it will have a fine outcome.

  18. Being a "high risk patient" my doctor was really happy when I made it to the 28 week mark - She stayed in there until 36 weeks and was absolutely PERFECT when she came out - 6lbs 7oz!

    I did have some steriods for me but I think it really helped her also.

    I also had contractions for about a month before I had her at 36 weeks - they were not anything constant and I was not progressing at all.

    Bethenny Frankel just had her baby 5 weeks early I think and she is just perfect too. Saying prayers that you and chum chum are totally ready and perfectly healthy!

  19. i had contractions 2.5-5 minutes apart for 5 weeks with my first, they werent really painful, but definitely werent comfortable either. she was born a day late, in less than four hours. so i think all those irritating contractions just sped up my labor. this time around (my little guy is six weeks old) i only had them for 4 weeks, and at about 7 minutes apart, constantly, every day, and was at a 4 at 36 weeks, but he stayed in there until i was induced 4 days early. (i was induced to prevent having a baby on the freeway, we live almost an hour away from my hospital.) the induction went great, he was here less than two hours after the pitocin started and i handled the whole thing without medication.

    they are both healthy and havent had any problems. :)

    i will be praying for you these next few days and hopefully weeks that chum chum finishes growing. good luck, and relax, you have people around you to help make sure you both get the best care.

  20. A woman I know had a baby at 28 weeks in April. They sent the baby home about 6 weeks later. They do amazing things with preemies these days. And while I understand it is futile to say "don't worry", stress is the worst thing for you right now. So just enjoy a little off your feet time and take advantage of friends and family.

  21. I am sending thoughts and prayers to you, Kane, Samter and Chum Chum. With medical technology these days, I am sure Chum Chum will be fine. If you have s/he early and the baby is tiny, Walmart has the cutest preemie clothes and they are cheap. I think preemie clothes are hard to find. I had stumled upon them at Walmart when I was looking for clothes for my friends baby. I was a preemie when I was born. That had been 42 years ago and everything is fine with me. (I think) lol. Stay hydrated!!! I was set into early labor with my third child (started in July and I wasn't due until September. The drugs that they gave me at the hospital worked and I just had to take an easy for the rest of my pregnancy. Hugs to you, I think all will be fine.

  22. A message to Chum Chum:
    Dear Chum Chum,
    Please get comfy and stay in your mommies bell just a little longer. She would REALLY appreciate it! And really.. we're having a heat wave here... I don't think you'll be very comfy 99+ degree weather!

    Heart, Nelly

  23. I had contractions for about six weeks...and my little one was TWO WEEKS LATE! They started telling me at 36 weeks "Okay, any day're already 2 cm dilated...don't go too far away from the hospital..." I was induced at 41 weeks, 6 days! Hope all goes well :o)

  24. I went 44 weeks with all 3 of mine. Remember, 40 weeks is just an average; to get an average, some people go shorter, some longer. My sister's two were 37 weeks. You just relax, 35 weeks is a safety zone. I'm sure your little dumpling is cute as can be and just anxious to meet Mommy.

    And it beats 44 weeks, let me tell you.

  25. I have contractions for about a month before my baby comes. Stopping and starting and I've been as much as 4 cm without being in labor before. Hang in there. Also, my sis had a baby at 35 weeks in Feb. He's happy and healthy and even chunky now.

  26. Natasha, Both of my kiddos were 35 weekers. I was on bedrest with my daughter from week 28 on, and my son I was on BR from week 17 with weekly injections to stop labor *and* had to have the hormone injection to speed up lung development at week 30. Being early had some issues, but after a month both of them were perfectly fine. You'd never know they were early by looking at them then or now. Both perfectly healthy without any issues/concerns popping up at all.

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me. I'll be sending thoughts and prayers your way for a healthy delivery and baby.

  27. I think I commented on your other post about this, but I don't remember what all I said! :) I had time-able contractions between 2-5 minutes apart constantly with both of my boys for about 2 months. I mean CONSTANTLY. Around the clock. Nothing stopped them, I was taking terbutaline pills every four hours, got shots in the hospital, drinking water, on bed rest, nothing would stop them. I did some googling during that time stuck in bed with my second son and I found something that called it prodromal labor or something like that. It's different from Braxton Hicks and pre-term labor. My first son was born at 36 weeks and 8 lbs and my second son was 37 weeks and 6 lbs 12 oz. They were both pretty healthy and haven't had any other problems so far. My first was a lethargic eater and my second had trouble keeping his temp up for about 12 hours. Both times I just went full on into labor on my own. My water broke with the first one while I was at home and I started bleeding heavily with my second (it was kinda scary!). But it is so hard to know when you're actually in labor! It annoyed the crud out of me when my doctor would ask how far apart they were and I'd say 2-4 minutes and go to the hospital and then they just acted like nothing was wrong. No one ever understood what was going on with my body, even when you could clearly see the contractions on the monitor at the hospital. I think that sometimes our bodies just start the labor process a little sooner. Both of my actual labors were under 7 hours with 1 hour of pushing for the first and only 2 pushes with the second. So maybe your actual labor will be super fast (which is what I read about prodromal labors)! Just hang in there, and trust your body to let you know when you're in actual labor and try to relax until then. I certainly know that that is easier said than done though! Sorry I wrote such a ridiculously long comment!! <3

  28. I had contractions for about 2 days before the "real ones" started. I know it's not a week, but it's something, I guess :) My baby was only 2 weeks early. You'll do great! Just take it easy... as easy as you can!

  29. Hi - hang in there! My first was 33 wks 6 days and just fine! She did spend 11 days in the NICU, but mostly just to grow a bit and learn how to eat. In my case, my water had broken and they tried every med under the sun to stop labor, but she was just ready! Oh and she really was an adorable baby - I know I'm partial, but she was just as cute as any little newborn - just tiny! 5 lbs 4 oz. And because I know it's important to you, I'll throw it in there ... she nursed too! I had to pump and bottle feed (while still trying to teach her to latch) for a while, use a shield, sometimes pump to start the "flow" ... but she DID get it and nursed like a champ. I'd say she totally got it figured out around 8 wks. Good luck! Oh, maybe your doc can go ahead & give you the steroid for the baby's lungs - they like to get that in for premies (takes 48 hrs for a full dose). Sara
    sarasmith317 at yahoo dot com

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. my son was born at 32 weeks, 4.4oz. Spent some time in the NICU but is doing just fine now at 11 months! He's just a little on the small side, but so are his mom and dad! It's amazing what the doctors can do for little ones that come early! God is in control and His timing is perfect!

  32. For my second child I had light contractions for nearly a month! They got worse and more steady around 35 weeks though and I ended up carrying her to term (39 weeks). It was rough. The Doc told me to go about my normal business which wasn't very strenuous at that point anyway. But I kept feeling like I should just lay in bed. Isn't it strange to feel labour stuff and be told to go home?

    Hang in there! The end (or the beginning :D) is near! Baby Chum Chum will be here when it's the perfect time.

  33. It's amazing what the dr's can do! Thank God for modern medicine! Personally my own kids haven't been preemies, but my bff's two kids were born at 31 and 31.5 wks and they are completely fine - try not to worry too much. Hopefully chum chum will stay put for a bit, but I'm sure it'll be ok if you go early too!

  34. Thinking of you and wishing you the best.

  35. I was a 34 week preemie and I'm totally fine! My mom is a nurse and she told me while I was pregnant not to worry, that most babies born that early are fine! Seriously, medical science if amazing these days. I'm thinking of you and praying you and Chum Chum will be well!

  36. I had contractions every 12 min for almost a month before my daughter came. I was 5 cm dialeted when I went for my 39 week appointment. She came one day late. Plus side was I was only in "labor" for 3 hours till she was here. Stay in there little one!!

  37. My daughter was almost born at 30 weeks. However, medicine and bedrest stopped the labor and she was born at exactly 37 weeks.

    Both of my sister's boys were early. The first one was born 6 1/2 weeks early. He was 6 pounds, 6 ounces and very healthy. He went home with her. However, he then had to go back for jaundice and caught RSV in the hospital (January in Michigan). He was a bad eater though. It took him forever to drink a bottle. He still isn't a good eater, but he's such an adorable, smart little guy! He'll be 8 in January!

    Her second boy was born 5 1/2 weeks early and besides weighing in at only 5 pounds, 9 ounces, he was completely healthy! He is still a bit small (19 months old, 20 pounds), but has never had any preemie complications!

    Good luck to you!

  38. My daughter's birth mother had steady contractions for nearly two weeks before she was born at 38 weeks.

  39. Oh you sweet sweet thing.
    My daughter was born one day early, so I can't offer too much advice there... Although I did have lot of contractions throughout my third trimester. Luckily though, they were harmless, and she waited. She turned 4 months old today :)

    Rest and relax. Chum Chum will do the same.


  40. No experience to share with you, as I am not a mommy. However, I just wanted to tell you that I hope all goes well and sending positive thoughts your way.

  41. Oh, the 'hurry up and wait' part is the hardest I think! Good luck!

  42. I had HELLP and my daughter was born via emergency c-section at 35 weeks. But since I was so sick, she had actually stopped growing was like a 32 week baby. She did fine! She was born at 3.5 pounds and spent 2 weeks in the NICU just learning to suck and putting on weight. I have heard that girl babies develop faster with lungs and we did not need any oxygen interventions so the complications were minimal. Will be thinking and sending good thoughts your way and praying everything goes smoothly!

  43. My nephew was born just a few hours past 35 weeks. He was sleepy a lot at first and a bit slow to gain weight. By 6 months he was definitely big and doing well. I'll hold you in my prayers.

  44. My brother and his wife just had triplets at 33 weeks and they're doing awesome! One of the three is almost ready to come hom and the other two have to put on a little more weight. I hope things go well for you!

  45. My best friend had her first on Sunday, at 36 weeks. Baby is doing great! She should be home by the end of the week, after a brief stay in NICU.

  46. Is it bad that I am kind of jealous that you are at least dilated? Sorry, I am 2-3 weeks ahead of you and my doc said I am still at zip. The baby had dropped, but nothin. :-(
    To answer your question--I have been having braxton hicks contractions since I was abut 15 weeks, so I was told I could not go back to work until after this baby comes. I am trying to look at that as a better excuse to get more crafts, cleaning and baking done.
    I really hope that your baby can wait a couple more weeks, to make it to that 37 week point.

  47. My son was born 6 weeks early at 5 lb, 13 oz. He had to stay in the hospital for 11 days but now he is a healthy 18-1/2 years old. Good luck and don't worry.

  48. I had a 35 weeker! I started having contractions at 30 weeks, went in and they stopped them. I had the steriod shot to mature the lung just in case she came early. She was fine just a little jundance. They say baby girls do better early since they delevop a little faster.. just like in the teen years with puperty! So hang in there get rest and drink lots of fluids! It's best it you make it a few more weeks! GOOD LUCK!

  49. I saw one of the posts about carseats... All of my babies were full term, but my 4th baby girl was born with a heart condition and had to spend a month in the NICU. She was in one of the best children's hospitals in the country. While she wasn't preemie, the nurses there had me bring in her carseat for a check. She had to maintain her temp and breathing for a 30 minutes while sitting strapped in the carseat before they'd let us leave. I asked what would happen if she'd been a preemie (like the vast majority of the NICU kids were when we were there). She said that most preemies DON'T fit in traditional carseats. Most parents have to buy special seats that allow the child to lay flat in the back of the car. Now, it sounds like your child will be just a week shy of 'term' if you make it to Friday (35 weeks). Hopefully, you'll be able to use your regular carseat!

  50. My grandson was born at 34 weeks. It was frightening because he was so very small, but he was out of the hospital in 3 weeks and was easy to care for and a really great baby. Today he is a highly intelligent 3 year old boy that can spell his name, my daughter's name, knows his birthday, address, phone number and can draw very well. Oddly enough, my grandsons were born on the same day in the same hospital delivered by the same doctor by my two daughters. Victor was premature and Gabriel was not. You cannot tell a difference in them developmentally at all. Good luck and hang in there. Everything will be just fine. I'm praying for you and the baby!!

  51. Hi Natasha, I went into full labor at 34 weeks! I went in for a regular checkup, complained about my lower back and found out I was 4 cm! I was having contractions and didn't even know it. So I spent some time in the hospital and my Dr. put me on bed rest hoping I would keep the baby in until 36-37 weeks. I ended up having to be induced at 39 wks!! You never know what will happen! Just take it super easy and they baby will decide what is best! Good luck!

  52. Do not fret. I had contractions with my second starting at 15 weeks. I had horrible contractions (and I mean horrible) from 32 weeks on...I thought for sure I'd go early...but nope. I was having contractions that were measuring more intense than woman in labor when I was in the hospital thinking I was in labor but I wasn't making an cervical change, so I kept getting sent home...finally was admitted for low fluids. I was basically in labor for a week with white knuckle contractions...attempting a vbac...Good luck to you, every situation is different. Hang in there and remember, a due date is an estimated even if you're 34 you could be 36, or 35 weeks along, or vise versa! Don't stress, but I know, easier said than done!

  53. My oldest daughter was born at 34 weeks. I had been on hospital bedrest from week 28. I was given steriod shots to make sure her lungs were developed (you may want to ask your dr about those!) She weighed 3lbs 14oz. She spent 13 days in the NICU as a feeder and a grower. We were so lucky that she never needed any oxygen or breathing tubes. She really did great! She is now 6 years old and healthy as can be!

    My twins were born at 35 weeks 2 days at 4 lbs each. I had a repeat c/s and they got to come home with me 5 days after their birth. They never needed any NICU time- they spent a couple of nights in the special care nursery which was the hospital's policy if babies are born before 36 weeks. They are healthy and happy 9 month olds!

    My 6 year old finally caught up in size when she was about 4 and now you would never know that she was so tiny when she was born. The twins are still small for their age, but I am sure they will eventually catch up, just like their big sister!

    Best of luck to you! Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or need to chat!

  54. I had twins at 33 weeks, and we had to stay in NICU for a month. Both had minor breathing assistance for a couple of days and needed the blue light treatment for jaundice (can't remember what it's called, but I called it the disco light, hehehe), but nothing at all serious. At that age they were termed "feeders and growers" - just needed to grow and learn to feed. The breastfeeding was the biggest hurdle to overcome as they didn't have the instincts (or energy in the early days) needed to breastfeed. By the time we came home my daughter was a champion nurser but my son took 3 months to get the hang of it!

    One thing I noticed as a VERY GENERAL rule during our time there was that the closer to their due date a baby arrived, the younger they'd go home - a 35 weeker might go home at 37 weeks while my 33 weekers went home at 38 weeks. Hang in there!

  55. I had twins girls at 33 weeks this March. Both girls weighed 4 lbs 9 oz and did not require any assistance from the NICU team other than a temperature regulated crib. They also gave me an injection to help their lungs develop the day before. If my girls can do, chum chum can!

  56. My daughter was Isabella was born at 35 weeks and 4 days. She was a C-Section as I was having labor, not dilating and my 1st was an emergency C-Section, so we had a C-Section. She couldn't breath on her own, so we spent 2 weeks in the NICU. She is wonderful today and you would never know. The one thing I heard several nurses and 1 Dr. say was that if I had her vaginally chances are she would not have had the fluid in her lungs as it would have come out through the natural birthing process. So, if at all possible try to avoid the C-Section.

    Your family will be in are prayers, just relax as much as you can!

  57. I have had all 3 of my boys between 35 and 36 weeks with contractions starting at the end of the first trimester each time and progressing until they were 1-2 minutes apart and VERY strong for the last 3 weeks before they were born.Your body can really do much more than you think it can! They all came home doing just fine the next day! With my first I was in the hospital for 4 days at 30 weeks trying to spot labor but nothing worked so I went home on bed rest and made it 5 more weeks. with my second they wanted to put me in the hospital again or at least do the medication thing but I already knew that didnt work the last time and only made me more uncomfortable so I said no and made it to 36 weeks. now i did walk around 5 cm for a week or 2 but it meant that they stayed in as long as they could before they were ready to come. With my third we had a unassisted home birth that was amazing at 36 weeks but early being all I know I was very comfortable doing that! Take it easy and enjoy this time before your little one comes! :0)

  58. I also have my unassisted birth video here

  59. Just wanted to comment. I had a 35 weeker and he spent 17 days in the nicu. He had some breathing issues for the first 3 days, then had a pretty awful case of jaundice. Then just normal preemie stuff, grower & feeder, trouble regulating his temp, nothing major. It was pretty hard, but most of them do great! Just need a little extra help! I hope your LO stays in there for a while and gets every chance to get big and strong! They say one day in the womb is equal to two on the outside, so every single day counts!
    Hang in there sweetie!!!

  60. good luck!
    here in portugal we use to wish '1 hora pequenina' (a small hour) to wish a quick delivery but in this case I don't know what to say!
    On one hand i wish that you baby slow down, on the other i don't want that you suffer too much!
    best for you and your baby, and your family!!

  61. thinking of you Natasha! My SIL had her second at 36 weeks and he was tiny and quiet and stayed a little further behind his 'age' for years... but when he hit four he suddenly grew into the biggest, sportiest, most boisterous little boy I know! He's nearly six now and I hide the breakables before he comes over ;)
