Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bacon Mommy & the Croup

First off Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope you all are having super relaxing, lovely days.

My day started off that way...P made me the best breakfast, complete with a "bacon mommy"
But then the rest of the day wasn't quite as fun. We had to take Sam to the ER. Yesterday she woke up from her nap with a terrible cough, one of those that makes you think she must be a closet chain smoker. After a fever all night & some labored breathing today we figured it was better to be safe than sorry & take her in. A chest xray, blood work & a few hours of observation later & we're back at home. She's upstairs napping with Daddy right now so I thought I'd take advantage of a few minutes to myself to throw up a post. Sorry I haven't been able to write much this week, I still don't have my laptop & now I've gone & lost our camera battery charger too. A dead camera & kaput laptop has put a bit of a damper on the blogging. Bums we out. When it rains it pours right?

So we still no idea what she has, maybe croup? But at least I'm not freaking out that she's having an asthma attack, bronchitis or pheomonia. I'm just going to keep an eye on her breathing & keep rotating the Motrin & Tylenol to keep the fever down. But you know what? It's kind of poetic having stuff like this happen on Mother's Day, I mean isn't that what being a mom is all about?

We'll go to the pediatrician in the morning & I'll let you know what they say...I've never dealt with croup before but I think I'm supposed to stick her in a steamy bathroom or the cold night air??


  1. Oh no! What a scary Mother's Day. I hope she feels better asap. I hope you electronics feel better soon too! Love that bacon mommy, that is so cute!

  2. Glad that at least your day started out nicely. It's obvious that this mommy stuff isn't for wimps. I hope the babe feels better in no time!

  3. We've always favored the cold air method for croup. If it's not cold enough outside we would open the freezer and stand in front of it. Good luck!

  4. Oh no! The croup is awful. My daughter has had it at lest 3 times this year, each time sending us to the ER. If it gets really bad you can go back to the hospital and get some breathing treatments and some dextimethisone (sp); it's a steroid that helps reduce the "swelling". Just heads up...if it IS croup, the nights are ALWAYS worse than the day AND the second night is usually the WORST!

    Good luck with everything!

  5. My son gets it sometimes and we've found that it helps for him to sleep propped up. Usually I hold him and sleep in the recliner with him.

  6. Mom of 5 here and a nurse---get the bathroom all hot and steamy and have a girls's sauna, that will help loosen up the crud so she can cough it up. You can also keep a pot of water simmering on the stove to add moisture to the air, and try to get her to drink as much as possible (Jello, popsicles and fruit count as fluids!)

  7. This sounds like my mothers day last year...we spent the whole day in the ER and then she got admitted to the hospital and my little girl was there for a week..and it ended up being croup..Croup can be such a scary thing..She had to have many many breathing treatments..and she ened up doing something to her lungs too bc she was struggling so hard to breathe...we did the sauna in the bathroom but it just wasnt cutting it..I hope your little girl gets better soon!!!

  8. My daughter has had the croup twice now. Once when she was about 7 months and then after she was 1. It sucks because you pretty much can't do a whole lot. The last time she had it I was very adamant about them doing something and they gave us a nebulizer that we could take home and keep and then gave us some prescriptions of albuterol which is just the steam treatment they give in the hospital. It definitely helped but other than that they say to use a humidifier and sit in the bathroom with the hot water for the steam to clear it up. When they sleep is the worse and it breaks your heart because you feel so helpless. Not to worry I'm sure she will make a full recovery soon!!

  9. That sucks. :(

    Be careful with the motrin and tylenol - almost all of the kids/baby ones were recalled last week.

  10. Cold night air is what got rid of it for my youngest when he was around 3 or 4 months old. Worked like a charm. :)

  11. Sorry that Samster got sick on Mother's day. :) I wanted to let you and all the other moms know if you haven't already heard, but there was a huge recall on infant/children's motrin and other medicines last Friday evening.

    Check your lot numbers:
