Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sleepy Rainy Monday

Not exactly what I had in mind for my trip to Florida but better than the ice storm I left, so hey, no complaints here. And you know what, it actually was kind of nice. Sam has a cold and hadn't slept well the night before so the weather was perfect for napping and also due to her cold we had to cancel our playdate with my friend but since it was so gloomy I didn't feel bad about spending the whole day working on my sewing...

So here it is, brace yourself, I give you the $90 high chair cover!
You're blown away, I can tell.

Yes, between the fabric, batting, ribbon, binding tape and second trip to the fabric store when I decided I hated the one above I ended up spending close to a $100 on a project that I decided to do initially because I didn't want to spend $30 on a highchair cover for when we go to restaurants. Hilarious.
Ah well, it was fun and I love the one I finished last night. It's hard to tell in the picture but the one above (which I made myself strictly adhere to the pattern since it was my first time working from a pattern) is wayyy too big to carry in a diaper bag and the fact that it looks like a chair with a tutu on is a bit odd so I decided to give writing my own pattern a whirl and I came up with the one below...

Inspecting Mom's handiwork...

I basically made a big cross shape and only lined the interior seat part with batting so it wouldn't be too thick, since we'll be toting this around when we eat out. I also used ribbons to tie the seat together when you want to use it verses stitching up the sides like the previous one. I really wanted it to be collapsable, which it is!

I think I'll either add a snap or make a little tote for it...one other improvement is I added a pocket to the front flap with two ribbons with velcro loops to attach to toys or pacis. Sam loves to play "throw the toy as soon as mom looks away to take a bite of food"

So there it is! Way too expensive and took about 10 hours of work BUT I'm very proud. (:


  1. Very cute! I wish I could sew because I would make one for my little boy...You should sell them on Etsy.com....Off to Etsy to see if someone sells them!

  2. this is amazing! u should trying selling your ideas to companies because ur great at what you do!
