Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Away

I've been daydreaming about this past weekend for...well, about 8 months & 2 days.

Peace & quiet, amazing food (more importantly uninterrupted food), an entire night's sleep, good wine & most importantly time away with my husband to remember who we were before we had kids.

So off to our annual anniversary getaway we went. In past years we've made the 1 hr & 1/2 drive to this little inn for a romantic dinner but this year we decided to splurge & stay the night. I can't even think of words to describe how amazing it was...perhaps some pictures will paint a better picture.

We arrived early afternoon just in time for tea & snacks in the garden. (Sighhhh, deep breathing officially began here)We toured the inn for a bit, this is one of the many "sitting rooms". Can you imagine?! A room where you get to do nothing but...gasp...SIT!Now wait just a doggone minute. Who is that I spy amongst the pictures of people who have enjoyed our little inn??Well then. Now I know I belong.

Next we relaxed in our room. I read a book. A real, grown-up book. I'm so happy I remembered how. (in case you're wondering I'm reading Tina Fey's "Bossypants". You will literally laugh your ass off. Out loud. To the point where people stare. It's fantastic.)

Then it was time to primp for our dinner date downstairs...I wish I had stolen the camera to snag some pictures of my dinner date. He looked so handsome.

As always (this is our 4th year coming here for our anniversary) the food was mind-blowing. This year we did the chef's choice pairing/tasting menu where Chef Patrick chooses your courses & then they pair it with the perfect wine. For all 8 courses. You can probably figure out why there aren't any more pictures after this...
The next morning we had eggs benedict by the garden & decided that although we had been craving this time alone we already missed our little girls & couldn't wait to get home.

I said earlier that I was looking forward to rediscovering who we used to be before kids but what I figured out was that those people don't exist anymore. Having children together has changed us. The ups & downs, sleepless nights & first smiles. We've grown into something so much better than I ever could have imagined. And although lately I've been craving those exciting, madly in love feelings you have when you're first married this couple we've grown into is so much better.

It's amazing what revelations you can have after one good night's sleep.

This week I'd like to:

*Cook a lovely dinner for my dad tonight who's visiting
*Make some Hello Kitty duct tape hair accessories (you're intrigued aren't you)
*Spoon with my husband for those 10 minutes we're alone before two little bodies crawl in our bed

What do you think you'll do differently this week?

Please do not copy & paste any of my content without prior permission, pictures of Samster & Sophie are strictly prohibited. Links to my post however are always welcome!


  1. Sounds like a fabulous night! All that food just looks mouthwatering.

  2. Aw sounds like such a wonderful time away!

  3. Aww you guys are so cute. I'm glad you were able to get away to rekindle some of that needed alone time together. Happy 4 years!!!

  4. So have you weaned Sophie? Or did you pump the whole time? I can't imagine leaving my daughter for a whole night!

  5. Damn! Look at those legs and shoes! Go you hot mama!

  6. Awww Natasha I really LOVED this post. Specially when you talked about your relationship growing into something so much better. It was so romantic, heart-felt and real. To love and be loved in return... what a blessing. I'm a sucker for love. I'm going to go kiss my hubs now. Happy Anniversary! :)

  7. Aww thanks guys!

    And yes Anonymous, I brought my pump. It was very romantic. (;

  8. How fabulous! Happy anniversary! SO GLAD you got to go away together! Thanks for sharing your sweet thoughts. Having a high maintenance baby has changed us too. I like the way you described it.

  9. ohhhh!!!! so glad to have stumbled upon your blog whilst enjoying my morning cuppa!!
    What a BEAUTIFUL place to stay! and hey lets face it if Martha Stewart stayed there... well... what more to say!!!
    Heading off to see what I have missed in your past blogs! thanks for having me!!

  10. Good for you! It is amazing what a date can do for the relationship (speaking from experience and three kids)!

    What a lovely inn. I'm excited a good time was had by all. :)

  11. oooh I just sent a friend a ton of HK party ideas - would love to see this duct tape idea you have! haha

  12. So happy to hear that you two had fun, but realized that you miss the girls too. My husband and I usually go out for a really nice dinner on our anniversary - with NO kids. We really miss our kids too, but it is important to have that couple time. (You need it to remember that you are a couple and are still in love.) Then we usually end our evening by bringing home a treat for our kids. Something like dessert....

  13. You're so lucky to have the opportunity to celebrate your anniversairy kid-less-ly (its a word!)

  14. "I said earlier that I was looking forward to rediscovering who we used to be before kids but what I figured out was that those people don't exist anymore. Having children together has changed us. The ups & downs, sleepless nights & first smiles. We've grown into something so much better than I ever could have imagined. And although lately I've been craving those exciting, madly in love feelings you have when you're first married this couple we've grown into is so much better."

    I love, love this. My hubby and I just celebrated our 6th anniversary on Saturday, and we have a 3 y.o. And this paragraph was just perfect. Congrats to you two!

  15. Oh, good for you!!! Hubs and I are taking our first "just for fun" trip away from the kids in a few weeks. We've been married for six years. It's TIME. Glad you had such a great time!

  16. This is a beautiful post. You sound like you have a wonderful marriage! Happy Anniversary!

  17. I am glad that you think that you deserve a weekend away from your kids. You choose to be a stay at home mom so suck it up. Maybe if you weren't blogging all the time then you would find that you might have more time in your day.

    Oh and the reason why im anonymous is because i don't feel like getting a blog

  18. Wow Anonymous...that was completely uncalled for and rude. Although I don't know Natasha personally, I have always found her blogs to show her as a loving, affectionate mother and wife who works her butt off every day to make life the absolute best for her family. Her and her husband deserved a night off and there is nothing wrong with that. Just because you become a mother does not mean it must consume 100% of your identity. In fact, I think too many people forget about how they became parents in the first place, which was falling in love with their significant others, and I think forgetting that contributes to the high divorce rate. I think her post was a beautiful reminder that she is not only a mother, but a wife, friend, and a fantastic woman.

  19. Natasha, I love your blog and I loved this post! The person who wrote that nasty comment is out to lunch.

    Being a mom is the hardest job there is, and taking care of yourself is SO important. I think its wonderful that you and your husband got away for the weekend, and reading about it reminds me how much my husband and I need to make that time for ourselves too.

    We are all better mothers (and better humans!) when we feel nourished....there should be no shame in doing what nourishes you.

    Thank you for sharing all that you share here. You and your blog are hugely inspiring to many many people. So, thank you, for taking the time that you do to blog.


    p.s. LOVE the pic of you getting dressed for dinner!

  20. Hi Natasha! Would you want to share something with us that you've made recently? ‎{Share the Love} link up party is starting tomorrow at! Please come link up!

  21. To Chelsi and Jasmine:

    I am a stay at home mom of four kids three boys and a girl and my husband and i have been married for 15 years so please don't tell me about failed marriages when i am in a successful one.

    It always seems like whenever im on this blog that all natasha does is complain about not having enough time to do this and how much she missing doing this... Get over yourself you have a great husband who does so much for you and yet all you can do is complain about your poor poor life... so many mothers wish that they could have the luxury of staying home but instead of actually spending time with your kids you are always finding ways to keep them out of your way.

  22. You're welcome to stop reading any time, anonymous. Love the defense that you don't want a blog so you can say hurtful things without personal reprecussions. It must be nice to know it all. Again, no one is forcing you to read someone how "complain(s) about not having enough time."


  23. Oops! I mean't *who*, not *how.*

  24. My lovely internet friends, please ignore ridiculous comments. They're not worth the time it takes to type a reply. Not to mention they don't bother me in the least, in fact my husband & I get a good chuckle about them! You should too. (:

  25. Natasha, was this at the inn at little washington?

  26. Natasha - This is great...good for you! May I ask how you take the photos and make them look so neat all together like that? Is it Picasa? I know you've talked about that before.

    And, so glad you don't let the haters bother you. I can't stand online haters who sit their butts behind a computer and sign in as anonymous and talk crap! What a loser.
