Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hello Kitty Duct Tape Hair Accesories: Part 2 Hairbows

Did you get a chance to make a duct tape headband? Sam loves hers but only wears it when she's in "Cinderella" character. I guess in her mind you have to be Cinderella to wear a headband.
What I wouldn't give to get a peak inside that little mind of hers, I bet is covered in glitter & pink balloons.

For part 2 I've made some hairbows & I've got to say, I kind of love them. A lot. If I was a bit younger (braver) I would totally sport one.You'll need duct tape, hot glue & an alligator clip or elastics for the pigtail versions.

1st- take around a 5" strip of duct tape & fold it 1/2 in on itself lengthwise. (your kind of making fabric out of the tape by doing this) Then cut that strip in half so you have two 5" x 1" strips.
2nd- Take one strip & bring the short ends in so they meet in the center, tack down with a small dot of hot glue. After I went ahead & trimmed down each loop so they angle in & look more "bow-like" (ribbon would've done this naturally but since we're working with tape it needs a bit of help)
3rd- Take your 2nd strip & trim so it's the same length as your bow. Cut the ends with little "V" shapes (what is this called? something bird-ish. Sparrow's beak? Dovetail? someone please tell me before it drives me crazy.) Also snip a little niche on each side of the center of the strip, this is to give a space for the next piece to tie around.
th- With what's left of your 2nd strip you're going to make the "knot" which gives the impression that the entire hairbow was just hand-tied perfectly. (it's all smoke & mirrors people)
First trim down the width of the strip, it should be slightly thinner than what you used to make the other pieces. Tie a loose knot in the center of the strip (if this is difficult
because it's too short to work with feel free to make a longer strip with your tape.) then using a small dab of hot glue adhere the knot to the center of the bow. Next flip the bow over & hold your clip onto the back of the bow, apply some more hot glue & wrap one of the ends from the knotted piece over the clip. Trim off excess. Repeat with other end of knotted piece. That's it!!
The pigtail holders are similar but not quite as complicated...

1st- start off with an 8" piece of duct tape that's folded in half width-wise. Slice this in 1/2 lengthwise so you have two 8"x 1/2" strips. Fold one of the strips so that the ends loop over making a bow-shape, tack down with a small dab of hot glue. Snip ends with "v" shapes.
2nd- Once again snip out a little "v" in the center of the bow. Then make a knotted strip like described above & adhere in same manner except instead of gluing it around a clip it's around a hair elastic. That's it!The possibilities are really endless...this one is done with just loops & loops of thin strips of tape & a button glued smack in the middle.Have fun & please send pictures if you make any!
Please do not copy & paste any of my content without prior permission, pictures of Samster & Sophie are strictly prohibited. Links to my post however are always welcome!


  1. so creative, sending to my friend doing a HK party!

  2. My husband's daughter *loves* Hello Kitty, and he has been bugging me to make her something... This is an awesome idea! :D

  3. cannot wait to make these! Great idea :)

  4. Natasha, I'm sorry, I tried, but I just can't find what it's called when you cut that triangle in the end of the ribbon. Of course, now it's driving me crazy too!!

  5. You had me at "Hello Kitty" :D Love them!

  6. OK either I was dreaming yesterday or there was a post about bean burritos that was deleted...I LIKE BLACK BEAN BURRITOS! what's goin' on? Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep! :/ Or I hit an archive post.
