Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunday Best

"Sunday Best"
Getting this photo was like wrestling a box of puppies...

This week I want to:

1.) Finish that doggone friggin laundry pile! I was thinking of more choice words but those little innocent faces above guilted me out of it.
2.) Make Sophie a pink monster softie
3.) Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!

What about you? Any projects you're working on this week or just boring chores? Bleh!

On a side note...
photo courtesy of Make Ahead Meals...

We had a ton of people over for our brunch/egg hunt this year & there was just no way I was even going to attempt to cook breakfasts for that many people. I used a catering service which after shopping around was really not much more expensive than groceries would've cost. But I did feel the need to bake something so I made these little tomato, basil, cheese & bacon muffins o' goodness. They were SO easy & took all of 20 minutes from beginning to end. The only change I made was I left out the onion (because I didn't have one) & I made regular sized muffins (because I didn't have a mini muffin tin, can you tell how much I planned ahead here?) but they were still delicious! For full size muffins just don't split the biscuit & give it an extra 3-4 minutes to cook. Be sure to try out the recipe here.
Please do not copy & paste any of my content without prior permission, pictures of Samster & Sophie are strictly prohibited. Links to my post however are always welcome!


  1. Cute kids and love the spring colors!

  2. Just boring chores for me this week, and maybe a little sewing too hopefully!

    I've been following your blog and love it!

    Just letting you know that I’m awarding you with the Versatile Blogger Award.

    You can read more about it here:

    I’m also passing the rules for accepting this award:

    * Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their site in your original post.
    * Tell us seven things about yourself.
    * Pass along the award to fifteen newly discovered bloggers (discovered by me anyway)
    * Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award.

  3. haha you got a few cheesy smiles in there! that muffin looks DEELISH.
    1. get pictures edited and on the blog for the newborn from last week's to do list and a first birthday party decorated for less than a dollar.
    2. finish crafting for a monster first birthday party this Saturday
    3. squeeze in a family reunion filled weekend aside from putting together my client's monster birthday party!

  4. cute picture :)
    I will:
    - finish my next so you think you're crafty project... if I move on to the next round
    - tidy my house
    - work in the garden

  5. adorable!
    I will...
    1) what you said. But probably with more vehement language.
    2) make some more keyfobs and tutus for my new little online store, and get some of them actually photographed and listed.
    3) see #1 because goodness knows if I achieve it I'll just have to do it again by the end of the week.

  6. I'm glad you liked the recipe! I love the Make Ahead Meals cookbook. There are so many different types of these "cups" you can make. I actually took that picture, and as you can see my first batch turned out a little burnt! Glad yours turned out good!

    Emily @ Busy Mommy

  7. My list for this week (if I ever get off my computer) is to order the baby new mattress and get some sewing done. x.

  8. I have made these breakfast muffings every week for the past 3 weeks for our breakfast. My husband LOVES them. I have to fight him off to save them for the week! In laws tasted them & loved them too!
