Sunday, April 17, 2011



I cleaned out my shoe closet today to make room for a couple of new friends (have you tried Gap's city flats? Ugh, they're buttery goodness!) And after much stalling I finally parted with 4 pairs of shoes. I'm still not ready to talk about it yet but I will say that although so many of these beautiful heels do nothing but collect dust lately they're still wonderful, sexy memorabilia of another time & one day just maybe they'll make a comeback.

What are you up to this week? Here are my weekly goals...
1.) Finish Grandma's Bday present & mail it in time that it doesn't require overnight shipping
2.) Cook a minimum of 3 times
3.) Work on a new look for the blog. I'm just not loving this one.

Please do not copy & paste any of my content without prior permission, pictures of Samster & Sophie are strictly prohibited. Links to my post however are always welcome!


  1. I have been LIVING in those flats... LOVE them!

    My goals for this week... organize!!!

  2. I MISS SEXY SHOES! Mine are jumbled in a dusty pile on the floor of the closet. I'm not complaining too loudly, though - I'd much rather chase my beautiful daughter around than hang out in a bar... at least most of the time :-P

    This week I want to:
    1. put the furniture back - this configuration does not please me.
    2. clean out the fridge - I wasted too much food last week because I couldn't see what I have.
    3. Mail Peeps to my friend in England along w/ egg dyeing kits - she can't get those over there.

  3. I hope it wasn't the blue fluffy Kate Spades or the orange Pradas. I may or may not have those exact same ones in my closet reminding me of the days when I didn't chase anyone all day. ;)

  4. Can I be bff's with your bff's? Cause they are gorgeous. Now, if only those bff's liked my feet half as much as I like those bff's - it'd be a party. Or, I'd spend way too much on shoes. Good thing my fat feet don't fit in all the shoes I like.

    My one and only goal for this week is to finish research papers and projects and intern evaluations so I can say "adios, semester" and get back to just being "Mom."

  5. I am with ya sister! I love my shoes and it takes me forever to get rid of them.....if I even can....

    Enjoy your shoes!

  6. 1. work on 1st birthday decorations for a party Saturday, all within a budget of 99 cents.
    2. edit pictures from a second newborn photoshoot to get on the blog
    3. finish editing pictures from my first newborn photoshoot to give to my SIL

    isn't tweaking your blog so addicting?! I must say, you got me started on it! thanks :)

  7. I have to say that sometimes it is hard to wear the 'sexy' heels when you are about 6 feet tall. Sometimes I just cave and settle for flats. Maybe this will be the comeback year for me.
    Good luck on the cooking 3 times this week Natasha. I have finally been able to go back to my 2 week calendar for dinners and it is actually working! The harder part for me is getting the grocery shopping done each week, to make sure I have all of the ingredients I need to actually make the dinners. I have found myself substituting a different meal than actually planned 2 or 3 times this last week.
    So I guess this will be my list for this week:
    1-Shop for the needed ingredients to sucessfully complete 7 nights of dinners for my family.
    2-Finish sewing the 'invisible' zippers on 2 of my skirts.
    3-Report for Jury duty Tuesday. (NOT looking forward to my first time doing jury duty)

  8. I don't have 3/4 of the amount of shoes you do. Guess I'm not a shoe nut but do love to try on shoes and wish I had somewhere to go in them. lol. I love your to do lists. I don't know how you do it all with 2 little ones under foot. Best of luck. Get your daughter involved with cooking and you might just get a little chef to help every night.


  9. Those are some sexy heels in your shoe cupboard. I drool at shoes like that in store windows but I know that they would not lead they life they deserve if I bought them. x

  10. I'm a little jealous of your shoes :) I could never bring myself to buy anything like them, I never had a place to wear them to...

    1. Reorganize Natalie's toy shelf, after the birthday presents it won't all fit!
    2. Make sock bunnies for Easter presents
    3. Enjoy my 2 days of "spring break"

  11. Oh, thank goodness! That deer freaks me out every time I come to your blog. It's like it's staring at me. Even when I scroll down, I feel like it can still see me!!

  12. A friend of mine bought a pair of the GAP City Flats and absolutely loved them...until they started coming apart at the seams (literally). Unfortunately they didn't last long enough to justify their price tag for another pair...but they sure are cute!

  13. reminds me of my lingerie drawer... Such a large drawer, such beautiful things therein... I'm pretty sure I couldn't stuff my nursing-momma-boobs in there if I wanted. That wouldn't even be a sexy look, that would just be a what... the.... craaaap... kind of look.
