Monday, May 31, 2010

Washing Machine Dyed Curtains

I didn't want to spend any money on new window treatments for the playroom (full makeover pics here) so I decided to be crazy & throw the ivory ones I already had in the washing machine with a pack of teal RIT dye. I followed the directions exactly...But this was about when I started to panic, watching that teal dye start swishing around my washing machine...what have I done?!!But then, beautiful!The only downside is I didn't really look into what my panels were made of & the lining behind the linen (? at least it looks like linen, they're cheapo JcPenney panels so who knows, could be polyester blend) panel shrunk more than the front. I think the lining was cotton. But you really can't tell unless you tried to lay them out, they'd lay a bit wonky. Overall I say thumbs up to washing machine dyeing. Don't be scurred. Just follow the directions exactly, take a deep breath and go for it. Your machine will not be dyed teal, it all washes out. At least for me it did. (THANK GOODNESS! P would've KILLED me!)


  1. haha don't be scurred! I wish I had the energy and time for these cute projects! Looks beautiful! Enjoy your holiday!

  2. OMGosh the first time I dyed I was terrified too! I haven't braved it in the front loader yet! Glad to know it was a success for you!

  3. Came out awesome, a really nice shade!

  4. Very nice Natasha! I love the color you picked, it looks so soothing. :-)
    Have a great Memorial Day!

  5. Very nice. I've always worried about doing this because I was concerned that it would end up with blotchy type color.

    Yours looks like it was very evenly dyed.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. They look great!!!! I think I am going to do this with some of my cream curtains! Great idea!

  8. I used to dye in my top-loader all the time, but I haven't done it in my front loader. I guess I thought you couldn't. Are the instructions any different? I remember getting the water and dye all mixed then adding the fabric so it wouldn't get splotchy, but you can't open the door so....? Your curtains look great, though!

  9. They turned out beautifully!

    Don't forget to enter for your chance to win a $25 Tulle gift certificate!

  10. They turned out really really really fantastic! (Not an overstatement at all)

  11. Ditto to what Ik asked and said. Do you put the dye in the soap dispenser? I would love to know how you did it in your front loader. Thanks!

  12. I was nervous because it was a front loader too, obviously no opening the door! The bottle had directions for high efficiency washers/front loaders, you do just go through the soap dispenser. There were a couple of little splotches because maybe the dye couldn't even out enough but they're not even noticeable...I'd do it again!

  13. I'm curious about trying this. I've wanted to but we have a front loader too. Good to know it can be done. Yours look great!!

  14. Oh my gosh, I don't think I would have had the guts, but they turned out gorgeous!!

  15. I JUST dyed some drab green curtains a rich chocolatey brown last week! They turned out absolutely wonderful. It makes me want to start dying everything to a custom color. Possibilities are endless now!

  16. Oh you are brave! I've never tried the dye in the washer and it would be my luck it would color/stain the washer! I love the color of the curtains! ;)

  17. I Have so wanted to use the rit dye in our wash machine! I did a project a couple years back. I took a white flower girl dress that my lil girl used in a wedding, used the rit dye and made it into a Cinderella dress for Halloween. It turned out a light blue! We just purchased a new set of matching washer and dryer. They are similar to yours but navy blue. My husband made me promise not to use any rit dye... But is sounds like, it wont ruin them... Hmmm.. Cant wait to dye clothes! Lol :)

  18. Wow! It really made the curtain perfect. No patches or anything? I should really try this.

  19. I was looking for this information, thanks for put in this easy way, I mean in a easy way to understand it jajaja, well until the next time.
