Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Felt Fridge Magnets

After two failed attempts at a maternity skirt my sewing machine & I are no longer on speaking terms. I told her to resolve her tension "issues" & then maybe we could talk. In the meantime I decided to work on a little hand sewn craft while in bed last night, I finished them up during naptime today...Samster used to have a fridge farm but for some reason it left scratch marks on our fridge, I was so bummed because I thought it would be the perfect solution for keeping her busy while I was cooking. Ever since then I've been meaning to make her some toy magnets, now she finally has a few!These little suckers are addicting. If you have issues with not being able to stop making felt food you'll probably go nuts with these. They're just pieces of felt cut out in basic shapes (2 of each, a front & a back), I sewed around the seams with a blanket stitch (here's good tutorial, if you only learn one embroidery stitch in your life it should be this one, it's so pretty & I use it all the time) & inside them are some stuffing & a magnet. I bought these magnets from Michael's but I don't see why you couldn't use any strong magnet you have laying around.I'd like to make her a little barn & some farm animals next although I think an aquarium set would be ADORABLE! Really the skies the limit, & if you're really motivated you could make a felt alphabet magnet set, how cute would that be?! Too bad there's so many darn letters. Stupid English.


  1. Very cute! That would be so fun!

  2. That is really cool!
    I want to play too!!

  3. This is so adorable! I think it'd make a great gift for some friends with toddlers. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love them! An aquarium would be so fun! Hope your sewing machine resolves its issues.

  5. Oh how cute are they!!!!!!!!!

  6. That is so cute! What a great idea!

  7. Super cute! My kids would love these! Who am I kidding, so would I!

  8. These are great! I am going to try and make some, but I doubt they will turn out as cute as yours.

  9. Oh my gosh my son is the same age as Sam (I actually met your hubby at Wendy's and told them that we should have a play date haha) and he would LOVE these! You should put them on your etsy site, I'd totally buy them.

  10. Look what you've done started a new obsession for me ;) I better get started for my grand daughter. Thanks.

  11. those are super cute! We have that fridge farm set too (garage sale, $1.50), luckily it's not scratching our fridge...but your magnets are certainly a whole lot cuter!!

  12. Cool! I've been thinking about doing some magnets! I like this idea!

  13. So funny, I had tension issues after sewing on about a zillion boy scout badges on sashes today...nothing pretty to look at when your done and my machine doesn't like those stiff thick badges so I was a bit bummed. I decided to pull out some cute felt and fabric and make some layered flowers for the teachers at our grade school (teacher appreciation week)and give the machine a break and they turned out really cute. I can't wait to give them to the teachers tomorrow. We decided to theme it with flowers this year so I've done a bunch of different flowers thanks to everyone's tutorials everywhere and the teachers are loving them!

  14. Those are seriously CUTE! I have to make some today!

    And thankyou so much for the tut on blanket stitching have always wanted to learn, I have borrowed books from the library but I cant make them make sense. Thanks x

  15. SUPER cute! i really wish i could have convinced my husband to get the stainless steel look-alike instead of the real stainless steel so that we could actually have magnets on the front too. stainless isn't ferrous, so magnets don't work on it!

  16. oh my, those are lovely.
    Did you free hand the designs?

  17. Oh, wow. Those are adorable, and Samster must be having a field day with them!

  18. Ha! This is totally unrelated to the topic of your post, but I put electronics in time-out, too! I turn off my computer (or whatever) and "give it a few minutes to think about what it's done." So glad I'm not the only one!

  19. SO cute! I'm going to need to make a set for Oscar. He'd love this!

  20. My son would LOVE this! We have felt animal magnets that I got from Build-A-Bear years ago. But this... this is just way too cute! I know nothing about sewing, but that tutorial on Blanket Stitching looks simple enough for me to try this project! Wish me luck!

  21. So Cute! She could have her own little zoo! Too bad they might end up all over the house. We have the same problem with scratches on the fridge. I made felt letters, and really they did not take that long. Go for it!


  22. What a nice alternative to those bright letter magnets!

  23. My fridge farm did that too! A much better option instead of ruining our stainless steel

  24. These have to be the cutest magnets ever!

  25. So adorable! I'm glad you posted some patterns because my animals would turn out to be blobs without them. Can't wait to try this.

    If your looking for aquarium ones, here's a tutorial from purlbee that I used to make some

  26. Love it, and mentioned it in my blog :)
    Thanks alot :)

  27. I found your blog via craft gossip. This is a FAB! idea!! We have the fridge farm....the paint leaves marks on our floor. ....not to mention that Bradys favorite actvity with the fridge farm is to throw the magnets on the floor...Loud!

  28. I came over to your blog from a guest post you did today and have been browsing through and saw this and about died from the cuteness! I am a bit obsessed with felt and have never thought to make adorable fridge magnets! So creative and brilliant! I'm seriously going to make some this week for my two year old!! Thanks for the idea :-)
