Friday, November 13, 2009


There is a question that's been haunting me for some time now.

For years in fact. And for some reason I never thought to just "google" my query. That is until this morning, and finally...FINALLY, I have resolution.

This morning I asked google,

"Where did Steve from Blue's Clues go?"

And guess what I found? Nick Jr. put out a mini-documentary about Blue's Clues for it's 10th anniversary and they actually interviewed Steve so he could once & for all say why he left. Apparently there were crazy rumors going around that Steve had a heroin problem, he ran off with Paul McCartney & worst off he was dead. These rumors really upset kids so Steve actually had to make an appearance on "The Rosie Odonnel Show" to prove he was breathing just fine.

You can watch the documentary yourself at this link, if that doesn't work just google "Behind the Clues: 10 years of Blue" & watch "part 1" & "part 2". You'll learn some really neat stuff (if you're a Blue's Clues fan, otherwise it might be a bit boring) like that Blue was originally a kitten & that the show was created by a bunch of 20somethings right out of college! And of course all the juicy Steve details which I guess I should go ahead and share in case you don't want to watch. So here it is...


He was going bald.

Yep. I know.

Seriously, he was getting older and realized that he was losing his hair really quickly and didn't "want to be in children's television forever". He basically worked really hard for 7 years, made an obscene amount of money I'm sure, & decided to go out on top verses balding & gradually fading away. So he says...

Or he decided to pursue his acting career (Steve & Mr Big in the same place?! I think my head my explode.
And definitely to spend more time on his music, he's making a rock record with members of the "Flaming Lips". Here's a cute video. They tell you to go to his website but when you do it says it's "Suspended" "please call billing/support". UH-OH Steve.

They did several transitional episodes with Steve & "his little brother" Joe & then one sad day, Steve "went to college."
And then Steve became all GQ! Aren't you DYING?!! That's STEVE! LM*O! Omgosh, Steve is...he'!

So in the end I still don't like Joe. I miss Steve. But at least now I can maybe move on. He has.

Feel better? I know I do.


  1. AND steve has his own website and I must say, he looks pretty attractive when hes not wearing old man khaki pants and a green striped shirt, oh and a haircut! I dont mind Joe, But Steve is the best! And I hate when people continue the rumor that he was on drugs or died, so thanks for spreading the truth!

  2. Google is the best!! i can't blame him for not wanting to be in kiddy tv forever.

  3. thanks oatsebear! I did some digging for his site and added it to the post. craziness!!

  4. This is hilarious to me! I have a friend whose husband looks *identical* to Steve. We give him a hard time because his daughter was obsessed with Blues Clues & we always said it was because her daddy starred in it. So funny! Thanks for doing the homework to set the record straight!

  5. My kids 1st grade teacher is the new Blue's Clue's guy's Aunt. He came to their school and did an assembly. It was super fun.

  6. THANKS! I've wondered about that for a long time too! I appreciate, not only the time it took to google the info, but also for sharing it!
    I miss Steve too.

  7. Steve was always sexy!! What can i say, we stay at home mums get our kicks wherever we can :)

  8. OMG, I know I'm Late But this is great!!! He is sexy!!
