Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Union Jack Dresser

(PS, I'm so sorry to be fudging with the blog layout/look so much, I just can't seem to find "it". I promise as soon as I get it right I'll leave it be!)

Now, this, this you're going to love...

AFTER:Don't you love it?! I'd love to take credit for being so creative but I saw this idea on Miss Mustard Seed (a fab home furniture makeover blog btw) & followed her tutorial completely. Usually I at least change a few things to make a project my own but not this time, I wanted hers exactly!

The dresser was a thrift store find for $75 & the whole project probably took me 3 or 4 evenings after the kids went to bed. I cleaned it, sanded it, splotched some wood filler in it's holes, painted it & then stained the whole thing with a dark walnut color. Throw some clear sealant on top & you've got yourself a Union Jack just in time for the royal wedding. Now I really wish I was having a "BYOT (bring your own tiara) Royal Wedding Party! ):


  1. Very cool! Looks like a real treasure now!
    I think it was Cheri (from I Am A Momma) that suggested to me to have another blog off in the corner to test out your layout stuff with, because I wanted to fix mine up but I knew it might take a while and I didn't want my blog all wonkydonky while I was playing with it. Worked like a charm! The 'work in progress' sign is a cute option though. ;)

  2. ha, those BEFORE drawer pulls make me sad. Way to bring this piece back to life! I love those little monsters, I wish I could knit some up, if I had those skills ha. ahhh the quest to making your own blog design continues!

  3. Oh, my gracious! This is FANTASTIC! Just beautiful! TFS!

  4. omg sooooo cute!!!! You are so creative!

  5. That turned out adorable!! So cute!! Great job mama :)

  6. That turned out great!! I wish I had the guts for furniture projects!

  7. that is amazing! You should host a royal wedding blog party Friday am :)

  8. Great job on this. Perfect timing for the wedding!

  9. Cute! My dad is from England, he would get a kick out of this :).

  10. Oh no you didn't! That simply rocks.

  11. I LOVE IT - and wish I could buy it from you! I totally would. I cannot find the tutorial to make one, can you please link to it on your site? Also re: your blog design, I thought the first/original one you used was the cutest - maybe consider going back to that? Love your blog - thanks for all the great tips!

  12. When I first saw your dresser I yelled "That's like Ms. Mustard Seed's Dresser!" I love that my two favorite blogs have connected in the blogiverse! I saw her dresser in Luckett's (which is how I discovered her) and I have to say, yours is FANTASTIC!!!! Excellent job :)

  13. OMG, that is AMAZING! But what I really want to know is, where did you get that owl lamp?!? I LOVE owls!
