Monday, February 14, 2011

Hangover Crafting

(Yes I know, I was supposed to write you a post sharing how I sleep-trained Soph. Well, that night she stopped sleeping & hasn't slept more than 4 hrs straight since then. What a bee-otch. Can you say that about a baby? Oops.)

If you have kids than you know the harsh consequences of going out late-night & partying like you did before having kids. Brutal.

We went out Saturday night for my husband's co-host's birthday & had a phenomenal time but man, did we pay for it on Sunday. Let's just say when bathtime came the kids still had on their pajamas from the night before. I did get a chance to do some Valentine's gifts sewing during naptime yesterday however it didn't quite turn out as perfect as I had hoped...

For Samster's present I wanted to sew her a drawstring princess pouch with some princess pajama pants as well. (I was so excited for the awesome alliteration that post title would have) but do to my zombie haze neither of the usually easy projects came out very well. Take a look...

At first glance looks like the perfect little princess Valentine's gift right??
But let's take at look at that drawstring backpack...Yeahhh, when I tried it on my 6'4" husband the straps were even big on him. By the time she fills it with her dolls it's going to drag on the floor behind her.

And those pants? Pretty darn good looking right?Until you see the barbie sized waistband...Sigh. I suppose this is what happens when you sew with a hangover & sleep deprivation. Oh well, thank goodness I have a giant pile of would-be projects in my craft room. I think I'll whip up some hooded kitty cat towels for the girls during naptime today...

Did you make anything for Valentine's Day??

Please do not copy & paste any of my content without prior permission, pictures of Samster & Sophie are strictly prohibited. Links to my post however are always welcome!


  1. Aww, I know how you feel with a baby that won't sleep, only mine just won't sleep without a nipple in her mouth constantly. I've become a human pacifier at night and that means I can't get anything done.

    And I only wish I knew how you felt about having a hangover, as I haven't had a night out in forever (read two years, since I had my son...) Where's a black eye emoticon when you need one?

    I'm sure the towels will come out fabulous and either way, the girls will love them. :)

  2. you are hilarious!!! ahahahahahaha....and no I didn't make anything for V-day!

  3. those are too funny. I made some last minute valentine dresses for my twins, a pink and a purple dress, with hearts and pictures of themselves, saying you are my sunshine on one and you make me happy on the other - quite happy with them (don't want to rub it in though...)
    Hope she'll sleep better soon

  4. Check Sophie for ear infection if you haven't lately. It will ruin a good night's sleep every time.

  5. You could always cut the backpack straps and then re-tie them in a cute fashion so there's a bow on each of samster's shoulders? But I don't know....your sleep-deprived and hungover crafting skills are better than my fully rested and sober ones will ever be. I still say good on ya'!

  6. We went out on Saturday, too! And definitely paid for it yesterday. We went to sleep last night still feeling lousy. Oh, the joys of getting older - haha.

  7. That sounds like par for the course as far as my crafting hangover required! Haha!

  8. I have learned that whenever you say that your baby is sleeping well (or eating well or acting well, etc), they always switch it up on you right then!
    This is what we did for V-day...
    And I have totally called my daughter a "B" before too (only in my head, of course :)

  9. cut the pants down for Sophie??

  10. Nightmare on the sleeping! I had a baby whispered baby too and remember, regression is super common while you are sleep training. Just remain consistant and she will come back around. I don't know if you know of it but is the website and their are tons of mummies who are there to help you sort out your training and routines. Just an FYI. My baby is nearly 5 now!! eeek! But I still like to pop in because it is a sweet community x

    Love the backpack idea, may need to try that out for birthday party gifts, do you have a tutorial? x

  11. Sorry, but I had to laugh. I hope you are feeling better too! I opted for the food route, because that is just where I feel safer. We made rice krispy treats dipped into different kinds of chocolate and chocolate dipped strawberries. (yes a post is coming, but I am feeling kinda lazy)

  12. I did the same thing with the backpack straps too long. First I took a nap then I took a length of the ribbon at the bottom of the bag and gathered it to make a rosette, sewed a button in the middle and attached it to the bottom of the bag. It wasn't bad when I was all done.

  13. bahahaha I had to laugh because the day after I made a post about how Olivia was such an awesome sleeper and I was so thankful she decided her new theme song was "I wanna rock and roll all ni-i-ight!" and I was running in the most specialtastic way in circles around the house with her in the baby carrier from 11pm to 2am, while patting her bum and only blinking one eye at a time or whatever other ridiculous things one does to try get one's baby to sleep.
    I'm pretty sure our babies read our blogs. And they're all like "Oh no she didn't! I'm gonna learn her one."
    For valentine's day I made heart sugar cookies and decorated them with my sister-in-law, three 3yr olds, and a 1 yr old. And of course, the person who shoved the most cookies in their mouth was... well, it was a toss up between my nursing self and my pregnant sister in law. hahaha.

  14. I did nothing for Valentine's day except make my husband come home early from work because I was a big sick mess.

    My 4 month old has stopped sleeping through the night too- I feel your pain!

  15. I'm now considering you my long lost friend. Kind of blogger stalking style. Just wanted to let you know.
