Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Samster Hiatus

This was samster last night in the ER...
We're in Florida for the week and she seems to have developed some sort of upper respiratory issue. We had to head back to Tampa the morning of our Disney trip, thank goodness she didn't know where she almost was, or was too sick to care. So, I think I need to take some time, just a week or two, to get my little family back on track without the self induced pressure of knowing that I've left the blog unattended for too long. I'm hoping that if I put it out there now then I won't feel too guilty when the days go by with no posts. Sorry to those of you who are waiting on guests posts or e-mail responses, I'm afraid they'll have to wait to.
I do have lots of projects and recipes to share, they just need to be tabled for a bit.
Also thanks for the dairy tips re: reflux, I started cutting it out of my diet on Monday and I think it might be helping! That's all for now, love you guys!

Love, Samster Mommy from my iphone

Please do not copy & paste any of my content without prior permission, pictures of Samster & Sophie are strictly prohibited. Links to my post however are always welcome!


  1. Take care of that sweet girl! We will be here when you get back.

  2. I hope she is feeling better soon. Heidi is teething at the moment and im starting to understand what people mean when they say its so hard seing their child unwell!! :(

  3. Aw, hun, that sucks! Take care of those girlies, and yourself! The blog will definitely keep.

  4. Poor little one. Hope she is better soon.

  5. so sorry to hear about the detoured trip! your followers will still be here when everyone is well and rested :)

  6. Hey, I've been reading your blog in secret for awhile, so I thought I'd come out of the closet now! I really enjoy reading it, and I hope you know that your writing is relevant and important to all kinds of women.

    Sorry to hear about your little one. :-( My niece has really awful reflux, and my sister cut out dairy, soy, and wheat, which solved the problem.

    Take care.

  7. Oh that poor sweet face! :( Makes me so sad! little princesses should never have to go to the ER especially when they should be at Disney!

    I'm sure I speak for the majority of your loyal readers when I say - take all the time you need - we will be here when you get back!

  8. family is number one priority so DON'T feel guilty about taking a much needed break! hope your little one starts feeling better soon.

  9. Aww, poor kiddo. I hope she gets to feeling better quick.

    As for your blog, don't you worry a bit. Take the time you need, your readers, such as myself, have been there and know the demands of life. We'll be here when you return.

    Take care of yourself too!

  10. What a bad string of luck! Hope Samster's already feeling better. Take all the time you need.

  11. Poor baby!I hope she gets to feeling well soon.I'm a fairly new reader and def. plan on sticking around no matter how spread out your post as.Your humor is wonderful and you are incredible creative.

  12. I hope Sam gets well soon. And no worries, most of us are mom's :-) we'll be here when you get back.

  13. I hope Samster is feeling better already! Don't worry about your blog; we'll see ya when you're ready! :) You just take care of yourself and your sweet family. :) M*

  14. Poor thing :( I hope she feels better soon. There is nothing worse than a sick kid, especially a sick kid on vacation :(

  15. Oh poor Sam. I hope that she feels better soon. Hopefully the weather is nice there, so when Sam does feel better she can play outside. Tampa is still nice, and there is Busch Gardens, right? (I lived there when I had my oldest daughter)

  16. Welcome to Florida... and all the nasty sickies going around right now. So sorry your little munchkin is sick; and that you had to miss Disney. Praying your sweet girl gets well quickly.

    A blog, no matter how fantastic it is, definitely keeps. You are such a wonderful mommy, and obviously have your priorities straight. I'll definitely stick around waiting on you!! ;)

  17. Oh gosh, she's too sweet snuggling her princess doll. Is that Jasmine? My baby girl's still too young for Disney Princesses, I guess I need to study them!

    I hope she feels better soon!

  18. Poor Sam. Hope she is feeling better soon.
    Also have you tried cutting out coffee. I drank coffee with my first 2 and they both had colic ( I know its not the same, but close) and I didn't drink any with my 3rd... as if by magic no colic.

  19. Precious Sam comes first! I'd be more upset to know you were blogging while having sick ones than to wait a while and know when you come back that your sweet girl is feeling better! Give her lots of cuddles :)
    Love and Blessings

  20. Do not worry. Take the time you need...your blog land friends understands...and will be here.

    Hope Sam is feeling better!You have your hands full with a baby and a sick toddler.Sending you get well thoughts, since I can't send you chicken soup with this post!

  21. Poor girl! I hope little Sam is feel better soon. Sending you encouraging thoughts and wish I could bring dinner, too, like the kind poster before me.

  22. Family comes first. You should take as much time as you need. Hope she gets feeling better quick.

  23. Hope the little one feels better soon!

  24. Hope Samster get better really soon!!
    About the reflux of your baby: I had a friend wich her son (he is now 12) had reflux when he was a baby.
    After several exams, the doctors found out that the connection between the esophagus and stomach, the pylorus, was larger than usual.
    The doctors said there was nothing to do but wait until the child was 1 year old, then things would be proportionate and reflux would stop. And so it happened!

  25. Glad you cut out dairy! It worked for us. Give it time and stick w it. So much better than drugs for any poor newbie in this world

  26. Poor baby! Hope she gets better soon. Will keep her in our thoughts and prayers.

  27. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. The blog and your followers will be here when you get back. Take care.
