Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Little Pink Monster

There's something in my house...It's the reason why it's Dec 1st & I still don't have an advent calendar finished...It's also why my husband & I had to cancel our special date to go see Michael Buble last night. We feared we'd come home to find the babysitter huddled in the corner of a dark bathroom mumbling some incoherency about the "bu-bu-buhbaby, wuh, won't, st-t-t-t-t-top CRYING!"And it's also why Daddy is cooking Mommy's yummy enchilada recipe instead of Mommy...It's my...

Don't be deceived, she's a cunning little temptress.I love my kids but they both seem to go through this awful phase where they scream their heads off EVERY SINGLE EVENING. My husband lovingly said during one of these fits that we make awesome toddlers but "bum babies". Hmph. Don't know what to say about that one, there are points where they make me want to check out their warranty.

I have heard other parents talk about this, they call it "the witching hour". I do have to give Sophie some credit though, she desperately wants to be the happiest baby on earth. Really she does. So many times she'll be screaming her head off & then she'll look up at you & smile through her red, puffy, teary eyes. "I love you guys, I swear I'm happy...I just don't know why I'm so upset?! Wahhhh!"

So that's why you haven't heard from me lately, it's also why I didn't get much sewing done over Thanksgiving. Peter & I are really the only ones who can comfort her. (or deal with the screaming) But I'm hopeful, from what I've read this phase only lasts until 3 or 4 mths & Sophie's 3 & a 1/2 months. I'm so excited to get back on the blog bandwagon, I really miss this little time for myself.

Don't feel too bad for me though, the evenings are hard but other than that we're really having a blast with our little girls. I never did show you their Halloween costumes...And Thanksgiving was so much fun...(a certain father of my children thought it'd be funny to teach Samster to give a big lick when someone asks her for a kiss. Unfortunately that neat little trick is also what she did when asked to kiss her sister for our Christmas card photo)

So here's the sewing calendar goal, I've come too far to give up now!

*Finish all pockets today
*Embroider all numbers tomorrow
*Assemble house on Friday & give Sam 3 days worth of candy to ease guilt about not having calendar ready on Dec 1st
*Take several weekend naps

Good plan.


  1. I know how you feel. I have my own little pink monster right now. She's the happiest baby during the day but as soon as the sun goes down she's screaming like a banshee. I hope Sophie is happy all day long for you soon!

  2. When my mom had my brother (15 years ago) around 6 months he screamed EVERY NIGHT at was seriously I feel your pain =/

  3. IT LASTS UNTIL 3 OR 4 MONTHS?!! You're kidding, right? I cannot do this for another 2 months. I seriously think I'm losing my mind. Why won't she stop crying??? At first I was comforted, like oh good, it happens to other people. But then you had to go and tell me it lasts until 3 or 4 months old. OH. MY. GOODNESS.

  4. there's a chart somewhere out there regarding baby crying patterns and it is supposed to be comforting in that babies peak at a certain point but after the biggest peak which is where Sophie is at, it goes down and they don't have any more big crying-amount peaks. Personally I take much more comfort in total denial as in "I don't remember nicole going through crying jags (if I close my eyes and sing happy songs super loud to block out the memories) and Olivia is totally never going to do that."
    When denial fails though there's always Grandma. She got six kids through crying jags, make that seven because we were living with my parents waiting on possession of our house while Nicole went through hers. So when it hits the fetal-position point I will eventually stop feeling bad about the idea of ditching the kids off at grandma's house and going home to drink a glass of wine. :D

    I like your plan. I should make a plan to bind my faux-chenille blanket. My hubby totally finished cutting the lines of cutting while I was running out for wipes the other day so no excuses. I think if I put in naps and candy my list will work quite nicely. Is it bad if the naps go to my three year old and the candy goes to me?

  5. aww love this post. Especially the licking picture! that would be so delightful and refreshing (not a posed family photo) as a holiday card :)

  6. I think our daughter went through that phase briefly, but I don't remember much about it. Sorry I can't be of more help. At least it's just a phase like everything else, and it will be over soon to make room for a new phase (maybe a good one)! Oh, I hate when my husband teaches the baby new things sometimes, like getting all muddy at the park.

  7. Love the last photo! I'm still smiling. PRICELESS.

  8. Love the pictures of your girls. Hopefully Sophie settles down soon. Mine screamed for the first five months. It was awful.

  9. We called it the "witchy hour" but it means exactly the same thing. I think with my first I must have sat and bounced on an exercise ball so much at dinner time that I had to learn how to eat and bounce at the same time. I also have pics of me helping my hubby with dinner while wearing C in her sling. Ahhhh. The good old days. I am going to live in the bliss of a naive new 2nd time mom and assume that my second child (due in April) is going to come out as an angel that sleeps on command, eats well and never cries. :) One can dream right?

  10. Love the photos!

    I understand the pink monster... I have a little blue monster (3months old) - but he doesn't go through it the same time or with any pattern at all just random (not even everyday) he will scream! I have to say that he is like the happiest baby EVER (my first but still) doesn't ever really cry so it is heart breaking when we go through these spells...

  11. My daughter did that 20 years ago and it drove me nuts. When my son pulled it 10 years ago, my doctor said it could be gas so I tried Mylicon and it calmed him down. If he pulled that and he had a kind of hard tummy, Mylicon was the cure. It could also be teething believe it or not. One of my sons had teeth at two months!

  12. That's the kind of monster I dont mind.
    Being a perfekt baby most of the time, you need to vent the crying at some point, just like us adult neeed to talk something like 20000 words pr day, she needs to cry...ehm....15-30 minuts pr day?! (i cant remember how much it is.) But as you write it will pass and words will come insted. like "go away mommy, go away" I hate it when my little girl want her space and shes only 2y.

  13. Have you tried gripe water? Or is there nothing to cure the poor little gal? Gripe water was a God send for us. It's amazing.

  14. thats what my daughter did too!! But seriously we were told by my sister who has 6 kids, to try the Mylicon and it worked like a charm! you cannot ever give them enough either! Hopefully it works for you :) We have gone to get them at Walmart at all hours!

  15. Lol - I hope you use that photo for your Christmas card - it's priceless!
    My little one went through the same angry phase when she was Sophie's age. The only thing that would calm her down was to swaddler her and we would sit in the bathroom, in the dark, with the fan on. But good luck - she'll be a toddler before you know it!

  16. The moby wrap saved my sanity... if you do not have one this is a great tutorial- months of being told she had colic we found out it was acid reflux- I thought breastfed babies could not have that- anyways- I wore that wrap all the time (mostly) - slept sitting up once I finally got her to sleep- was too scared to move thought the screaming might begin again.. Anyways- maybe this won't help but I could not keep it too myself- just in case it

  17. That was a great post. I know all the moms out there can agree that its something we all go through and we just have to deal with it as it comes. i love the lick too, just hope it doesnt last to long :)

  18. Oh my goodness! That picture of her licking sister's head is the cutest thing EV-er! :)

  19. Those halloween costumes are gorgeously cute!
