Sunday, December 19, 2010

Homey Holidays

And that's "homey" like comforting, warm & cozy "homey", not "yo, yo, homey don't play that way" kind of homey. In case you were confused.So Daddy is finally on vacation & I'm in full force Christmas mode. This is the first year we've stayed home for Christmas, it really is bittersweet because I won't be with my family in Florida but I get to create our own traditions that will be happy memories for Samster & Soph. I guess I really am a big girl now.

To get in the holiday spirit here a couple of little festivity nuggets if you will, that we've been doing & are going to do...
My sister Elisha gave me this awesome recipe for making the house smell amazing. I think perhaps this is what "mulling" spices is? No?

In a small pot simmer 2" water, 2 cinnamon sticks,
small handful of cloves, pinch of all spice &
squeeze of lemon juice. I also threw in a vanilla bean
because it was there & I thought it'd smell good.
I'm not so sure it made a difference.

Then I popped some pumpkin bread in the oven using this easy peasy recipe from my BFF Brooke. (I am SO not a baker, this truly is easy baking)

For crafttime this week we're going to do saltdough ornaments with this recipe & a thumbprint reindeer family like the one here. (I'll post some pics of those when they're done)

And I didn't take any pics (kicking myself) but the other night I did a test run for Christmas Eve dinner. I wanted to make some traditional Cuban dishes because that's what I grew up eating so I'm making a slow-cooked pork in mojo marinade, black beans with yellow rice & sweet platanos. Mmmm. If all goes well I post pics & the feast recipes.

Oh, and by far my favorite tradition is napping by the Christmas tree, I mean look at these guys, is that not the coziest-could just eat 'em up- thing you've ever seen?!So I need more ideas...what are some of your favorite Christmas traditions either from your childhood or ones you've created for your children???


  1. Holy cow, that is one gigantic tree! I think that'd take up half my livingroom!
    Also, that clown really threw me off. I kept trying to scroll down to keep reading and then scrolling back up to stare at the clown. It was a trying time for me.

    Hmm... Christmas traditions... well, we decorated a gingerbread house kit! And then I left my hubby with the kids for two hours and when I came back the candies had been eaten already so no picture. ): oh well, fun was had!
    I haven't actually got a lot going for Christmas this year, things are too hectic with a one month old already, never mind adding extra stuff...
    but a few other things we do have are that we do gifts on the 24th and have appetizers&snackies for supper. we start eating at 4ish and keep going all night, ohoho. Then church on the 25th and of course Christmas dinner. I am not sure which of the two suppers I like best ;) yummmm. And we also go skating or sledding with my daughter's cousins every year on New Year's Day. It's not like you're sleeping in with younger kids anyways, lol.

  2. A new one that we have started - on Christmas Eve, santa stops by early and leaves a new pair of PJ's and a new book on her bed. This way she gets excited about an early gift, we have a new book to read before bed, and Christmas morning pictures look so cute with new jammies! This is also a portable idea - that way if we aren't home we still have a tradition.

  3. I just noticed that Samster is wearing an I <3 Daddy shirt in those pictures and that just ups the "awwwwwww" factor by several more leaps.

  4. OHHH! I love those! I'm definitely going to do the Christmas pj's one, that too stinkin' cute!

  5. Sounds like great plans. I don't know if we really have our own unique traditions yet...

  6. Love those sweet pictures!!! (and LOVE the color of your Kitchen Aid!)

  7. We scour the neighborhoods for Christmas lights. All 7 of us snuggled up with our blankets and hot chocolate while Daddy drives us around! I've been doing this since I was a little girl!

  8. Awww, you just made me feel a little more festive! topic, do you have an induction cooktop? If so, where did you find your pots/pans? I have one and have only been able to find one set years ago.

  9. HAHA! I love the Homey the Clown reference!!!

  10. Yes Sassy Crafter, I am part Cuban...also a bit of Venezuelan mixed in with Italian. Nice & fiery. (:

    Beth, yes! That is induction! My range broke a few months ago and since it was too expensive to get gas in the kitchen I decided to go with induction. Several burnt meals later & I can say I've learned how to use it & luvvvvv it!

    For pans you can do the magnet test to see if they'll work. (if a magnet sticks it'll conduct the heat) I had to replace all of my pans except one. Lucky me I found a GREAT deal on a stainless steel Cuisinart set on Amazon, they probably still have it. I think the entire set (like 12 pieces) was around $200. Cuisinart also has some non-stick cookware that is stainless on the outside so that works too, it's part of their "green" line. I bought two skillets from that line and use them almost everyday.

  11. I love the idea of creating new traditions. A few we have come up with...

    Elf on the Shelf.

    On Christmas Eve day we will hide 12-15 gnomes ( cause who decorates for Christmas with gnomes- we thought something like snowmen might get too confusing.) Then throughout the day B has to find them... once she has them all she gets to open a gift!

    For our advent calender instead of putting candy or something in the pockets we put a kind action to do for someone that day. ( We are trying to teach manners ok) haha...

    Enjoy a quiet Christmas at home!

  12. Oh I love the color of your Kitchenaid! And your house looks so darn cozy. We usually make a gingerbread house every year, do the new Christmas jammies, and we set lighted luminaries all along our front walk. Enjoy your nice cozy Christmas!

  13. Every Christmas we would make sugar cookies and paint them! You can use evaporated milk, food coloring and paint brushes, and after you use the cookie cutters and place the "cut" cookies on the tray, you put them in the oven and the evaporated milk hardens with a kind of shiny look while they bake. :)

  14. As silly as it may seem, my brother and sisters and I all slept in the same room every Christmas eve. We started doing it when we were little and our parents let us sleep in their water bed (remember those!) that one special night. It is a tradition that we all cherish and have the best memories from.

  15. I read this post, and wanted to try the Christmas-house-smell recipe but I forgot all about it. I'm back today because I remembered! Heading to try it now! Thanks for the tip!

  16. Ok I see Samantha still uses a pacifier or as we call it "pepe" when she naps. My daughter is a month younger than her and it definitely makes me feel better seeing she's not the only one still using one. I have been fighting her to get her off of it but she is still so attached. Grrr. Does Sam only use it for naps?

  17. Those pics are awesome... You've been blessed with a happy family. Happy New Year!

  18. I realize you wrote this before Christmas:) but, one of our traditions is cinnamon rolls in the morning while we open gifts. I make them the night before, then pull them out of the fridge and into the oven in the morning. So delish! we recently started eating differently with less baked goods and such, anyway, I missed the smells so I also have been simmering a pot of water with lemon and cinnamon, cloves and vanilla beans throughout the day to make the house smell cozy and festive:)

    Thanks for your blog, I love reading it and getting tons of fun inspiration for decorating my home and kiddos;)
    Merry Christmas!

  19. cute new look to your blog - but I miss the list of blogs that you like - I visit yours and then go down the list - I am not sure that I could find some without your list since I don't remember the exact names. will you be putting this back? or could you email me the list of names - much appreciated!

  20. I really miss the look of your blog before you switched formats...loved it so much I was actually going to ask how to set one up that way. I find this one really difficult to read, with lots of words chopped in half and much harder to find all of your great info. Will you be changing back? Please?! Thanks, I love reading your posts!

  21. I just love everything u do for ur kids and for ur home just love it. I know my husband is Cuban to and i try and cook the dishes that he likes to eat. I haven't got the black beans down just yet still trying lol. Happy New Years. To ur family

  22. I love the new layout! Super cute! oh & I love all the pictures & the recipe to make the house smell all Christmas-y!

    I must say this & it's gonna be totally random but which mixer is that? Is it the Ice Blue one or the Martha Stewart Aqua Sky?
    I love both (well anything aqua/blue/turquoise/with pink/yellow/grey too but thats another story because its a mixer & I have been dying for one forever!
    Plus, I love your tea kettle too! I have been dying to bring some inexpensive color into my kitchen! But can't find my color tea kettle bummer! oh well I will find it.

    Ok back to your question every year one Christmas Eve they open one gift & it's usually pj's but this year I turned it up a notch & made them myself! I was so proud of myself! (I made the pj pants & got shirts from wal-mart n appliqued them.
    Next year my girls will be older I want them to go through their toys and give some away to The Salvation Army n goodwill.
    I'm organizing this year & de-cluttering so I'm hoping that when Christmas comes around I can make ornaments with them & decor.

    Happy Belated New Years & Christmas!
    Karin Marie :)

  23. Hi Karin!

    It's the Ice Blue one, I bought it years ago when Lowe's misprinted the sales price in their flyer, it was like $100. What a steal huh?

    I love your idea for having the kids donate toys at Christmastime, definitley going to remember that for next year!
