Monday, July 12, 2010

Reader donations, Banged-Up Catbirds & Big Ol' Bellies

I just figured I'd catch you up on everything at once. You don't mind do ya?

So 1st off let me introduce you to Lucky the Catbird.Lucky had the unfortunate unlucky experience of flying into our window yesterday..BUT lucky for Lucky the Catbird he flew into our window when Samster was on patrol & she immediately started yelling at him through the window. "Birdieeee! Birdieeee! Alllooooo? Tweet Tweet! Tweet Tweet!!"

P & I both came to inspect & although my dear husband swore the bird was just "chilling" in the shade of our front doorstep I told him that no able-bodied bird would hang around on a doorstep while a 2 yr-old screeched at him using unnaturally high-pitched noises.

Sure enough when I went outside he couldn't fly away, poor thing. We looked up & saw feathers stuck to the window above the door, not too hard to figure out what happened.

I tossed a dishtowel over him (which is when I discovered why they call them "Catbirds", they meow at you) & placed him in a cardboard box. After a few phone calls to Vet Emergency Clinics we got the number of "Second Chance Wildlife Rescue". What a great place, they take all sorts of injured or abandoned animals & were happy to take in our little visitor. I called today & Lucky made it through the night. He doesn't appear to have broken anything so they're hoping that he was just stunned & would be able to be released soon. Godspeed little Lucky, we're rooting for ya.

Next I thought I'd throw in a token belly pic since who knows how long little Chum Chum is going to stay in their cocoon.I'm almost 34 weeks & went to the Dr. this morning for a non-stress test. She said everything looks good & she thinks we'll be fine for making it a few more weeks. Woohoo for no bedrest! (I had bedrest with Samster, miserable ordeal. I wish that on no-one, especially no one who likes to keep busy)

And finally the best for last. Look at all these WONDERFULLY BEAUTIFUL dress up items you guys have sent me for the Tutu Drive so far!!!4 AWESOME superhero capes from McGeemommy. I swear she must a superhero to crank all these out!
Kate from Houston made the poofilicious hot pink tutu, the lovely pink & blue tutu is from Kathryn in Tennessee, I'm head over heels for the purple stuffed petal tutu from Rachel in Maryland. And last is the gorgeous purple/pink rhinestone tutu from Bonnie at the Bow Basket. (Bonnie is also giving a tutu discount in her etsy shop here!)That ADORABLE pirate hat & eyepatch? From Beth at Mama Bee Designs...So cute! (thanks for the little gift for me too Beth! Made my day.) The pink & blue stuffed tutus are from the Nelsons in Virginia, I just love that they're stuffed with felt hearts & rhinestones, so creative! And those two pink pom pom apron tutus are from Mary in Cali, beautiful!

That brings the tally to 36 dress-up items total. Hmm, 64 to go. That's a lot. I'm going to get cracking tonight on a few that I have in the works (that's my tutu factory in the bottom left of the above pics) & I know you guys have some more coming because of all the wonderful emails you've sent. Perhaps I should expand the cut-off date till the end of July? Would that help??


  1. An extension on a homework assignment is something I never say "no" to!

  2. Love the belly shot! You look great. Glad to hear that you are not going to be on bedrest! I get the privelege of having a non-stress test and ultrasound every week for the next 2-3, or until I deliver. Hang in there, not too much longer!

  3. you look fabulous!!!! I have a couple tutu's to mail you. I just need your address. Can you email it to me? postwedding08@

  4. Oh what a great idea! I looked over the details for the tutu's. I'll get on it this week and get what I can out to you. I'm going to spread the word on my blog and hopefully get more bloggers interested.

  5. just realized after seeing your pictures, I didn't put the hat in a gallon bag. sorry about that.

  6. OMG you look so cute! I looked like a blimp at 34 weeks.

  7. An extention to the end of July would be great - I'll get to work!! - Mandy,

  8. Please expand the cut off date. I know I have so much going on and really want to donate.

  9. Let's see... procrastination is my middle name. I still haven't made it into town yet to buy more tulle, yikes!

  10. Can you expand the cut off date? I'd love to attempt to make a tutu, but I'm not very crafty.

    There is an award waiting for you on my blog!!

  11. Yes, please extend to the end of July. I would love to help out and the extra week would really help. Plus, you really dont want to make 64 more yourself, do ya?! hehe!
