Monday, June 28, 2010

Polka Dot Walls

I have this image in my head that after the baby is born I'm going to reach mommy mass capacity & not have time or presence of mind to do anything besides feed mouths & clean poop. That said, I have a constant need to get everything fun or extracurricular done ASAP. Priority #1 (besides the Tutu Drive of course) is Chum Chum's nursery.

The walls are painted but I have this vision of sweet white polka dots all over the bottom half of the wall. (below the chairrail) I'm still trying to keep the gender of the baby a surprise (you hate me for it, I know) but I don't think light blue & white will give too much away. (;

The method for making perfectly spaced polka dot walls isn't necessarily complicated but it is time consuming. I used "garage sale" dot stickers to mark where my polka dots would be. By using stickers I could adjust them & not make a single mark on the wall until the whole thing looked absolutely perfect. Using a level I placed my stickers 6" apart in horizontal lines. The next line down was 6" below the first & as I kept adding lines the pattern became one dot every 6" in both horizontal & vertical directions. Pictures would probably do a much more adequate job of explaining this...When you get done with all your 6" marks you're going to want to go back & place a sticker every 3" down & 3" in, then those should be 6" apart from eachother as well. Like below...
Once I had the entire wall marked I decided to go back & use my level to make sure all the rows were evenly placed both vertically & horizontally. Yes, this took about an extra 20 minutes but if the dots were off a bit it would've driven me crazy every time I went in the room. I know my weaknesses people, crooked lines are definitely one of them.

After I felt good about my dot placement I started going back & as I peeled off the dot I carefully pressed a round sponge stamp with white acrylic paint in it's place. (I just happened to find a 1" wide round stamp at the craft store but I was also thinking that one of those envelope sealer bottles would be perfect for this, you could even fill it with paint & just squeeze a little out! Makes sense in theory at least...)

And here's a little peak of the finished product, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! One wall down, 3 to go!
Oh! And Lucy popped by to say hi. "Hi."


  1. Perfect & perfectly adorable!!!! Great job (gives me some cute ideas :)

  2. SO cute but man..that would take a while to do four walls! I think I would just do it on either one or two as accents....

  3. Love your polka-spotty walls! you must have the patience of Job : )

  4. Very clever and the wall is beautiful!

  5. That looks so sweet! I would love to do something like that in my girls room. Maybe someday.

  6. eeeeekkkkk!!!!! I love how you threw that hint in there. :)

    Very cute! Love the walls!

  7. Ha ha! I'm due with #6 in a few weeks and I feel EXACTLY the same way about getting in all my extracurricular stuff! I know all too well it's going to be nothing but nursing for a while! :) I've been sewing like a madwoman...

  8. Love Love Love it! Why is it that Polka dots just make everything cuter? Oh and BTW your hubby has been spilling the gender on the radio :) but your secret is safe with me ;)

  9. It looks so cute! Can we assume it's a boy???

  10. The walls look great. Just try not to overdo it... all that poop cleaning is tiring work! you'll need your energy. x.

  11. Wow, I would have been dizzy after a while. Looks great! I can't wait to see the finished room.

  12. Sooooo cute! I love your polka dot walls!

  13. if someone hasn't said it yet, i just read on "i am momma - hear me roar" that marshmallows are great for polka-dot stamping. just make sure you dont' eat the ones dipped in paint! here's the link:

    also, blue and white are DEFINITELY NOT giveaways to the gender. we have a blue and white room that will become a nursery as needed and we don't plan on repainting it, regardless of the gender!

  14. This is SO cute! I LOVE polka-dots, and this is so clever! Thanks for sharing!

  15. That looks grat Natasha! I am getting excited for you to have your baby! (I now only have 5 1/2 weeks until my little girl is due!)
    When is your due date again?

  16. great project (lines look perfect ;)

  17. Genius! Seriously. I never would have thought of that and it is such a great idea! I would have probably done the stencil thing or something, but this is awesome! And I am totally with you -- it would drive me batty to have crooked lines after all that work!

  18. Goodness, woman. You are a crazy person. I realize the hypocrisy in that, since we're renovating the basement, the playroom, the craft room, the nursery, Nicole's bedroom, and unexpectedly also the bathroom since there was mold. Simultaniously. Preferably by my due date. But still, I don't know that I could devote so much time to one project! So worth it though, looks beautiful! You can fly up here and do my nursery next, k? thanks! :D

  19. I Love this!! I was thinking you were going to paint over the dots and I was thinking, how do you find them to remove after? This is much better!

  20. wow!
    not sure if i could do that...make me kind dizzy think in align so much dots, but gives a fantastic look to the walls, that's for sure!!!!

  21. Beautiful!
    Like Jessica said, I probably would have painted over them and then peeled the stickers off.

  22. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!! Actually, when I first saw just the pictures, I thought you put the dots on, then rolled the whole thing, then pulled each dot off, leaving white behind it. I wonder if that would work?!?! :) Regardless, great idea!
