Thursday, May 20, 2010

Knockoff Pottery Barn

We've been married for 3 years. For the entire length of our marriage we've had a dining room with a table & no chairs.

It's because awhile back I found an awesome deal on our huge table but didn't quite think it through that such a big table would require a future purchase of 8 chairs. I also didn't realize that chairs is how they getcha, they're expensive! Although anything times 8 is going to be expensive...besides tampons I suppose.

Anyways, that's why I've had the table but no chairs for so long.

Until now...

I really loved these Seagrass ones from Pottery Barn but at that price it just wasn't gonna happen.So you can imagine my excitement when I found THESE from Target for less than $100 each!!!They look the EXACT same! Although in reality the Target one is even better because it'll be a nice blending piece between my honey colored wood floors & our dark stained table. HOORAY!!!
They also shipped in only 2 days which is totally awesome considering my entire family is coming to visit this weekend.

So here's my new DINING ROOM, I can say that now because we can actually DINE in it!
(sorry for the crappy picture, can you tell I still haven't found a replacement charger for my camera? ugh.)

Also take a look at this other dramatic makeover of the day...

And then a visit from the mobile dog groomer, which by the way is the BEST INVENTION EVER when you're a big 'ol pregnant lady with a 2 yr old.
Yes, Parker may look like some sort of mutant squirrel & Lucy's belly jowels are completely exposed but they are SO much happier when they get their summer shavedown! And so is my house, bye bye dog hair tumbleweeds...

It was a good day.


  1. LOVE those chairs... and you can't beat that price!

    However, the second before/after is just incredible. I have never given that mobile service much thought (we are pet-less) but I imagine it's wonderful!

  2. Congrats! They look gorgeous! :)

  3. That is a great find Natasha! And I was laughing so hard because in the after photo (with both dogs in picture) Lucy looks like she is in trouble. (Like the dog named Doug,from the Disney movie UP) It is such a cute face!!!!!
    Are you going to post any updated pregnancy photos soon? (BTW-I have 11 weeks left! I am so excited!)

  4. Good job on scoring a deal. I love that feeling~

  5. ah the yellow one looks depressed :(

  6. Awesome find on the chairs! Love me some Target!I'm so with ya on the dog hair tumblweeds. We have a black lab and the hair drives me crazy. We have found a groomer that does a "shedless" treatment. We have that done twice a year when her new coat comes in. Love it!

  7. Wow, I can't believe how good those chairs look! Great find!

  8. Love the chairs!! I love find good deals like that! And your dogs are just adorable. :)

  9. I love Target! I just had to comment when I saw you have a golden named Lucy. We do too! We get her a summer cut every year and it is a lifesaver. LOL about the belly jowls. Our Lucy has those, too.

    Thanks for all your wonderful tutorials. I've gotten so many good ideas from your blog!

  10. Love the chairs!! So glad you found them at Target. I wish I could shave my dogs. I'm sick of the dog hair but I can't shave a lab.

  11. yay target! bahaha...the pups kind of look embarrassed in the after photos. Probably takes them a bit to get used to their summer do. I feel so bad for our labs, we usually get them a kiddy pool for the summer time.

  12. I love the chairs and the doggy pictures... dog hair tumble weeds is such an apt discription...ugh, they drive me crazy! Too cute.

  13. Gorgeous chairs - I love PB and I love knockoffs! Your house is very pretty.

    Dogs look ready for summer.

  14. Gorgeous! What exactly is on your table? Can we see? I am still deciding what to have on my dining table and we have lived here for 5 years :-)

  15. I know the feeling.. I need new chairs, but cannot justify the expense.
    Great photos of the dogs, even if the one does look so embarassed at having been shaved.

  16. my husband and I have come to love Target furniture in our first year of marriage. We are living in an apt. and have limited funds and we've gotten some really cool pieces from Target! And, the kitty I babysit recently got her shave for the summer and I about peed my pants.

  17. The dining room looks fabulous!!! The dogs look depressed - "my dignity, she is gone." LOL

  18. LOL! Is that a sheltie? I have never seen shaved sheltie. I love the puffy tail and the ears!

  19. I love your blog! I'm so glad one of my friends linked to it from hers (!

    I wanted to let you know that the summer shave down for Golden Retrievers is actually very unhealthy for them. I used to do it, too, before I learned more about how the Golden coat works, and why they have such a coat. Goldens have a double coat. The double coat functions not only to keep them warm in the winter, but it also helps cool the body in the summer - and protects the skin from sun damage - you can view the double coat as a sort of insulation that insulates from the cold in the winter, and insulates from heat in the summer, much like a home's insulation.

    Unlike humans, dogs do not release heat through their skin - so shaving them down is not necessary. Dogs "sweat" through their pads of their feet, and also release heat via panting. Double coated breeds like Golden Retrievers were meant to work outside in all kinds of weather, and removing that coat does not make them cooler, but compromises the body's protection against the heat - by removing the insulating undercoat, more of the surface area of the body is exposed to the sun and heat, making it even more difficult for the dog to cool down. While there are legitimate reasons to shave a double coated dog (like to treat a really bad skin infection or hot spot, or if the dog's been neglected and is hopelessly matted) there is absolutely no reason (or need) for the average Golden Retriever owner to do it, but unfortunatley, not many groomers and vets explain this to clients.

    To help with the summer heat instead of shaving the coat, you can simply brush and comb regularly. You can use a shedding rake to help remove the loose and dead undercoat. Of course, a Golden Retriever should never be brushed dry, so I keep a spray bottle full of water and mist Milly before brushing her, this protects the coat!

    I hope you are not offended by this long comment! I just wanted to educate you about something you might not be aware of. I know a lot of Golden Retriever owners don't know this, and I used to be one of them. Mobile groomers are great, and so convenient! If you decide not to shave next summer just tell your groomer you want them to focus on brushing and use a coat rake to remove as much loose undercoat as possible, and trimming of the feet, sanitary area, ears and tail is totally safe and healthy to do regularly.

    I absolutely love your blog!! Those dining room chairs are fantastic - you've inspired me to tackle my dining room!

  20. Beautiful chairs I can see these ones have other style, that's perfect because I can giving other facade to my house, so I'd like to know what the material is because those chairs are perfect.

  21. I think that this photos are really beautiful, I would like to have the chance of have similar dogs, I really love the dogs, I think that the decoration of your house is really nice!
