"Remember that even though you do non-glamorous things all day long, they are important in the end. Keeping the household going and being there for everyone is a hard job. The hardest I’ve ever done and one that I take all too seriously. I’m scatter brained half the time lately, but somehow it all comes together. This point of your life, believe it or not, is easier than when they get older. Had I only known! We have 4 people going in 4 different directions most of the time. I’m letting go more and more but find that they still need me. It’s on their terms though.You still have TOTAL control over Sam and her schedule for many years to come. Enjoy this time. Come to grips with the fact that you will not look glamorous most of the time, but relish the times that you do.
Believe it or not, deep down, P appreciates all that you do and understands that looking good all the time takes a back seat to Sam and the family needs. I’m proud of you for all your crafting and blogging. It’s important to have something to call your own. You are at a great point in your life and evolving from the twenty something that just cared about herself. On date night, you don’t have to be perfect. Remember that’s a time for you and P to connect without Sam. Keep things interesting by doing something or wearing something that he’s not expecting. Just one little thing goes a long way for him to remember that you took 5 minutes from your busy day to do something for him.
Hang in there, stress less, and enjoy the ages that you are at. It’s funny because I look back and realize that I enjoyed those times, but didn’t realize it at the time. Now I don’t ever want to go back. I’m embracing each stage of life and enjoying them to the most of my ability. Life is an adventure, eat it up. Before you know it, Sam will be in high school and you will wonder where the time went!"

HI ,
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say hello , I just found your blog today , you are so crafty , hang in there with your daughter , these times can be tough , but sounds like you are making sure she is best taken care of , my daughter has a peanut allergy which can be very overwhelming daily , as well we have been going through MRI's and CAT scan with her as of late for a possible disorder , still waiting to hear , I had to take the drivers seat to get her on the joureny of discovery we are now on.
Keep strong and ask for help when you need it , I am always here if you need to vent ,
Just beachy
What a sweet email. So true as well and one of those things that they seem to have left out of my mom manual. I think it is great that you find the time to be crafty and keep up your blog. I know it keeps me sane and those days that I do find the time to put on make-up and wear something pretty have all of a sudden become so much more fun. Who knew something like mascara & lipgloss could make me smile.