I've had migraines my entire life, I could probably write a blog just about migraines but how much fun would that be to read? You'd probably leave with a headache! Anyway, since I decided to be a SAHM we had to switch to P's insurance which is otherwise known as 'THE CRAPIEST MEDICAL COVERAGE KNOWN TO MANNNNN!". Can you tell how I feel about it? One of their irrational policies is that no matter how much my Dr says I need more they will only give me 9 migraine pills per month. (imitrex) Sometimes that's enough but lately it hasn't even come close & yesterday was the day I've been dreading. The day I get a full blown migraine and have no migraine medicine to treat it. If you have migraines then you know that you can take the edge off with pain killers but unless it's actual blood vessel reducing migraine medicine you're not getting rid of that headache. Finally my DH let me take an Ambien last night at 7:30 to put me out of my misery (hence why I'm up at 5:30a) but it's still there, throbbing just enough to remind me that it's still inhabiting my brain. I did want to go ahead and post while I was feeling decent though, the house is nice and dark and quiet so I can manage but once Samster's up and the chaos starts who knows!
A couple of things I wanted to tell you yesterday...
1- Samster's poopsplosions seemed to have calmed for the moment. Because I know you just couldn't go on with your day without knowing how my daughter's bowel movements were going. (;
We started her on various probiotic supplements and I really think they're making a difference. This powder, this juice, and these straws are what we're using in addition to her usual yogurt in the morning. (FYI- if you didn't know probiotics help put the good bacteria back in your body to regulate your tummy. When you take antibiotics it not only wipes out the bad guys but also these good ones too) I bought the juice and powder at Whole Foods but got the straws as samples from the pediatrician. I wouldn't recommend buying those though, they're a bit of a pain to use.
2- Several of you sent me questions regarding the ribbons necklace I posted on Tuesday, I thought I'd post them since chances are someone else probably had the same question too.
"I was just checking out your blog and I love the J Crew necklace you made! I am thinking of making a version using pearls and black ribbon. Any advice? I was also wondering what type of beads (material-wise) you used for the one you made?" ~Erin
Hi Erin!
Pearls and black ribbon would be SO classy, I used a cheapie strand of plastic beads from JoAnn's or Michael's (can't remember) that I liked the color of. For a pearl look I would do the exact same thing, buy 2 or 3 strands of fake ones (not too small, I'd say at least 12mm beads) from the beading aisle at your craft store. For the ribbon I would go with 3/8" (or smaller if the pearls you find have a tiny opening) and personally I think black satin would look nice. (verses grossgrain)
"This is soo cute, I would love to have a good pic of the clasp end though" ~Jen
Ask and ye shall receive!
3- I have an AWESOME Fab Find Friday for you today, it's actually a tri-tutorial and fab find all in one. Incredible right? RIGHT? Lol, seriously though I'm really excited to share it so hopefully during Sam's morning nap I can finish it up.
Have a good day, it's FRIDAY!

I feel your pain. I suffer from MM (menstrual migraines). It took several years and different types of treatment for my doctor to come to that conclusion. Two weeks ago I had a monster migraine. It started as a nagging headache and by Friday afternoon it was a full-blown migraine. I missed my friend's wedding because the pain was too much. The migraine eased up Saturday but it was still making its presence known. By Monday morning, I finally felt normal. My entire weekend was ruined because of a migraine!
ReplyDeleteI currently don't take any medication. I try to manage it without meds since I don't get them that frequently anymore. I watch my diet (cause I know certain foods are triggers), I drink water 24/7 and I try to limit my alcohol intake. I also stopped taking the pill because the week of the placebo pills, I would get a migraine like clock work.
It sucks that you can only get 9 pills a month. Apparently the insurance company are idiots and don't realize or care that migraines can be debilitating.
Really, can a video with Eric Dane in it be bad?
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome. Thanks for the pic!