Thursday, January 15, 2009


I'm usually not one for making New Year's resolutions...

I don't like setting up goals for myself that I know I probably won't actually meet, but this year something is different. I think it's that having a baby has thrown Peter's and my life into utter chaos (don't get me wrong, it's blissfully wonderful chaos, but chaos nonetheless) and I think my anal retentive side is begging me for a gameplan to restore order. So what better way to kickoff a new year of getting back on track than with resolutions!

1) lose baby weight. I've got 10 lbs to go and am determined to take Sam swimming this summer which will obviously require a bathingsuit. I'd like to be able to walk past all the cute swimsuits at Nordstrom's and think about how I can find a way to buy one instead of just cringing at the thought of getting into one! (speaking of, how stinkin' cute are the new juicy bathingsuits?!)

2) be a better wife. Even though I've tried not to let it happen having a baby will inevitably put your significant other on the back burner. And although I'm sure that it will still happen from time to time I'd like to bring back the old Natasha who surprises her husband once in awhile. (:

3) start blogging. Check!

4) get Samantha on a schedule. This little 15 lb rat has turned our house upside down and inside out, this year I'm going to attempt get her into a routine. (keep in mind that words "Samantha" and "Schedule" don't even like being in the same sentence together)

5) Sew. I have an awesome vintage sewing machine from my MIL that I had restored over a year ago, I have yet to use it ):

So there they are! I'm going to LA Boxing with Sarah tomorrow and have put a schedule on the fridge for Sam's day, that along with starting this blog and I think we're off to a good start!

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