Sunday, January 18, 2009


I have to force myself to only do a quickie post tonight because I HAVE to go to bed early and have already been trolling around for crazy people from my past on Facebook for the last hour! (yes, I just now have signed up for Facebook, I know, a tad late)

So here's what I've got...

1st off, Sam was an ANGEL at the restaurant on Friday night! I'm so glad we brought her, she snuggled up in the sling and slept through the whole evening, we got home and put her right to bed, perfect right? Well, last night couldn't have been worse. She fought her naps all day and ended up passing out at 6pm, a whole hour and a half before bedtime, then she was tossing and turning ALL NIGHT LONG. Literally, every hour I'd hear her whimpering and fighting with her paci. (when she's trying to soothe herself she'll rip the paci in and out of her mouth) Peter and I have been walking, somewhat talking, zombies all day. He and Sam are already passed out in our bedroom and as soon as I post I'm off to join them. I'm even going to resist watching the season premiere of "Big Love" tonight and will watch it during Sam's nap tomorrow. So exciting!!! BTW, does anyone know how to get the first season(s) of "Big Love"? Netflix maybe? I just started watching it last season and need to get the back story.

Anyway, here's thought number two...

My best friend Brooke saw my post about resolutions, "being a better wife" in particular, and sent me this link:

This is exactly what I set out for when I made the resolution! Here's an exert...

"I came to the conclusion that most couples aren't taught how to cope with the changes and stresses of life. Instead of digging in deeper, standing together and nourishing each other, they withdraw in an attempt to nourish themselves, giving up kindness and care, handing out leftovers instead of their very best. To stop this in my own marriage, I decided to "give a bit more" and, well ... "get generous." It was not an immediate and complete understanding at first, but as I walked toward generosity, I began to reap the benefits of it - my husband's gratitude, respect and love. At that point, becoming a generous wife became a serious goal..."

Everyday they email you a "tip" on how to be a better partner that day, my friend says that sometimes they're cheesy but most of the time they're really good. I'll let you know! Having a baby (especially a "spirited" baby like Sam) is sooooo stressful on a couple, I think any little bit helps. Resolutions are moving right along, woohoo!

I did get a bit of crafting done this weekend and will post pics tomorrow. I whipped up a couple of hairbows for the Samster but I'm much more proud of the non-stick footie pajamas! Explanation tomorrow...must sleep. Wish us luck! I can't believe I'm asking for luck to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I subscribed to "The Generous Wife". I am hoping that it helps me too!
